Yesterday I cut a piece of wood into 3 5 inch pieces. Something I learned about myself yesterday is that it is going to be relatively easy for me to use the power tools. With that in mind, it is going to help me out a lot when it comes to set design. I will be able to use the power tools with more ease.
I focused in the area of the light board. What I learned about my self during this process was that I can be confident in anything as long as I put my mind to it. I can use what I learned going forward by if I am ever apart of the crew then I can use what I know to start or end the show.
The area I focused on yesterday was chopping wood. I learned how to measure, mark, and chop the wood.
I learned that I need to push past the anxiety I have of something to get the job done right. Telling myself I was going to mess up caused me to actually mess up, as I couldn't focus myself completely on the task.
Going forward, I plan on making sure that I go into everything with the mindset that I can do whatever I put my mind to, even if it takes a couple of tries. Messing up is not the end of the world, as long as you take that mistake into consideration and remind yourself what not to do the next time you are assigned to the said task.
We used tape measures and marked the wood with a pencil. Then we used an angle maker to make a straight line. I measured correctly, but ended up cutting the pieces unequally when it came to me cutting the wood with the saw itself. My grandfather owns a saw similar to this, and I plan on practicing outside of class whenever I get the chance. The only way to get better at something you're not the best at is to step up and do it more.
The area I focused on yesterday was learning about the lights themselves and how to hang them on the catwalk. We did not get the oppurtunity to actually hang a light but we walked up there and got a small taste of what it would be like. I learned during that class to pay attention to detail. This was important when hanging a light up and preparing in to be hung. Going forward I will give attention to the little things because in the end they can make a big difference.
I do have a fear of heights the worst part is the stairs up to the catwalk and that the floor up there is see-through. I think that hanging a light wouldn't be hard but it is something where you have to focus because the position the light is in has a lot to do with the show.
I think I would be of more benefit to the program elsewhere. I am excited to try other things to see where my strengths lie and then I can determine where I will be most help.
I learned how to turn on the light board and the lights. One thing I learned about myself is that I actually really like working the light board. I can use this by taking my small amount of passion I already have for this,and use it to help me learn more about the light and sound boards.
Yesterday, my group focused on using the motorized saw. I learned that trying new things are scary at the beginning but usually end up beneficial. This taught me that I need to work on my confidence with trying new things. I can use this new learning to further better myself by going outside the box and trying new things instead of just doing the same things over and over again.
I focused on the light board yesterday. It's a really easy thing to learn. There aren't any complicated procedures to follow. It is just simply turn this on hit a few buttons and then lights with turn on. I learned that I'm a fast leaner and that I work well with unexpected things. When Jam taught us how to turn the house lights on I memorized it pretty fast. Then she had all of us do something with the light board of her choice. It was really easy to do even if you had paid minimal attention. I can use this learning of myself and the light board going forward by being confident in my skills. I now know that the more you participate the more you learn. So, I will continue to participate and learn all that I can learn.
Yesterday I learned to cut wood and measure it correctly. What I learned about myself yesterday is I need to learn how to not be so intimidated by the saw and I need to learn to make sure to cut all the way through the piece. Whats i can learn from this going forward is to have more confidence in myself.
Yesterday, my group and I focused on setting up the lights on the catwalk how to make sure the lights were functioning properly. In this process, I learned that the catwalk isn't as high off the ground as I thought it would be. The catwalk doesn't wobble and is highly unlikely to break. I can use the information gathered from this experience to go forward in this class by not fearing the height and safety of the catwalk while setting up the lights.
The catwalk isn't as scary once as you've been up there a few times. Do you want to pursue lighting in later years of theatre or is there something else you'd like to do?
When you say, " to make sure the lights were functioning properly." what was one way that you were able to make sure they were functioning properly?
Honestly, me too. Though I did have fun getting to interpret the script to decide what sounds fit best for Steel Magnolias last year. Hopefully we'll be able to do sound together sometime in our highschool theatre careers.
One way was to take out the bulb and make sure you put it back in correctly, then to plug it in to make sure it lit up. As for how easy it was, no. While I do not think that it would be relatively easy to hang a light on the catwalk, it would not be too hard either. It was just enough of a challenge.
