Discuss 4 goals you have for the upcoming year. At least 2 should be related to this course, and at least 1 should be a goal outside of this course.
Be sure to write in paragraph form!
The first thing I want to learn this year is how to properly work with wood. A proper set is the first thing people notice when the curtains open up at showtime, so it is important. So during production time if I am in the play I will work on the set.
The second thing I would love to know is how to properly act out lines. Being a theatre class I should need to know the core concept of theatre which is acting. I will audition for all of the plays this year just so I can get better.
The final theatre skill I want to learn is directing. It is a very important skill and hopefully when I learn to take myself more seriously others will too, making me effective at my job.
A skill outside of theatre I need to know is how to manage the flaming ball of chaos that is my life. Between home and school and everything else I find it hard to have a moment of true peace. If I want to be able to juggle the stresses of daily life I need to learn how to manage one at a time.
The first goal that I have for this year is to learn how to create floor plans/blue prints for our plays. The set is often the first thing the audience notices, and because of this, it needs to set a good first impression. The first step towards the set being up in it's full glory is a blue print. Therefore, I want to learn how to do the math and use the scales to make a rough draft of what our sets will look like!
The second goal that I have for this year is to continue my education on the soundboard. I did sound for Spring Showcase in Steel Magnolias, but it was my first attempt at sound and I want to learn not only how to pick out sounds, but how to make them sound as realistic as possible using the soundboard. I plan on spending a lot of time each play studying the script and finding sounds, even if I'm not signed up for sound officially.
The third goal that I would to complete this year is how to work better as a team. I've always been kind of hard-headed and I would like to work on how to better listen to my team mates and work together to complete an assigned task. I know that a lot of Stage Production is working together with others, so I plan on interacting with my team mates as often as possible and making sure that I am taking other opinions and ideas into consideration.
The fourth, and final, goal I have for this year is to become a more organized, professional person. A big part of success in high school is pushing past procrastination and working on things ahead of time. I've always had a little bit of a struggle with this, often finding myself doing things last minute. This year, I plan on keeping track of all of my responsibilities using a planner, and making a list of things to do each day, thus making sure that I get things done at a reasonable time, and not overload myself with last minute tasks.
Working in a team is very tricky sometimes. I think the problem is that people forget to balance listening and contributing. Too much of only a single one of them is not beneficial when in a group. I personally find myself listening and not having the courage to get my ideas voiced to the group. I have been noticeably improving in this area, but I feel that Theatre class will be especially important in that change. Seeing as you seem to have the opposite of my problem, I hope we can learn from each other this year.
This year I want to be able to design a set within the required amount of time. I want to let people know they can rely on me to build what I need to build. I'm going to sign up for set design after school.
I also want to learn how to use the power tools. That will help me tremendously with designing sets. I'm going to work hard to follow the safety precautions while working with the tools.
I want to pass all of my classes this year. I do not want to go back to summer school or have to take credit recovery. I'm going to turn my work in on time.
I want people to know that they can rely on me to do my part whenever it is needed. When people know I can get my part done things will be easier for everyone. I'm going to work hard.
I also want to learn how to use the power tools. I don't have much experience with them, but I plan on working my hardest to make sure that I learn as much as I can about how to operate them.
For the upcoming year, I have four specific goals I want to accomplish. The first one is being able to work the sound board. This is important to me because it will allow me to bring the play to life. Due to this being one of the things I will make an effort to learn in class how to accomplish this goal.
My second goal for this year is to learn how to put lights on my peers. This is important because I want to let other people be able to do their best and really shine through their performance.
Another goal that I have for this year is to really focus and not procrastinate. This is really important to me because I struggle with doing my work before its due and having enough time to finish instead of just throwing it together. So knowing this I'm going to make an effort to do homework right when i get home instead of later.
The last goal that I have for this year is to be more outgoing and do things that I want to do and go after it hard. I've been wanting to be in a play but thought I wasn't good enough and i would forget my lines. So this year I'm going to audition for a play.
I struggle as well with procrastination, and I'm glad you are going to try to help yourself and improve on that! I hope your future audition goes well by the way, I know you'll do great.
