Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Theatre 2: Design Challenges

Discuss the challenges you faced in trying to design a set for the 7-Door Comedy.
What are some things that you learned during (or after) the process?
How has this prepared you for future design projects?


  1. One of the challenges I face while trying to design a set for a 7-door comedy was finding a way to put in every door. There needed to be 7 working doors within a very confined space.

    Something I learned after the process was how much room there needs to be backstage. In order for it to work, the backstage area has to be at least 3 feet. My design originally only allowed two feet for backstage in some areas.

    This has prepared me for future projects in two ways. The first way it, I will always remember to pay attention to scale while drawing. While I did it most of the time drawing up the sketch, I forgot to in some places. The other way this has prepared me is by allowing me to know how much room is minimal for a backstage area. I will definitely keep this in mind for future Spring Showcase projects.

    1. Your design was good but a few flaws but at least you added backstage room.

  2. I faced many challenges trying to design a set for the 7-door comedy. One challenge I faced was not knowing what a seven door comedy is and i didnt know what the play we were building the set fot was about. I also didnt know what the set needed. I also made the doors to big and there were not to scale.

    I learned many things during and after the process. I learned that everything has to graphed to scale. I als learned that the door can not be to big or it will fall apart. I also learned that the doors haave to swing away from the set or it will take up to much space.

    This has prepared me for the future design projects in many ways. The next time i have to design something I will make sure I know all the information I need to build the project. I will also make sure I make things to scale and make sure nothing is off.

  3. A challenge that I faced was trying to brainstorm practical ways to one have a set with seven doors and two have concepts that are needed for the play.

    I learned that we could add dimension in the set and create a split level. That was something that I felt would be cool and practical but felt that would not work for the set in that location. I should trust my first plan and have drawn it out.

    I now know that we can do split levels in the lecture hall and that it would be better to add more dimension to the set.

    1. I really like how you explained how you second guessed yourself, because that happens to the best of us. You really should trust your first instinct.

  4. Some of the challenges that I faced while trying to design a set for the 7-Door Comedy was at first trying to figure out what exactly was a 7-Door Comedy. After I figured out what it was, I looked up examples of 7-Door Comedy sets. There were multiple examples of 7-Door sets that contained 7 doors and I took a mix of all of them and made them fit to our needs.

    Some things I learned were that it's okay to not know what something is as long as you take the time to figure out what it is. I also learned that you can take multiple different ideas to make them your own.

    This has prepared me for future design projects by giving me some experience from making a set design for the 7-Door Comedy. This can also help me with not just other set designs but any designs in a certain amount of space.

  5. I had several challenges on trying to create the 7 door comedy floor plan. One challenge i faced is trying to figure out how to have a backstage and have all 7 functioning doors.

    I learned that the smallest backstage could be is 3 go feet and that the doors shouldn't into the set but into backstage.

    Now i know that if we ever do draw a 7 door comedy floor plan again that the backstage should be at least 3 feet wide and the doors should open out to the backstage.

  6. A challenge that I faced while designing the set for the seven door comedy was finding room for everything. There needed to be seven working doors, backstage room, and acting space.

    I learned exactly what a seven door set was. Of course I knew that there had to be seven doors; however, I learned what the seven doors were for, and the comedic effect it brings. Additionally, I learned how to take space into consideration when designing a set.

    This has prepared me for future projects in how I will go about designing sets. I will take into consideration the space that we have available and how much space talent needs behind the set. Additionally, I now have a better understanding of set design and how important small details are in the creation of a set design.

  7. Its hard to put that many doors on walls and be able to fit it through doors. Bro

  8. One thing I struggled with was creating the drawing to scale and thinking of where to put the doors while saving space. I always struggle with centering the drawing so I just drew it on the edge of the paper. I also made each square 2 feet, so the drawing looked really small.

    I learned to turn count to boxes twice next time to make sure I know there are enough to make each box one foot. I could also remember to put a dot in the center of the paper so I can center my picture. It would overall look better and be easier to read if it was bigger and in the center.

    This helps me on future design projects because I will know where to start in order to make my picture clear next time.

  9. I faced a couple of challenges trying to create a basic idea for a ground plan for a 7-door comedy in the Lecture Hall. One of these challenges was that there was limited space in the Lecture Hall to allot space for backstage and for the main stage. It was hard to judge how much backstage was needed.

    I learned that doorways are a bit over 2 feet to 3 feet wide, not simply just 2 feet like I initially drew. I also learned that about 3 feet of space is comfortable walking space for backstage.

