Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Theatre 3: Portland

Discuss your experience in this past weekend's performance competition.
       In what Area did you compete? What piece did you perform? Why did you select this piece?
       How did you do against your competition, and against your own expectations?
       Based on this experience, what strategies will you employ in order to achieve greater success     
       next time?


  1. In Portland, I competed in poetry. I did two pieces by George David Miller called Before I Read This Poem and Hunger. I selected those two pieces because I was trying to achieve a theme of perfection.

    In the first round, I felt better about my performance than I expected to. The competition in that round was not as great as in the last two rounds. In the second and third rounds, I felt a lot less confident and put a lot less effort into my performance. I did not think my piece measured up to the other ones in the room.

    In order to be more prepared for the next competition, I am going to select a piece more quickly but also be more careful about my selection. The faster I find a piece the more time I will have to work on and improve it. If I find a piece that I actually enjoy working with I will also feel more motivated to work on it. I will find something I can commit to and feel confident about so that I will put effort into it regardless of the other performers.

    1. I competed in poetry as well. I feel the same way about how the first round went too. I wasn't as nervous because the competition wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Honestly I just feel the same way you felt during competition. Though this was our first competition though so we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Someone could come in look like they don't know what there doing but the judges love it and they do fine.

  2. In Portland, i competed in poetry. I performed the piece Hell by George David Miller. I selected this piece because the piece i had originally selected was not long enough. But then Coach explained to me that it would be a really good piece. I finished dead last in competition. I honestly wasn't very surprised with my placing, because I didn't put in very much effort.

    Based on this experience, I know next time, I am definitely going to put in more effort to actually put meaning into my piece. I am going to put more movement and eye contact into my piece, because I know i have a winning piece.

    1. i don't know why it keeps posting as unknown but this is me.

    2. At least you took something away from this. You have experienced what it was like and you can be prepared for next time if you compete in poetry.

  3. In Portland, I competed in Duet Acting with Emily. Our piece was called "Tangled". We have selected this piece because 1. we procrastinated in finding a piece and 2. We didn't take it as seriously nor did we know it was that competitive.

    In the first round, it was Emily and I and some of our west creek people and the judge. The other competitors weren't in the room, so we started without them. I was comfortable with just our people anyway. When we went up there and she said "start", we started and it went by so fast. I didn't realize it was THAT fast. Toward the end, I said my line and Emily (not to throw you under the bus) forgot her line and skipped somewhere else and I said that next line and she forgot, so I said "and scene." Because that happened I did lose confidence, I just was like "if it happened once it'll happen again" and it did. Not the same thing but something like it.

    To take this competition and learn from it for next time, I would not procrastinate in finding a piece but not take the easy way out, actually do research, find a good piece that I could retell it either better or just like it. I would practice more then I did this past time. I actually do enjoy going and seeing others perform and hope next time will be better for me.

  4. At this first competiton, I competed in duet acting. My partner for this event was Tatjianna Campbell. We chose a part of Love/Sick called Where was I? We chose this one because we saw the seniors do it last year and we thought that it was cool and we could do well with it.

    We did pretty well at competion. in the first round we got a 1, in the second round we got a 5 and in the third round we got a 1. That 7 got us to break and go into the final round. In the final round we did okay. We got 5th overall. This means that we took home a medal which looks good but it wasn't really that good out of only 11 groups. It was good by competition standards but in my own head I was a little disappointed. Each round is basically a fresh start so I felt like in the finals we did pretty poorly compared to our earlier rounds. In my head I wanted to get 4th at the lowest. When we arrived and saw how many teams were competing, my standards went down a little bit. We did good for what it was but it would make me happy to do better than 5th.

    Next time in order to do better I won't procrastinate so hard. When coach told us that we had to perform in front of the class I freaked out a little bit. We didn't have a manuscript and barely anything was memorized. We crammed to get all the lines down. When we did this it took away from time that we could have been adding characterization and action. In the future I will be ambitious about memorization so I have time to perfect it opposed to just getting it right. i will have more time to bring it from good to great. The second thing I will do is not pick the easiest piece. I learned that you can only do so much with a piece. A better piece can be performed worse nd still win because the script is simply better so I will dig deeper to find something really good that I can work with more.