My fist goal is to learn how to work the sound board. I want to learn the sound board because I want to be able to play the right sound at the right time without being told when to go every time. I plan to know how to work the sound goal by the end of this course.
The second goal is to learn how to built the set. I want to learn how to built the set because the set is one of the most important things of the show and if its not done right then everything is pushed back. I plan to know how to built a set or prop by the end of this course.
The Third goal I have is to get at least A B in all my classes this year. I want to get A B because I want to be able to go to a good college so when I'm older I can get a good job. I plan to get A/B in all my classes this year.
My fourth and final goal is to enjoy everything I do. I want to enjoy everything I do because when you enjoy things life tends to seem better and you tend to have more success. I plan to enjoy life and everything I do.
The first goal that I want to achieve this year is to be able to figure out the mental math it takes to build sets. That is important because if you know the math and can do it easily then the building will be the main focus and priority. When coach is teaching this I will pay extra attention and practice doing this alone so I get better.
The second goal I have for this year is to do some scenic design type things. I think it is cool to not only be able to build the sets but to design them visually too. This is important because it pulls the audience in and is really what captivates people into individual scenes. When opportunities to do this come my way I will take them and do them to my best ability.
The last theater related goal I have this year is to work the light board. I know it is a complex thing to learn how to do but it would be so cool to see how to do different hues and adjust lights to shine on a person just right. This is important because it sets the tone for the actors and the audience. It is also good because it keeps you in theater without the acting requirement.
Lastly I have the goal to get straight A's all year in school. I am going to try to not let them slip in between actual report cards and keep them up. This ensures that I am not only doing well in school but also paying attention. An added bonus would be that I won't have to take finals. I will apply myself heavily to make this happen.
This year in Theatre 2 I would like to learn to use the sound board. Although many other kids are interested in this area, I see it as important to lean and interesting as well. When I am given the chance, I would take the opportunity to learn as much as I can about working the sound board.
Along with that, I see using the light board as beneficial as well. Sometime in the future I may be tasked with being in the booth, so I will have to know how to use these things efficiently. Besides, it is an interesting area of work too. When I am given the opportunity, I will learn to use the light board so it can accompany me as a skill in Theater production.
Finally, for Theater I would like to pursue costume design and set design. I have an interest and knack for visual art and decoration, so arranging clothes as well as furniture on a set would be a great area for me to work in. I'll be sure to sign on any opportunity I may get to be a part of making costumes or planning the furniture on a set.
Lastly, for my overall school year I would like to be able to maintain good grades and work my way onto having a good GPA for college. Colleges are very picky nowadays because there are so many students enrolling, so it is important I have a good GPA and participate in clubs so I can attract the attention of a good college. I will try to turn in my assignments on time, watch my grade, and pursue the clubs and activities I can see myself putting to use in the future.
I am also working on keeping a high GPA for college, but do not stress out to the point your body breaks down about it, there are options and life does not end if you miss a project.
My first goal in Theatre 2 is to learn the learn how to build the set and/or design them. I feel that it draws the audience in more if the set is designed well. Along with safety for the actors on a properly built set. It also seems the hardest so I want to start that first.
My second goal in Theatre 2 is to not be so angry, and understanding, working with other people. Hopefully with people who are on the same level of passion that I am so that we get our projects done on time (preferably before the last minute)
My third goal for Theatre 2 is to learn the light and sound board. I love how the lights and sounds add to the setting, like the chocolate sauce over a sundae. I also feel that everyone will be choosing/wanting to learn that first so I would rather that be a later goal.
My last goal,is actually several wrapped in one, I want to take care of myself in and out of school. Putting my health first, then my homework and practicing, not stressing myself out but still being responsible.
One goal I have is to learn how to use the audio/sound board. We worked with them shortly in AV production last year but I never really got it. I would like to have a second chance at it in this class.
Another goal inside of this class is to audition for and be in at least one play. I was in one last year but I got sick during it and didn't get to be in the production. I want to be able to have the experience all the way through this year.
Outside of this class, I want to be more responsible about my homework in general. Last year I always waited until about 2 hours before I went to bed to start my homework and I never finished it. I want to start on it earlier and make sure I turn all of my assignments in this year. So basically focusing more on my work and grades is the goal.