The area I focused on yesterday was the lighting. The lighting wasn't as complecated as I thought it was going to be. It was alot simpilar then it looked. I am looking forward to going back up into the booth and learning more about the lights.
The thing I learned about myself is that all i have to do is watch someone do something a few times and then I will understand it and get it. I learned that when I don't think so hard about something a just do it I end up doing it right and not wrong.
I can use the learning of working the light board going foward because now if coach needs someone to turn on the house lights I know what to press and what not to press. I can also use this going foward because if we were to need to work the lights for a grade I would know how to do it and get a good grade.
Yesterday my area of focus was lighting in the catwalk. I already have experience working with lighting in this theatre but anytime I get to work in the catwalk is a pleasure. I really enjoy putting the lights up because the lights are something that can make or break a show. Putting the extra knowledge I learned yesterday to good use, I can go forth hanging lights and adjusting them for future productions
You like putting up the lights because of their importance? Does it give you a sense of power, or do you like to have control over such an important part to make sure it goes well?
The area I focused on was measuring and also cutting wood. In the process of that I learned that I have to be more focused on seeing how things are to be done,because yesterday my tape measure kinda sorta slipped away and when I got it and put it back on the wood it was kinda hard to find exactly where or how I had it on the wood originally. I can use what I learned to now know to double check for things and make sure I have everything stable for me to start measuring or whatever I'm doing later in theatre to not make it so hard on me in the middle or even during the process.
I also had a problem when it came to measuring. I did not consistently cut the wood the same length. I want to learn how to correct this error. We can learn a lot this year from coach and everyone else.
I was working on the catwalk putting lights up. We learned how to take out the lamps and how to put them back in. We also learned how to hang the lights on the bars of the catwalk correctly, and how not to hang them. Doing this, I learned about myself, that I need to actually be patient when doing things. this is because if I don't and something doesn't happen the way I want it to I'm going to get frustrated and I won't do my job correctly. That is important, because if I don't do it correctly, it could ruin everyone else's work. I can use this learning going forward by taking my time with my work, in and out of theatre. This is going to benefit me, because instead of being impatient with myself and getting frustrated, i can take my time and actually get it done the complete and right way.
Yesterday I focused on cutting wood with the chop-saw. We measured, marked, and cut our strip of wood into 3 5-inch pieces. The first day we only used the saw once with a pre-marked block, and yesterday we measured all on our own. I learned that it was actually easier than I thought it might be.
I initially thought that there was a danger with the chop-saw, like if I made one wrong move my tiny fingers would get cut off. However, I learned that it was truly not that hard to do. As I practiced cutting more blocks I grew some confidence with doing it, and wasn't as scared as I was before.
Now that I have experience with cutting wood, I can further work on honing that skill and working with the saw quicker and with more confidence. I now can move into other projects with more confidence as well, since I originally thought new things were going to be scary, but now I see that as long as I practice it can be easy. I am looking forward to the new opportunities opening up for me in the future with this new experience.
Yesterday I was in the booth. We had to learn how to turn the lights on and off. As well as, learning the corresponding light to a number.
What I learned about myself is that I need to go into a project saying that I am capable of doing that. Most of the time when I am introduced to a new thing and I have to engage in with the group I learn from a distance. in fear that I might mess up, so learning about the light board and having to learn it for myself was really fun.
I will take what I learned and apply it to everything I do. The only way to learn is to actually engage and if I mess up on something then I know what not to do and try it a different way.
Its ok to mess up, everybody does it ever once in a well.Just try to be more involved in the group and don't be afraid to ask questions because that's how you learn.
The area I focused on was cutting wood. We learned not only how to cut it, but how to measure and being exact with the cuts. We also learned all the safety tips to help us stay safe and not not cut off any of our body parts or loose clothing.
In the process, I learned that I actually didn't know as much as I thought I did. It wasn't my first time cutting using a saw table so I thought I was pretty much a pro at that point. What I never learned was the V drawing, that thing we did to measure, which was really useful. I think the number one thing I learned about myself was that just because you did something before, doesn't make you good at it. There's still so much you can learn and get better at.
