Monday, April 27, 2020

Theatre 4: From Across the Bridge

Compose a letter to next year's Seniors.  Discuss what you took away from this year.  In particular,, talk about the opportunities that you have had, and what you did with them.  In particular, talk about what you thought would happen for you this year, and what actually did happen. Then, retrospectively, what you would like them to know about their opportunity next year.

Theatre 3: From Across the Stage

Compose a letter to next year's Theatre 3 students.  Discuss what you took away from this year.  In particular,, talk about the opportunities that you have had, and what you did with them.  Then, retrospectively, what you would like them to know about their opportunity next year.

Theatre 2: To Whom it May Concern

Compose a letter to next year's Theatre 2 Tech Students.  Discuss what you took away from this year.  In particular,, talk about the opportunities that you have had, and what you did with them.  Then, retrospectively, what you would like them to know about their opportunity next year.