Another goal is to try harder in math. I have to put forward more effort this year because I am in honors geometry. This class also includes math with very precise numbers so I will really be working with math a lot this year. I need to put more effort into it and care more than I did last year.
One goal is have for this upcoming year is to be able to build sets. Set build I feel is very important in theatre production. I plan to be perficcient in set building and design.
Lightning is another goal is have that sparks my interest. Listening to coach Silver's son talk about lighting made me see it as the foundation of theatre production. The way he described it as "turning nothing into something." Have ingredients the ability to conduct lighting, wo u like give me the same affect.
I want to be able to stretch myself, in regards to acting. Looking back at my past performances I feel that I could've done way more to fully indulge myself into the character I was portraying. I remember coach having us critique each other and ourselves in theatre 1. I have to try harder to use that constructive criticism and put it to action.
My main and most important goal is to graduate and get accepted in to a performing arts arts school. I need to choose a school that will benefit me best for my career. I will showcase my talents and put myself out there because life is an audition.
I have four main goals set for me to accomplish this year. For my first goal, I want to be able to learn the soundboard. I want to be able to help make a show amazing. So, when we do the sign ups I will sign up for soundboard.
For my second goal I want to be able to learn how to use all the tools. I want to be able to teach the people who don't know how to use it and be able to help make sets. So, once I learn the soundboard I will perfect the using the tools.
For my third goal I want to be able to get at least a B in AP Lang. It is a college level class so if I get a B it will really convince me that I'm college ready. So, I'm going to study and work hard to get a B.
For my fourth and final goal I want to apply to at least 4 colleges. I don't want to stress during my senior year i just want to relax and enjoy it. So, around January I'm going to start filling out applications and mailing them.
My first goal for Theatre 2 is being able to control the light and sound board. I want to achieve this goal, because a lot of people depend on the light and sound for many different reasons. If there comes a day during one of our plays, and the usual people that work the boards aren't there, i could be there to help.
My second goal for Theatre 2 is to be able to design and build the sets in a timely manner. This is a goal for me, because I don't really know how to build anything, so with me being able to learn how to do that, I can then learn how to do it in a quick time span, correctly. It's an important skill to learn, because sometimes we might not be able to have all the time we actually need to build the sets because of various reasons, so we'd be forced to do it last minute.
Another goal i have for Theatre 2 is being able to help my fellow classmates with something they need help in. For example, if they are doing something and they need help, and coach isn't around to help, I can help them.
My final goal is to be inducted into the Thespian Society. also to be apart of Showcase. These are important goals of mine, because i take theatre really important to me. Also I enjoy acting and almost everything that has to do with theatre.
One of my goals this is to learn how to use the sound board. I think that this will be important to know if a situation were to occur where sound was vital to a performance. Learning how to use the sound board would give me an experience that I have never had before.
Another goal that I have is to learn how to use some of the power tools that we will be required to use throughout this course. This is important to me because I believe that it is good to know how to use power tools because you never know when you might have to build and or fix something. There might be a time where you need to know how to use equipment that no one else knows how to use.
A third goal that I have is to learn how to use the sound board. This is something that I want to do because I want to know the science and the technology that goes behind this. Learning how to use the sound would be another experience that I never had before.
A goal outside of the Theatre Production class that I have is to tryout for plays this year. This is a goal that I have because I have always wanted to do this but I was afraid. After taking Theatre I last year and actually being on stage has inspired me to go back on the stage.
My first goal is to learn how to use the sound board. The sound board is important because it helps gives some dramatic effect to the play. Once coach puts out the sign up sheet I am going to sign up for the sound board.
My second goal is to learn how to use the light board. The light board is important because it the chance for people to have the spotlight. When Coach puts out the sign up sheet and I don't make it in time to sign up for the sound board then I will sign up for the light board.
My third goal is to learn how to keep track of the actors in the play. This skill is important because once you start a play you have to know where all the actors are. I am hoping to get the opportunity to do this job.