I can use that learning to go forward by getting better and using it in the future if I ever wanted to build something. I can also use that learning for teaching others how to measure and cut wood and then can go on and teach others.
In conclusion, Learning how to cut and measure wood was not only fun, but it was a good learning experience and I hope to keep doing it in the future. I want to get better than I am now and use it when there's a real life crisis in the future.
How was your experience working with these tools different from your experience with other tools? Also, which tools do you prefer to use: the ones you've used in theatre or the ones you've used in personal experiences?
At the moment I think I would like to stick with building sets and the acting. I just really like the thought of being able to be independent and building things on my own without relying on someone else.
I focused on the catwalk yesterday. It was pretty fun, it wasn't that scary when I got up there. The weird thing is the only scary thing id say about it would be the stairs going down. I learned how to put the lights up and how they can twist and turn and go up and down. Oh and what nobs to tighten and which ones not to. Also, how there's a security cord just in case I forget or didn't tighten the nobs right or if it accidentally wobbles out so it doesn't fall on audience or crew members.
I learned how to over come my fear of heights. I just didn't look down that much or think about it. When I did that I was pretty good until class was over. I also learned that the lights weren't so heavy and easy for me to carry.
I can use how to tighten nobs and bolts in the future if my dad ever needs help building something for the house. I can use the saying" lefty loosey righty tighty" for anything actually like opening something to drink or eat. Also if I ever need to change a light bulb I know to use a napkin or a glove or something and not touch it with my bare hands cause of the oils on my hands can break the light.
@Vanessa Wilkes I would say yeah it was pretty fun I didn't really get to put one up or get to really tighten or anything I just saw with my eyes, Next time I would like to be more hands on.
My area of work was with lighting. We learned about the process of taking apart the PAR lights, as well as the names of the parts of the studio lights. Being on the catwalk showed how confident i can be to get a job done. I am efficient in hands on/ visual learning. To continue on with a job like that you have to be adaptive to the skill and safety precautions that comes along when handling the lights.
The area I focused on yesterday was working with the lights on the catwalk and knowing how changing a "lamp" and knowing how to hang it up on the catwalk. It was difficult but once you get the basics of it and listen and pay attention you can get the hang of it.
I learned that it is okay to touch a light if I am very careful and cautions about it. When i first saw Will do it himself the first time I thought to my self 'this is going to be hard. I don't know if I'm capable of doing it.' And turns out I did and I do. All I needed to do is listen to what is being told and ask questions if needed. When we were given a opportunity to change a lamp and knowing how to unscrew the top, I did and the light worked.
I can use this later on because if someone needs a light changed I can be able to do so. But, the hanging-up-the-light-up part still kinda confuses me but I will get the hang of it momentarily.
We focused on lighting and how to turn them on. I learned what the house lights are. I also learned that you cant do anything when the grandmasters are turned down. That is what i learned yesterday. I learned that i was ready and prepared to get started learning about how important lights are.
I believe that working with the lights is really easy and i think i could do that again if asked to do it. I can be more confident in the next activities i do even if its my first time. I can use this later on in life being more confident in myself in what i do. I believe that this has been a great thing to learn.
I focused on lights and hanging them on the catwalk. I realized that the lights were more complex than I thought. I also switched one of the bulbs. When changing the bulb, I didn't push it in all the way so the light wouldn't turn on when it was plugged in. I didn't push it in all the way because I was scared to break it or squeeze it too hard. I learned that I have to be less scared of what could happen if I do something wrong and just do what I was told with more confidence.
The second thing I learned was that the catwalk is not as great as I was expecting. I was really excited to go up there and see what it was like while hanging the lights, but once we got up there, I wanted to get down as fast as possible. I have never liked heights so I don't know what I was so excited for. As long as I did not look down and I focused on learning to hang the lights instead of focusing on where I was and how many people were around me, it was bearable.