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  6. Lane and I competed in Duo Interp and we performed the piece The Least Offensive Play in the Whole Darn World. We chose this piece because it was in the play Crazytown and we thought it would be the best bet for us.

    Overall we broke and place 5th. Everyone who competed were really good and I surprised myself with how well we did.

    There is so much room to grow and we can only hope to become better and better. we are taking this piece to a few more comps to see what we can do with it. Our goal is to get to 3rd. We need to work on synchronization and pacing. We are going to start working on ways to have smoother transitions soon. In order be able to do this we are going to have to practice sooner rather than later.

    1. I agree I also need to work on characterization. Which I can fix by watching other characterization.

  7. At the first competition Jakiya and I competed in duet acting.We chose Anger Management by Lindsey Price. We selected our piece because it was a Shakespearean piece and to me very interesting and well written.
    Personally I think my competition was interacting more in what they was performing then my partner and I. I think our piece could have broke if we continued to practice, and got more into character.
    Next competition i'm definitely going to just go all out and just show all I got. I'm going to slow down and correctly pronounce my lines. I also will give myself different choices of the characters personality and see which one I can pull off better.
    For the upcoming competition I will look over these strategies and improve my performance .

  8. Me and my partner competed in duet acting. we entered the piece The First Fireworks by Alex Broun. We choose this piece because we knew it might be a winner for the judges and we wanted to choose a mother and daughter scene. i think i competed well by expressing my characters emotions and speaking clear about our theme. I think i also did better than alot of my competators by taking my fright and turing it into something strong.Based on my experience i can take more hand gestures and less play time. i thought the words would find there way to me, but i soon learned later that dedication and perfection come with hard work and time. before going i think i made myself nervous by convencing myself that i wasnt going to be able to do it but i overcame something i thought was impossible. i did something i was insecure about doing.

  9. Me and my partner competed in duet acting. we entered the piece The First Fireworks by Alex Broun. We choose this piece because we knew it might be a winner for the judges and we wanted to choose a mother and daughter scene. i think i competed well by expressing my characters emotions and speaking clear about our theme. I think i also did better than alot of my competators by taking my fright and turing it into something strong.Based on my experience i can take more hand gestures and less play time. i thought the words would find there way to me, but i soon learned later that dedication and perfection come with hard work and time. before going i think i made myself nervous by convencing myself that i wasnt going to be able to do it but i overcame something i thought was impossible. i did something i was insecure about doing.


  10. Me and my partner competed in duet acting. we entered the piece The First Fireworks by Alex Broun. We choose this piece because we knew it might be a winner for the judges and we wanted to choose a mother and daughter scene.
    i think i competed well by expressing my characters emotions and speaking clear about our theme. I think i also did better than alot of my competators by taking my fright and taking it into something strong.
    Based on my experience i can take more hand gestures and less play time. i thought the words would find there way to me, but i soon learned later that dedication and perfection come with hard work and time. before going i think i made myself nervous by convencing myself that i wasnt going to be able to do it but i overcame something i thought was impossible. i did something i was insecure about doing. in my next competition i would like to choose a more relatible piece

  11. Jada and I competed in Duet Acting. We performed the piece The First Fireworks by Alex Broun. We selected this piece because we didn't have a long enough piece at first and wanted to try something different. I felt like the piece was a good piece for me and Jada to do together.

    We placed 3rd in round 1 second in round 2 and 1st in round 3. I didn't think we would do better than some of the people we competed against. They were really good. I thought we were going to forget lines and not break. We ended up breaking and placing 6th place.

    Next competition I'm going to spend more time on characterizing the character. I'm going to try to get out of my comfort zone. I'm going to give the character a voice that is not the one I use everyday. For the next competition I will use these strategies to get better for my performance.

  12. Brianna and I performed in Duo Interp, we performed The Least Offensive Play in the Whole Darn World. We chose this piece because it's funny and we are doing Crazytown in a week.

    We overall took 5th, at the competition there were only two groups that were better than us but we need to work on our piece.

    Based on my experience I learned that Brianna and I need to be more crisp with our transitions and me personally I need to work on characterization. I will watch and listen to actors/actresses and how they characterize.