My last skill that I would like to learn is time management. I want to learn this skill because I am a slow worker and I want to learn how to use my time wisely. Hopefully coach give me the opportunity to do this job.
For this year, 1 thing I would like to learn in this course would be set design. When I was in theater 1, I've always thought the sets were so cool and I'm so glad I have the chance to learn how it's done.
Another thing I would like to learn in this course are good tips for acting. I love being on the stage and I love the rush I get from it. Sometimes I get scared and feel like giving up and dropping out but other times I just want to be on tv. I would like to get over my stage fright and not space out while I'm on stage.
Something I would like to learn outside of the course is how to work with wood. I think it would be good to just know the basics of building. Just so I can use my knowledge in the future if i were to ever need it. Also I think building is just really cool and fun.
In conclusion, I am just really excited for this year. I feel like i can finally grow even more in theater production because I get to be apart of it. I can learn and work with others that are just as passionate about theater if not more.
I would like to learn how to make scenes for plays and other school theater activity's. I feel like set construction is really important and it could be useful to the school and for personal learning on how to make things. I will make it my goal to work hard when contributing to these projects.
Secondly I would like to learn how to work the light and sound boards I find both to be cool. I think both of these instruments are very interesting and it would be great if I got to do work and learn on how to work them. I see myself doing well in this department because I think that I am good with electronic devices.
Thirdly a goal I would like to do for myself is have a better attitude towards school and work harder. I would like to drop the negative things people view about me I am mostly known as a slacker. I am going to try this year im going to change those opinions of me.
Lastly I would like to at least maintain at least a 3.0 GPA because last year I didn't do so great. Now I realize that I'm gonna be young for as long as I want to I need to try to do better for myself. I know that I can achieve my full potential in school and in the real world if I try and not goof off. High school is only for the moment but what you do in that time is up to you if you make bad decisions or follow the wrong people it could mess your life up. I shouldn't worry about making the people who are bad for me happy I should want to make me happy because its my future and only I am responsible for my future.
My first goal would be to learn how to work the sound and light board. I feel like that would be pretty cool to know what sound to use. Also where and when to point a light. What lights there are and sounds there are. Just to basically know whether or not if there's buttons or switches for everything.
I also want to be able to work makeup and costumes. I feel that would be pretty easy knowing that I wear makeup usually on a daily basis . That would be cool and new for me to be able to do that not only to myself but to others. with thee costumes I feel like a got pretty good taste in style and would be able to help others with there plays and what to wear for there characters.
A goal I want to achieve out of this course would really to be able to pass this class. At least well that's if I decided to stay.....But if I do then yea most definitely to be able to pass. Also to learn something out of this class that I could use in the future.
My last goal would be to not only pass this class but my others as well. It don't gotta be a perfect A but still at least a high b or something. I want to keep my GPA at a 3.5 or higher. I want to be able to use what i learned here in the future.
First, I'd like to learn how to work the light bored. I think lighting brings a scene to life. So I'm going to try my best to learn how to bring scenes to life.
Secondly, I'd like to learn how to make costumes. To me costumes are on of the most important parts of a character. Therefore, I want to learn how to bring a character together and fully.
thirdly, id like to learn how to be more open to people. I'm not very good with opening up to people but it's very important to. So, I'd like to try my best to open up some this year.
Lastly, I'd like to learn how to get over my stage fright. If you have stage fright then you choke up when reading your lines or singing. This year I'm going to do what I can to get over that stage fright.
The first goal that I want to achieve this year is to be able to figure out the mental math it takes to build sets. That is important because if you know the math and can do it easily then the building will be the main focus and priority. When coach is teaching this I will pay extra attention and practice doing this alone so I get better.
The second goal I have for this year is to do some scenic design type things. I think it is cool to not only be able to build the sets but to design them visually too. This is important because it pulls the audience in and is really what captivates people into individual scenes. When opportunities to do this come my way I will take them and do them to my best ability.
The last theater related goal I have this year is to work the light board. I know it is a complex thing to learn how to do but it would be so cool to see how to do different hues and adjust lights to shine on a person just right. This is important because it sets the tone for the actors and the audience. It is also good because it keeps you in theater without the acting requirement.