Overall, I enjoyed learning about hanging lights. It was more complex than I expected, but still not too hard. I would be okay with working with them more in the future, minus the catwalk part.
I focused on lighting yesterday, and was able to turn on and off the lights in the studio, and in the House using the light board. I learned that there are three different ways in which you can control what light (or lights) come on. It was very interesting seeing that the light board, even though it looked complicated with all of it's buttons and dials, was very simple to operate.
One thing I learned about myself while working the light board, is that my problem-solving skills have improved. When I first sat down to begin my task, we realized that one of the lights I was assigned didn't have a lightbulb in it. Although it was a small situation, we just simply turned on another light.
One way I can use this learning going forward in life is by applying it to real-life situations. For example, using my problem-solving skills while I'm at work, will help me figure out why my deposit is off without the help of my managers or other staff. -Ebony Kittrell
Yesterday morning my area I focused on was measuring and cutting wood. At first I was really scared to go anywhere near the saw.Because it was so loud and obviously sharp I was one of those people that wanted to go last.
One thing I learned about myself in this process is that I'm able to step out my comfort zone, and try new things.Another thing I learned was how to measure wood correctly, and measure up the saw to marked line on the wood.Last by not least I learned that you can only fear, fear itself.
I can use this lesson in the future by stepping out my comfort zone, and not to let fear hold me back on a opportunity I'm welling to take. This lesson of skill is good for theatre, but it's also great for real life.
Yesterday, we learned about the lights themselves. We learned about the lamp inside, and how to replace it. We also learned about the functions of the light (the clamp, concentrating the beam, dulling the light, etc.) In the process, I learned that I need to apply more fundamental knowledge when approaching something foreign or new to me. If not for Will explaining not to touch a hot bulb because it was just powered on, I would have unknowingly burned my hand trying to unscrew it. Although this is sort of a comical weakness, I will go forward with a concentrated effort to compensate for my possible incompetence.
The last day I learned anything was in the booth. I learned how to turn on different lights in different ways. Which ones were the house lights, you can turn on several at once, turn them off at once as well. The lightboard is an intricate piece of artful machinery.
I learned that I have to pay attention to the steps followed when turning on lights or something can go wrong. There are also instructions above the lightboard should you do something wrong. Also the grandmasters must be turned all the way up or nothing will work.
I can use this learning going forward as to pay attention to details, also I will definitely need my glasses every day for this class in order to see these details. Taking mental notes will be key for me.
Yesterday I cut a piece of wood into 3 5 inch pieces. Something I learned about myself yesterday is that it is going to be relatively easy for me to use the power tools. With that in mind, it is going to help me out a lot when it comes to set design. I will be able to use the power tools with more ease.
ReplyDeleteBut was it fun learning how to cut a piece of wood though or are you just use to doing that...?
DeleteI focused in the area of the light board. What I learned about my self during this process was that I can be confident in anything as long as I put my mind to it. I can use what I learned going forward by if I am ever apart of the crew then I can use what I know to start or end the show.
ReplyDeleteWhat goal do you want to accomplish (light board wise) by the end of this class?
DeleteI want to accomplish that I can do special effect with the lights.
DeleteThe area I focused on yesterday was chopping wood. I learned how to measure, mark, and chop the wood.
ReplyDeleteI learned that I need to push past the anxiety I have of something to get the job done right. Telling myself I was going to mess up caused me to actually mess up, as I couldn't focus myself completely on the task.
Going forward, I plan on making sure that I go into everything with the mindset that I can do whatever I put my mind to, even if it takes a couple of tries. Messing up is not the end of the world, as long as you take that mistake into consideration and remind yourself what not to do the next time you are assigned to the said task.
When you measured the wood how did you know you did the exact measurement and how did you know were to mark and cut the wood?
DeleteI agree with you. Having the right mindset is important when trying new things, and messing up just helps you learn. Glad to see you're improving!
DeleteIs this something that you would do again outside of class? Let's say that the opportunity can up.
