What do you think is your strength in regards to what you have learned in the first 3 quarters of Stage Production? In other words, if called upon to help bring a production to the stage, where would your talents best serve the team? How would you rate yourself in this area (scale of 1/5) and compare it to other areas.
What is your strategy to improve in the 4th quarter?
My biggest strength is the construction aspect. I am quite certain that I can look at plans and be able to construct a set. I think that I am 4.6/5. I am pretty confidant in my ability to succeed. I am really bad at lighting and sound. There are too many buttons and it frightens me because I am a major screw up. I am able to hang lights and do lighting on the catwalk very well but the booth makes me nervous. My strategy to improve myself is to spend more time learning in the booth so I am able to be more comfortable.
ReplyDeleteI think that you are great at set construction and you have proven that you can handle being able to construct a set.
DeleteI think that my strength in regarding to what I have learned in the first 3 quarters of stage production is lights. My strength is lights because I feel more confident in what I am doing when it comes to lights and making a light show. I am better at lights then setbuilding, drawing planes, and painting. I am ok at panting and screwing in things but it is not my strenghth I still need a little work with set building. On a scale of 1 to 5 I would say it is a 3.5. My strategy to improve in the 4th quater is too work harder and too come in after school and try to work more on my strenghths and my weaknesses. I will be more confident in my strenghths and volunteer to help someone when I see them struggling at something I am good at.
ReplyDeleteYou just have to have confidence in yourself with the set building and everything and I am sure you will do great at it.
DeleteI have learned an abundance of things this school year. I have had the opportunities to work in the booth for Lip Syncs, A Christmas Story and Footloose. Specifically the sound board and how to set up a list of sound ques and how to work mics. I am beyond grateful to have been given that opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I am really good at set construction if given the task I could build a piece of the set. On a scale of 1-5 I feel like I am a 4 because there is still things for me to learn and perfect.
A way to continue my learning is by staying after school. If you stay after school you get more time to learn and experience everything firsthand. At the beginning of the year were all had the same training it was up to us to stay after and further expand our education.
My strategy for the next quarter is to do what I have been doing. And that is staying after and taking every opportunity that comes my way.
You did really well during Footloose as well as the other shows you have been in, and I'm sure you'll be an amazing thespian! I hope you run with Theater and keep on improving!
DeleteIn the first 3 quarters of Stage Production, I have learned to do several skills in planning and constructing a set. I am proficient in a few key areas, but I don't think there is any particular area I am especially good at. I feel confident specifically turning lights on and off in the booth and creating a light show, measuring wood and using the table saw, and painting set pieces. However, out of those three, its hard to choose one thing I am best at.
ReplyDeleteIn those three areas I would collectively rate myself a 4.5/5, as I feel like I can confidently do them and I am proficient in those areas, however there is always room to learn and get better. As for other skills, I do think I need improvement. For example, although I can easily pick up and use a drill, I still feel like I am not as quick with using it and it takes me a couple tries to get in the right position. Also, in drawing plans although I can draw the shapes well and usually draw to scale, it's making the calculations and changing the scale that can be a little confusing, especially when using fractions.
Ways I can improve in the 4th quarter are steps I am taking currently. I try to use the impact drill whenever possible and I'm not afraid of it, even though I'm not 100% confident in this skill. When it comes to drawing up plans, I will try to listen more and understand easier methods of making calculations when we are doing it together as a class. As for other not mentioned areas that need improvement for me, I shall always listen and watch when any learning opportunity comes up, and try to not be afraid at chances to practice these skills.
I believe that I have nothing that I would consider a strength in theater. I can perform tasks that you put in front of me but there is nothing in the set building realm that I am overly passionate about. If I had to pick something I would say that I am good at painting. I have absorbed everything that we learned but there is nothing that I love about it.
ReplyDeleteI could serve the team in which ever way they needed me. I could do the job that my team puts in front of me. I would rate my painting ability about a 4 out of 5. I think I am pretty good at it but not master of it yet. In pushing screws and assembling things I would rate myself a 3 out of 5. I can put something together and measure and cut the wood to do so. I am not as good at it as painting. I would not call that a strength. I would call it a skill that I posses the knowledge to do but not the urge to do it.
