Friday, October 6, 2017

Theatre 4: The Next Thing

What area of Competition do you plan to compete in next?
What 3 pieces are you considering for the piece?


  1. Dramatic Interp/ Poetry
    1. This Side of Home - D.I.
    2. Maya Angelou - poetry
    3. Racism - poetry

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  3. I’m planning on doing Dramtic Interp., and my peices that I’m considering are, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs, or On the Road by Jack Kerouac.

  4. I plan on doing dramatic interp. The pieces I want to do is
    1. Color Purple
    2. Precious
    and I am not sure for my third one.

  5. I am thinking about doubling, but I am not 100% sure. I plan on doing DI with the piece "To Kill A Mockingbird" , "Dear John" , I am not sure about a third. For poetry I am considering the topics of Women's inequality, Domestic Abuse, and for the last topic bullying.

  6. I plan on participating in DI during the next competition with the piece from "A Clockwork Orange" I created last year. Of course I would revise it first. Poetry has also intrigued me from the start, so I may double. My poetry topics would include mostly mental well being, the importance being a decent person to everyone, and how to see grey when everything is black and white.

  7. I plan on doing After Dinner Speaking. I'll be speaking at a banquet for openly gay soldiers. In addition to that, I'll be going into impromptu speaking, because I'm in speech and Theater IV.

  8. I plan on doing Poetry. I will either do a collection from Shel Silverstein, Johnny Cash lyrics, or To This Day by Shane Koyczan

  9. I am doubling for this competition, I'm doing Dramatic Interpretation and Storytelling.

    For storytelling I am considering to do "Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher, "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult, and "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.

  10. I am thinking about doing Storytelling
    1. Dr. Seuss
    2. Little Mermaid
    3. Cinderella

  11. Story telling / Poetry
    1. Diary of a wimpy kid by: Jeff Kinney
    2.Horton hears a Who by Dr. Sues
    3.For my third one I plan on possibly
    doubling and doing a piece of poetry called
    " When I First met you"

  12. 1. 9 worst breakups
    by Ian McWethy

    2.Clara's husband's
    by Laura M. Williams

    by Greg Vovos

    1. These are all humorous interpretations

  13. I plan on doing storytelling. I am going to do the story, "The Napping House", by Audry Wood

  14. I plan on doing dramatic interp and duet improv. my piece for dramatic interp is gonna be law abiding citizen.
