Friday, October 6, 2017

SPEECH: The Next Thing

What area of Competition do you plan to compete in next?
What 3 pieces are you considering for the piece?


  1. I plan on entering storytelling. I want to do either Where the Wild Things Are, Junie B. Jones, and Ooga Ooga

  2. I plan on competing in Dramatic Interpretation. Three pieces that I am considering on doing are Wintergirls, Me Before You, and My Sister's Keeper.

  3. I am going to do storytelling.
    My three pieces are:
    1) 17 things I'm not allowed to do anymore
    2) 13 going on 30
    3)Disney movie

  4. the areas I'm going to do in the next competition is dramatic , and duo improve any I want to do CAIN
    by Lord Byron, The Father Clock by Walter Wykes, or The Unwanted by Walter Wykes.

  5. I plan on doubling in Poetry and dramatic interpretation.

    I am looking at doing Catcher In The Rye, Go ask Alice, Eleanor and Park for dramatic interp. I am leaning more towards go ask Alice. For poetry the topics I am looking at are chronic illnesses, Shel Silverstein, and Johnny Cash lyrics.

  6. Storytelling

    1. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
    2. In The Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak
    3. The Open Window by Saki

  7. Dramatic Interp/ Poetry
    1. This Side of Home - D.I.
    2. Maya Angelou - poetry
    3. Racism - poetry

  8. I plan on doing duo impromptu and humorous interpretation.The possible pieces for me to do is "Defending Your Life," or "leaving Iowa."