My strategy to improve this last nine weeks is to polish skills. I am going to do things that I know I am not perfect at. I will ask people who are better at these skills for help if I don't understand and practice when I have a chance. I will also try and spend a little time on the areas that I have not gotten much time on as in the booth. I spent very little time working with lights and sound. I know the basics but it seems like an area that would be good to understand in any instance. I will spend more time at the school doing work opposed to spending an hour on a job with 5 other people that doesn't need 5 people.
I think in this past quarter I feel like i became stronger with the drill. I feel so much more confidant with it, so if coach would give me three screws and say i have 15 seconds to push them, I would be able to. I also think that I'm pretty good with painting, after working with Kendall on painting the base boards for the slides. In pushing screws, I would rate myself a 4/5 because there are still some things that i can work on. With painting i would rate myself 4/5 because I can paint correctly with the roller and i can do fine detailing. I think those are my two strongest jobs compared to the rest, because I have spent more time doing those things compared to audio and lights in the booth.
ReplyDeleteFor the 4th Nine Weeks, my strategy for improving my skills I am going to take more time to actually try doing audio and sound, so I am more comfortable with those two areas.
Same I feel like I got stronger at the drill. Honestly I feel the same way as you do with how this school year has gone so far.
DeleteI think my strength, in regards to what Iv'e learned in the first 3 quarters of Stage Production, is working backstage. Whether it be building the sets, organizing, or cleaning up the backstage area. I also think I can do sound in the booth. At the beginning of the year, when we learned lights, I was really bad at it and I just couldn't understand how they worked exactly, but since being in the musical I've been working with Lori on the mics a little and I really enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to be called anywhere I would like to just stay backstage but I'm willing to learn anything just so I can expand my learning abilities and be more useful to anyone who needs help. I just don't want anything to do with the catwalk and heights in general because I'm terrified of heights but I can try. I just want to learn as much as I can about theater and I want to be able to help and or teach anyone else who wants to learn as well.
I would rate myself as a 4.5/ 5 in backstage set building because I know there's always something new to learn and something I can always get better at. In the booth for sound I would rate myself a 3/5 because I get the general idea of how to work sounds but I just started learning about it not too long ago so I'm not super confident in doing it by myself. My strategy to improving in the 4th quarter is to practice at more things and just to learn as many new things as I can. I also want to try to be more ambitious. I want to help others learn more about theater and I just want to be the best I can be.
I think that my strength that I have learned in hte forst 3 quarters is the light board. By that I mean if Coach told me to go up to the light board and told me to put certain lights on I could put them on. I choose the light board because when I got up there for the first tiem I thought the light board was hard. And by that I mean it ws going to be hard to remember and learn but once I was already taught how to use the light board it came to me.
ReplyDeleteWith this skill, I wosuld rate myself at a 4 to 4.5 because I think that I might be good but I couls still learn some stuff from Jam. If I was told to go do something else I would rate myself way more down the scale. Like, if I was told to go and help build then I would rate myself a 3 because I am still nnot confident woi the drill. If I was told to go and paint then I would rate myself at a 3.5 to 4 because I know how to paint I just sometime forget whhat I need to paint, what color I need to paint it, and what tool I need to use to paint. Along woth that I need to make sure that I also know NOT to have the paint brush wet while painting or the paint won't go on right.
My strateggy to improve this 4th quarter is I am going to make sure I get more oppurtunities to use the drill and paint rather than the light board. I definitelty need more practice to use the drill since I am not confident with it. Also, I need to make sure that I can become more confident woth the drill.
In the first three quarters of stage production, I think my best strength is lifting things,the screwdriver, and cutting. My rating for this position I'd give myself a 3.5 because I'm not perfect at it and I do still have my confused moments when unsure, but do know I've come a long way. Unlike working in the booth the building is where I'm more comfortable and can get done in a decent time. The booth I don't think I've learned to much from because its my weak spot in stage production. I feel it wasn't really taught to me in a way of remembering, for me it could have been worked on a little more.
ReplyDeleteIn the 4th quarter I plan on improving on just getting the job done and to not have to wait on someone to tell me what I should already know to do. Also, I do want to improve in the booth on spare time like after school possibly.
For my strengths in Stage Production, it would be painting, measure and cut, and lighting for a show. When I was doing lights during, "play on," it was difficult at first but the more I came for practice it got easier. These 3 things would be my best talents but I am sure if I work harder, there will be more than just those 3.
