Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Theatre 3: Lip Sync Show Preparation

With the Lip Sync show a week away, A) what do you see as the biggest challenge ahead for your group?
B) How can this challenge be overcome?
C) What can you do to help the group improve?


  1. My group is doing 'Come As You Are?' by Nirvana. Our sketch involves suicide and I believe our biggest challenge will be portraying the abuse they are going through leading to ending it all.

    The lead will have overly expressive looks of distraught. Also the abuse needs to look seriously bad like no one in the world likes him.

    For the group I could listen to the music to know our cues for changing positions, I need to get a costume to like look or feel like a teenager.

  2. My group is doing "Come As You Are" by Nirvana. The skit basically talks about the progression of someone's depression, and how that there's always at least one person who will be there for you. So in the end, we will have a "deus ex machina" to help Frank. Our greatest challenge is the presentation, because we don't won't to offend anybody.

    This challenge can be overcome by carefully looking over how we present this skit over and over again. Also, getting feedback can also help us improve.

    I can help the group improve by staying on task an using the time that we have wisely.

  3. My group is doing "No Scrubs". The struggle we are facing is absences. We are having a tendency to be absent and miss rehearsal.

    We have coordinated that we are no longer going to be absent. We also have started to communicate better. We know what the general idea is and how we are going to make the skit relatable to the audience.