DeleteWe used tape measures and marked the wood with a pencil. Then we used an angle maker to make a straight line. I measured correctly, but ended up cutting the pieces unequally when it came to me cutting the wood with the saw itself. My grandfather owns a saw similar to this, and I plan on practicing outside of class whenever I get the chance. The only way to get better at something you're not the best at is to step up and do it more.
DeleteThe area I focused on yesterday was learning about the lights themselves and how to hang them on the catwalk. We did not get the oppurtunity to actually hang a light but we walked up there and got a small taste of what it would be like. I learned during that class to pay attention to detail. This was important when hanging a light up and preparing in to be hung. Going forward I will give attention to the little things because in the end they can make a big difference.
ReplyDeleteDid you have any fear of the height?
DeleteDo you think it'd be easy to hang a light or hard?
DeleteI do have a fear of heights the worst part is the stairs up to the catwalk and that the floor up there is see-through.
DeleteI think that hanging a light wouldn't be hard but it is something where you have to focus because the position the light is in has a lot to do with the show.
would you want to continue with the works of hanging up the lights or work with something different? Like sound board or the set design?
DeleteI think I would be of more benefit to the program elsewhere. I am excited to try other things to see where my strengths lie and then I can determine where I will be most help.
DeleteI learned how to turn on the light board and the lights. One thing I learned about myself is that I actually really like working the light board. I can use this by taking my small amount of passion I already have for this,and use it to help me learn more about the light and sound boards.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy working with lights too. What is your favorite part about working with the lights ?
DeleteMy favorite part is learning all the new and exciting ways to light up a stage and bring things to life with the light.
DeleteYesterday, my group focused on using the motorized saw. I learned that trying new things are scary at the beginning but usually end up beneficial. This taught me that I need to work on my confidence with trying new things. I can use this new learning to further better myself by going outside the box and trying new things instead of just doing the same things over and over again.
ReplyDeleteDid you have a fear with working with a saw before yesterday and last week, when we cut that block?
DeleteI was nervous about cutting the block the first time. However, yesterday I was more confident with the saw and cutting.
DeleteI focused on the light board yesterday. It's a really easy thing to learn. There aren't any complicated procedures to follow. It is just simply turn this on hit a few buttons and then lights with turn on.
ReplyDeleteI learned that I'm a fast leaner and that I work well with unexpected things. When Jam taught us how to turn the house lights on I memorized it pretty fast. Then she had all of us do something with the light board of her choice. It was really easy to do even if you had paid minimal attention.
I can use this learning of myself and the light board going forward by being confident in my skills. I now know that the more you participate the more you learn. So, I will continue to participate and learn all that I can learn.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteDo you see yourself doing this as a profession?
DeleteI think I could do this as a profession, but it would be a second choice type of thing.
DeleteYesterday I learned to cut wood and measure it correctly. What I learned about myself yesterday is I need to learn how to not be so intimidated by the saw and I need to learn to make sure to cut all the way through the piece. Whats i can learn from this going forward is to have more confidence in myself.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever used a saw before yesterday?
DeleteYes once a couple years ago. So it's been awhile since I've used one. I just gotta have more confidence:
DeleteYesterday, my group and I focused on setting up the lights on the catwalk how to make sure the lights were functioning properly. In this process, I learned that the catwalk isn't as high off the ground as I thought it would be. The catwalk doesn't wobble and is highly unlikely to break. I can use the information gathered from this experience to go forward in this class by not fearing the height and safety of the catwalk while setting up the lights.
ReplyDeleteThe catwalk isn't as scary once as you've been up there a few times. Do you want to pursue lighting in later years of theatre or is there something else you'd like to do?
DeleteIn later years of theatre, I would like to pursue acting. Working behind the scenes is enjoyable, but it is not for me. I prefer to be on the stage.
DeleteWhen you say, " to make sure the lights were functioning properly." what was one way that you were able to make sure they were functioning properly?
DeleteHonestly, me too. Though I did have fun getting to interpret the script to decide what sounds fit best for Steel Magnolias last year. Hopefully we'll be able to do sound together sometime in our highschool theatre careers.
DeleteDo you think it would be relatively easy to hang a light on the cat walk?