ReplyDeleteLike, screwing in screws and making a set design would not qualify as my best only because I haven't had much practice with them but I know I could if I just stayed after school, and I know that.
In these areas I would rate myself a strong 4.The other areas I would rate myself a strong 2.
What I want to improve in this 4th quarter would be practicing my less strengths and working on them.
Good job, lighting is tough! I never even considered that, but I would say that I am a 0/5 in that area. I agree that staying after school is integral to improving, but maybe there are other methods too!
DeleteFor my strength in Theater Stage Production it would have to be cutting, drilling,measuring, and painting.I feel most comfortable now at drilling and measuring. It was difficult for me at the beginning of the year to push a screw in or even measure and cut correctly, but after a while i feel like i got the hang of it.
ReplyDeleteThe thing i would feel less confident about is the booth because I feel like I wouldn't be able to memorize or comprehend everything correctly. It seems so much to me and also throughout the year I feel like I didn't get enough practice in there. I feel like i would like it more if i get more comprehension in the booth and actually try my best.
In all these areas i rate myself a 4 out of 5 and i rate myself a 3 in the booth. In this quarter I want to improve in all areas even ones I am good at.
I would agree that you have definitely improved your skills that involve drilling, measuring, and painting. The light seems like a lot to do but it really isn't. I'm not a pro at the booth but watching Brianna work in there has definitely helped me with my comfortability in there.
DeleteMy strength is exactly that; strength. I can move and carry things effectively, and push screws in quickly. Other than that I'm pretty useless at pretty much everything else due to lack of effort put in to get better. I am the least knowledgeable person in most aspects of construction and theater, and thus I lack to initiative to get things done on my own volition. I'd give myself a 1/5 overall. To get better is difficult, because it requires motivation to do so, but I will try my best to be more attentive and ready.
ReplyDeleteMy strength in regards to what I have learned in Stage Production would be working in a group and knowing how to keep the group on task in order to get the work done and correctly.
ReplyDeleteIf I was called upon to help with a production, I could really help in any area. I'm skilled in several areas, since I took the time to learn almost every skill that has been presented to us.
I would rate myself a solid 4 because I'm hardly perfect, but I do think I am an important asset in this class.
My strategy for the 4th quarter would to focus on thing to become really good at it instead of knowing a little in a whole bunch of areas. I think that would help me go further in this class and help the class as a whole.
I think my strength in regards to what I have learned in the first 3 quarters of Stage Production would be the drill. I remember the first time that I first used it, it started smoking...... It was in reverse but now I know to pay attention and calm down when using it. I can take out a screw and put one in like its nothing.
ReplyDeleteI also feel as if a classmate would ask for my help I could help them get something that they need. I could help paint I did only paint once but I did it right the first time I had did it. So if a classmate needed up to unscrew I would be there to help them or do it for them.
I would rate my self as 4/5 for the progress from the first 9 weeks to now. I would rate myself as 2/5 for volunteering. Only because I don't feel like I should volunteer for something I do not know how to do, like I'm not confident in my self . I will be more interested in the tasks I get assigned this 4th quarter.
My strengths of what i learned this school year would probably be how to build a frame. I knew how to use a drill but i didn't really understand how to build anything. It wasn't that i couldn't it was just that i didn't understand how to completely do it.
ReplyDeleteIf a classmate called on me for help i'd hope it would be for drilling in a couple screws. I'm not completely confident with the miter box and i get anxious with the light. I can completely handle putting something together though.
One way i could get better the 4th nine weeks is by jumping in more and keeping my mouth shut. I don't exactly get along with a lot of people and that can be a problem when we're trying to build as a team. Hopefully this nine weeks i can get better at a lot of things.
The thing that I have found to be my strength in the first three quarters of Theatre II is pushing in and taking out screws. This was my weakness when I started out but I've really grown into being rather good at it, most of the time.
ReplyDeleteIn this skill, I would rate myself at a 4 (on a scale of 1-5). I have trouble sometimes, but most of the time I soar through without trouble.
To improve in the 4th quarter, I will try to improve in the other skill areas I have not yet perfected, like set designing. I'm not very good at coming up with a creative idea for a working set.