    1. I agree because over the amount of times that I have seen it and I noticed that certain parts and character changes could have been different and some parts were off. I think that this piece could make state.

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  14. For the Portland competition, I competed in Duet Acting. My partner was f or Duet Acting was Vanessa Wilkes. We did a piece called Tangled by Dan Fogelman. We chose this piece because we take the easy way out. We chose this piece because we also wanted to turn a Duet Acting into a story telling piece.

    I felt like I competed terrible in the first round, better in the second round, and okay in the third round. I barely knew my lines for the last scene. The second round I memorized all of my lines and we preformed more prepared. The third round I forgot some of the lines because I was nervous about what was going to happen afterwards. Based off of my own expectations I think that overall I preformed okay and that it could have been better.

    Based on my experience at the competition, I will definitely be more prepared. I will also be more experienced. I will be more prepared by looking at new pieces that I have never herd of and turning it into a piece that me and my partner can challenge ourselves. I am going to be more prepared by making sure that I memorize my lines first and then I start characterizing. I will be more experience because I would have already been to a competition and I would know what to expect.

  15. This past weekend's performance competition my area I competed in was duet acting with Kaia. Our piece we performed together was Love sick By John Cariani. We selected this piece because it had to two females in it, and that it was different from our normal life style.

    I honestly thought our piece was nothing compared to the competition. I thought we did good over all against the competition. My exceptions for Kaia and I was to not make it to the finals, but get good feedback from the judges.

    The strategies I will employ are to be more prepared with my piece and pick one I know I can put my best into. Practicing my stage setting and blocking is something that I will employ.

  16. This past weekend i did not compete in the Portland competition because i was away on a family trip.
    If I would have gone to competition i would have competed in poetry with a piece called "Hell" by George David Miller. I selected this piece because it seemed content and had a lot of meaning.
    I honestly think going into this competition in November i do not think I am gonna do my best, but i just have to try and put all my effort and thinking into it.
    The steps i will use to my best is, finding my piece and actually putting in effort everyday after school and practing it during class when I have the time.

  17. I have no idea why it says unknown but this is Sarah

  18. When competing at Portland I was in poetry. I did two pieces the first by George David Miller called Next To Nothing and the second by unknown called Have You Noticed?. The reason I picked those poems was because I wanted the audience and judges to feel uncomfortable. Now when I say uncomfortable I mean for them to be asking themselves questions like "how does she know". I wanted for them to go back to when they felt like they didn't belong or if not that then when a time someone close to them felt like that.

    In the first round I honestly wasn't as nervous as I thought I was going to be, and in the first round I scored 2nd place. When came down to the second round I was a little less confident in my self and a lot more nervous. I started to realize my piece and the way I was doing it was different than everyone else's. So I took that as it not being good, and I came in 5th place in the second round. Now with the third round I was sooo nervous people kept coming in and leaving with great performances. I realized though I would get so nervous but as soon as it was done I was relaxed. I came in 4th place in the third round.

    When next competition comes around I will be more motivated. As in I will take the time to do and go over my piece. When choosing a piece I should go over it with coach first before printing it, and making a final decision on it just in case it's not a good piece. I will take knowledge I know and have seen at this competition and use it for next competition.

  19. I competed in Duet Acting with my partner Isabella Cook we selected this piece because we only had a couple options which were: ‘Chicken Shoot” by Jennie Webb, “Spare Me” by A. Rey Pamatmat , “Anger Management “ by Lindsay Price and “Ask Any Girl” by Winifred Wolfe. And reading over these we decided that Anger Management was the best due to most people knowing about Shakespeare and his most popular works which is Romeo & Juliet and Hamlet.

    Compared to my other competition I think we did ok with are movement but we could do better with it (considering we wanted to more with a purpose).I think I did good with meeting most of my expectations for the competition like when we skip a line it wouldn’t be a really long pause we would just keep going.

    Based on this experience, what strategies will you employ in order to achieve greater success next time? Based on this experience the strategies I definitely need to be working on is not sounding like Jakiya but sounding like the character I am portraying. And also be more dramatic when the script calls for it or if you feel it needs more of pop to grab the audience again.

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