    This helps me in future projects, because now I know the general measurements for the Lecture Hall and I can plan out about how much space of backstage can be needed for future sets in the Lecture Hall.

  10. I didn't really know the premise or design of the play, so I just designed a set around what I thought might be funny for a seven door play. Also, I didn't include anything more than just the doors themselves, which was a mistake. I learned that it would make more sense to include how the doors are connected and whats behind them. And now that I've seen coach's design I think I should lend more space to the stage and move the doors farther apart. This is pretty important for any future project I'm going to be a part of because I can work out logical problems.

  11. Some challenges I faced was not paying attention to the measurements. I learned that you don't only have to place 7 doors around,but also measure which way and how much the doors swing out.This has prepared me for later design projects in the future by making the mistakes now then later.

  12. First off this is something that was new to me , and I have never heard of a 7 door comedy. This design wasn't complex it was just something you have to think about for a second. A challenge I face with this design was trying to find where to put 7 doors in a small spacing. I didn't really think about the little details like the backstage, walls to prevent the audience from seeing the back because I felt their was no space.

    I learned how important the spacing the actors should have during the play and backstage. Also, I learned the more detailed the scale the better it may look.

    For the future its prepared me better ideas and information I need in order to create a 7 door comedy. It give me a better idea what a 7 door comedy could look like.

    1. I agree with you when you say how the spacing is important because when you have to make sure that is still enough space for the actorrs to have room to act.

  13. One thing that I struggled with while designing my version of the set was trying to find somewhere for the seven doors to go so that it wouldn't look weird or out of place.

    Something that I learned was the more you know about a story, the easier it is to design the set. After Coach gave us the basic background of the play I was able to plan out how the seven doors could work in the small space we were given.

    It has prepared me for future design projects by not only teaching me what a 7 door comedy is, but by teaching me how to incorporate that concept in a small space. So if Coach ever decided he wanted to do a 7 door comedy in the main theatre I would know how to design it with ease because we have waaaay more space.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Some things that I faced while designing this set was first that I couldnt find space for all 7 doors. It was hard because the lecture hall is small and there was little space to put doors. The second thing was that I forgot that a set needs a backstage.

    After getting some tips I realized that the back stage is important because the doors need to open. It also matters which way the doors open which is something I did not even consider. I also forgot that the actors need to move around behind the set and have a way to get in and out. I also learned that there are a lot of measurements that you must take into consideration when making the doorways and the backstage.

    In the future I will know exactly what is needed to make a good floor plan for not only a 7-door comedy, but anything for the lecture hall. I will know to look at things like which way a door swings, because the actors space is decreased when it is into the set. I will know how to work with what space is given too

  16. There were a few challenges faced while designing the 7 door comedy. For example like making sure there's a backstage and room for it. You have to make sure there's also room for the performers. Always where the 7 doors will go they have to all coexist with each other the right way

    I realized that the door on the right side if entering the room is the door that opens up to the cafeteria. Also, that it can be used as well for the performers to go through as one of the doors.

    I now know how to design a set on graph paper. Help me if I ever decide I want to change something about a room.

    1. I almost forgot about the backstage area too.

  17. The challenging thing about designing the set for showcase would be the space. It a whole new ball part with a smaller area to build a set on. it like that because start out on an actual stage my mind automatically thinks big.
    So drawing up the ground plans was what gave me the sense of consideration of space. I didn't think about crew member being back stage. I didn't think of that because my mind was focused on fitting seven doors on the lecture hall stage. I learned that the backstage area has to be at least 3 feet.
    learning this has taught me to be space savvy, and to think out side the box more. looking at thing with as different prospective will give you more ideas with a new platform to work on. for future project I will also use the space to my advantage.

  18. Some challenges that I faced while designing a 7 door comedy was trying to figure out where to put 7 door on the set. Another challenge that I faced was scaling.

    Sometthings that I learned during this experience was that I should try and draw out everything that I can and make sure that it is better scaled and that I addd the doors in properly.

    I now know that I need to make sure that I add the doors more properly and where they hae a more secure place to go.

  19. Some challenges I faced while designing the seven door set design was not really knowing where the doors would or what they would go to. I didn't know whether to have closets or a kitchen door or front door.

    Some things I learned during the process was to not forget the backstage area on the set drawing. After the process I learned to remember to draw everything to scale.

    For the future I know to make sure to draw everything to scale and to be more creative instead of putting random things in random places.