DeleteOne way was to take out the bulb and make sure you put it back in correctly, then to plug it in to make sure it lit up. As for how easy it was, no. While I do not think that it would be relatively easy to hang a light on the catwalk, it would not be too hard either. It was just enough of a challenge.
DeleteThe area I focused on yesterday was the lighting. The lighting wasn't as complecated as I thought it was going to be. It was alot simpilar then it looked. I am looking forward to going back up into the booth and learning more about the lights.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I learned about myself is that all i have to do is watch someone do something a few times and then I will understand it and get it. I learned that when I don't think so hard about something a just do it I end up doing it right and not wrong.
I can use the learning of working the light board going foward because now if coach needs someone to turn on the house lights I know what to press and what not to press. I can also use this going foward because if we were to need to work the lights for a grade I would know how to do it and get a good grade.
Are there a lot of different knobs and buttons that look exactly the same? I feel like that would make it really confusing.
DeleteYesterday my area of focus was lighting in the catwalk. I already have experience working with lighting in this theatre but anytime I get to work in the catwalk is a pleasure. I really enjoy putting the lights up because the lights are something that can make or break a show. Putting the extra knowledge I learned yesterday to good use, I can go forth hanging lights and adjusting them for future productions
ReplyDeleteYou like putting up the lights because of their importance? Does it give you a sense of power, or do you like to have control over such an important part to make sure it goes well?
DeleteThe area I focused on was measuring and also cutting wood. In the process of that I learned that I have to be more focused on seeing how things are to be done,because yesterday my tape measure kinda sorta slipped away and when I got it and put it back on the wood it was kinda hard to find exactly where or how I had it on the wood originally. I can use what I learned to now know to double check for things and make sure I have everything stable for me to start measuring or whatever I'm doing later in theatre to not make it so hard on me in the middle or even during the process.
ReplyDeleteI also had a problem when it came to measuring. I did not consistently cut the wood the same length. I want to learn how to correct this error. We can learn a lot this year from coach and everyone else.
DeleteMy old man used to say, "Measure twice cut once". This really helped me believe it or not because that some difference can break you.
DeleteI was working on the catwalk putting lights up. We learned how to take out the lamps and how to put them back in. We also learned how to hang the lights on the bars of the catwalk correctly, and how not to hang them.
ReplyDeleteDoing this, I learned about myself, that I need to actually be patient when doing things. this is because if I don't and something doesn't happen the way I want it to I'm going to get frustrated and I won't do my job correctly. That is important, because if I don't do it correctly, it could ruin everyone else's work.
I can use this learning going forward by taking my time with my work, in and out of theatre. This is going to benefit me, because instead of being impatient with myself and getting frustrated, i can take my time and actually get it done the complete and right way.
Was it easier than you thought it was going to be?
DeleteWhich do you think is going to more easier to you, changing out the lamps or hanging the lights up?
Deleteyes, it was easier than I expected it to be. And i think changing out the lamps is easier.
DeleteYesterday I focused on cutting wood with the chop-saw. We measured, marked, and cut our strip of wood into 3 5-inch pieces. The first day we only used the saw once with a pre-marked block, and yesterday we measured all on our own. I learned that it was actually easier than I thought it might be.
ReplyDeleteI initially thought that there was a danger with the chop-saw, like if I made one wrong move my tiny fingers would get cut off. However, I learned that it was truly not that hard to do. As I practiced cutting more blocks I grew some confidence with doing it, and wasn't as scared as I was before.
Now that I have experience with cutting wood, I can further work on honing that skill and working with the saw quicker and with more confidence. I now can move into other projects with more confidence as well, since I originally thought new things were going to be scary, but now I see that as long as I practice it can be easy. I am looking forward to the new opportunities opening up for me in the future with this new experience.
At first, I thought cutting the wood would be scary too but at least now you know that it's not as bad as you thought, and you can get better. :)
DeleteYesterday I was in the booth. We had to learn how to turn the lights on and off. As well as, learning the corresponding light to a number.
ReplyDeleteWhat I learned about myself is that I need to go into a project saying that I am capable of doing that. Most of the time when I am introduced to a new thing and I have to engage in with the group I learn from a distance. in fear that I might mess up, so learning about the light board and having to learn it for myself was really fun.
I will take what I learned and apply it to everything I do. The only way to learn is to actually engage and if I mess up on something then I know what not to do and try it a different way.
It's okay to mess up because it's part of the learning process and everyone messes up sometimes so even if you do, you won't be alone. ;)
DeleteIts ok to mess up, everybody does it ever once in a well.Just try to be more involved in the group and don't be afraid to ask questions because that's how you learn.
DeleteThe area I focused on was cutting wood. We learned not only how to cut it, but how to measure and being exact with the cuts. We also learned all the safety tips to help us stay safe and not not cut off any of our body parts or loose clothing.
ReplyDeleteIn the process, I learned that I actually didn't know as much as I thought I did. It wasn't my first time cutting using a saw table so I thought I was pretty much a pro at that point. What I never learned was the V drawing, that thing we did to measure, which was really useful. I think the number one thing I learned about myself was that just because you did something before, doesn't make you good at it. There's still so much you can learn and get better at.
I can use that learning to go forward by getting better and using it in the future if I ever wanted to build something. I can also use that learning for teaching others how to measure and cut wood and then can go on and teach others.
In conclusion, Learning how to cut and measure wood was not only fun, but it was a good learning experience and I hope to keep doing it in the future. I want to get better than I am now and use it when there's a real life crisis in the future.
It isn't as scary as you think it is after you do it a couple times.
DeleteWould you like to do a lot of building the sets and working with the tools or do you want to go on doing something else?
DeleteHow was your experience working with these tools different from your experience with other tools? Also, which tools do you prefer to use: the ones you've used in theatre or the ones you've used in personal experiences?
DeleteAt the moment I think I would like to stick with building sets and the acting. I just really like the thought of being able to be independent and building things on my own without relying on someone else.
Deleteyou could do it anything is possible.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI focused on the catwalk yesterday. It was pretty fun, it wasn't that scary when I got up there. The weird thing is the only scary thing id say about it would be the stairs going down. I learned how to put the lights up and how they can twist and turn and go up and down. Oh and what nobs to tighten and which ones not to. Also, how there's a security cord just in case I forget or didn't tighten the nobs right or if it accidentally wobbles out so it doesn't fall on audience or crew members.
ReplyDeleteI learned how to over come my fear of heights. I just didn't look down that much or think about it. When I did that I was pretty good until class was over. I also learned that the lights weren't so heavy and easy for me to carry.
I can use how to tighten nobs and bolts in the future if my dad ever needs help building something for the house. I can use the saying" lefty loosey righty tighty" for anything actually like opening something to drink or eat. Also if I ever need to change a light bulb I know to use a napkin or a glove or something and not touch it with my bare hands cause of the oils on my hands can break the light.
would you want to continue to work with the lights?
Delete@Vanessa Wilkes I would say yeah it was pretty fun I didn't really get to put one up or get to really tighten or anything I just saw with my eyes, Next time I would like to be more hands on.
DeleteMy area of work was with lighting. We learned about the process of taking apart the PAR lights, as well as the names of the parts of the studio lights. Being on the catwalk showed how confident i can be to get a job done. I am efficient in hands on/ visual learning. To continue on with a job like that you have to be adaptive to the skill and safety precautions that comes along when handling the lights.
ReplyDeleteIt looked kinda frightening seeing you guys up there, but it's a good thing you're not afraid of heights! ....right?
DeleteThe area I focused on yesterday was working with the lights on the catwalk and knowing how changing a "lamp" and knowing how to hang it up on the catwalk. It was difficult but once you get the basics of it and listen and pay attention you can get the hang of it.
ReplyDeleteI learned that it is okay to touch a light if I am very careful and cautions about it. When i first saw Will do it himself the first time I thought to my self 'this is going to be hard. I don't know if I'm capable of doing it.' And turns out I did and I do. All I needed to do is listen to what is being told and ask questions if needed. When we were given a opportunity to change a lamp and knowing how to unscrew the top, I did and the light worked.
I can use this later on because if someone needs a light changed I can be able to do so. But, the hanging-up-the-light-up part still kinda confuses me but I will get the hang of it momentarily.
When you were learning how to put the light up on the catwalk, how was it to get it in the right position on the stage while you were on the catwalk?
DeleteWe focused on lighting and how to turn them on. I learned what the house lights are. I also learned that you cant do anything when the grandmasters are turned down. That is what i learned yesterday. I learned that i was ready and prepared to get started learning about how important lights are.
ReplyDeleteI believe that working with the lights is really easy and i think i could do that again if asked to do it. I can be more confident in the next activities i do even if its my first time. I can use this later on in life being more confident in myself in what i do. I believe that this has been a great thing to learn.
I focused on lights and hanging them on the catwalk. I realized that the lights were more complex than I thought. I also switched one of the bulbs. When changing the bulb, I didn't push it in all the way so the light wouldn't turn on when it was plugged in. I didn't push it in all the way because I was scared to break it or squeeze it too hard. I learned that I have to be less scared of what could happen if I do something wrong and just do what I was told with more confidence.
ReplyDeleteThe second thing I learned was that the catwalk is not as great as I was expecting. I was really excited to go up there and see what it was like while hanging the lights, but once we got up there, I wanted to get down as fast as possible. I have never liked heights so I don't know what I was so excited for. As long as I did not look down and I focused on learning to hang the lights instead of focusing on where I was and how many people were around me, it was bearable.
Overall, I enjoyed learning about hanging lights.
It was more complex than I expected, but still not too hard. I would be okay with working with them more in the future, minus the catwalk part.
I focused on lighting yesterday, and was able to turn on and off the lights in the studio, and in the House using the light board. I learned that there are three different ways in which you can control what light (or lights) come on. It was very interesting seeing that the light board, even though it looked complicated with all of it's buttons and dials, was very simple to operate.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learned about myself while working the light board, is that my problem-solving skills have improved. When I first sat down to begin my task, we realized that one of the lights I was assigned didn't have a lightbulb in it. Although it was a small situation, we just simply turned on another light.
One way I can use this learning going forward in life is by applying it to real-life situations. For example, using my problem-solving skills while I'm at work, will help me figure out why my deposit is off without the help of my managers or other staff.
-Ebony Kittrell
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ReplyDeleteYesterday morning my area I focused on was measuring and cutting wood. At first I was really scared to go anywhere near the saw.Because it was so loud and obviously sharp I was one of those people that wanted to go last.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learned about myself in this process is that I'm able to step out my comfort zone, and try new things.Another thing I learned was how to measure wood correctly, and measure up the saw to marked line on the wood.Last by not least I learned that you can only fear, fear itself.
I can use this lesson in the future by stepping out my comfort zone, and not to let fear hold me back on a opportunity I'm welling to take. This lesson of skill is good for theatre, but it's also great for real life.
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DeleteYesterday, we learned about the lights themselves. We learned about the lamp inside, and how to replace it. We also learned about the functions of the light (the clamp, concentrating the beam, dulling the light, etc.) In the process, I learned that I need to apply more fundamental knowledge when approaching something foreign or new to me. If not for Will explaining not to touch a hot bulb because it was just powered on, I would have unknowingly burned my hand trying to unscrew it. Although this is sort of a comical weakness, I will go forward with a concentrated effort to compensate for my possible incompetence.
ReplyDeleteI have burned myself on hot bulbs before , it is extremely painful. It's good you were listening to Will.
DeleteThe last day I learned anything was in the booth. I learned how to turn on different lights in different ways. Which ones were the house lights, you can turn on several at once, turn them off at once as well. The lightboard is an intricate piece of artful machinery.
ReplyDeleteI learned that I have to pay attention to the steps followed when turning on lights or something can go wrong. There are also instructions above the lightboard should you do something wrong.
Also the grandmasters must be turned all the way up or nothing will work.
I can use this learning going forward as to pay attention to details, also I will definitely need my glasses every day for this class in order to see these details. Taking mental notes will be key for me.