Lastly I have the goal to get straight A's all year in school. I am going to try to not let them slip in between actual report cards and keep them up. This ensures that I am not only doing well in school but also paying attention. An added bonus would be that I won't have to take finals. I will apply myself heavily to make this happen.
For this upcoming year I want to learn how to work the tools to build a set for the show. I think its important because the measurements mean a lot.
Another goal I want to aim for is to work on the lights. Its important to learn different types of lighting for the sets,and when to turn them on and off.
Also,another goal I want to achieve is to join the dance team and get more involved, and show school spirit.
Last but not least I want to make good grades and but the best I can in school.
First off I wanna be able to build set design and all the props for the plays. I feel like it will help me a lot. I like the way the sets look on stage and the feeling you get when people like the work you do or did.
Second off I would like to maybe try and learn the lighting and sound booth. I also like when the plays have all the sound effects and everything is on point. I like how all the lights can do different things and so with the sounds.
A goal I want to achieve this course is to try and pass the class. I gotta put my all in and try my best to keep my head up and not wait to last minute. I wanna know coach can count on me and know I'll do a good job because I'm a hard worker and I want my team mates to be able to count on me also and I can count on them.
Overall i wanna have good year with this course and learn new things and try new things that I've never tired.
In Theatre this year, I want to learn about set design and construction. I think a set is paramount in creating a cohesive production. A good-looking set can immerse the audience, or even make the actors more confident in their parts. Therefore, I will work hard to become skilled and knowledgeable in set design/construction.
Also during this course, it is my goal to prove myself as dependable and responsible. During my Theatre 1 year, I was irresponsible by not studying my lines, and making ill use of my time in class to complete assignments. I will use this experience to guide myself in the right direction this year.
A personal goal of mine this year is to make it to the end without a single zero in any class. Freshman and sophomore year I willingly blew off work due to an extreme lack of motivation and will. But I realized that I was thinking about motivation all wrong. I constantly complained about the uselessness of school without seeing the bigger picture. Going forward, I believe I have a more mature understanding of education and want to apply myself to be more successful.
A minor goal this year is for me to start thinking about my future. Of course, the present is still important, but with the way that society works, I need to be one step ahead at all times. My life after school (career, college, etc.) will become a reality sooner than I can expect, and I need to be prepared for that
My first goal for the upcoming year at West Creek High School is to know more about it. So far I've learned at least one thing each day. West Creek has really been different from my school in Nashville. I plan to successed at West Creek even though it's a big change to me.
Another goal I have for the upcoming year is to be able to work the light/sound bored during the West Creek performances. I really would enjoy learning more about how each button works.
I also would want to learn how to move the props from backstage to the stage between each scene.
One last goal I have for theature class is not to fall behind. I plan to keep up in the class, so I won't have to worry about anything last minute, because as I was listening to coach in the very beginning I understood and agreed with his perception on how he viewed the class.
My first goal to accomplish in Theater is knowing how to work lights. Only because during performances the lights will come on perfectly timed just as they do during rehearsal. The difference is during rehearsal you are kinda being told to turn on the lights and during performances you just need to know when, and I would like to focus on that this year in theater.
My second goal I would also like to accomplish is knowing how to cut, when to cut, and how much to cut while building a set. Honestly, I've never been much as a construction person but if this is what it takes to keep being in theater, then yes, I would gladly build, drill, or design.
My third theater goal I would also like to succeed this year is to help get the theater 1's in order during a performances that they are in. Like help them backstage, with their lines, and knowing what to do and not to do.
Lastly, my overall goal for this entire school year is to keep up with my academics. Along with all of my classes and even with soccer, I would like to have time for everything. Like Coach Silvers said, "...make time for yourself... even with the sports people play..." - Vanessa Wilkes
The first thing I want to learn this year is how to properly work with wood. A proper set is the first thing people notice when the curtains open up at showtime, so it is important. So during production time if I am in the play I will work on the set.
ReplyDeleteThe second thing I would love to know is how to properly act out lines. Being a theatre class I should need to know the core concept of theatre which is acting. I will audition for all of the plays this year just so I can get better.
The final theatre skill I want to learn is directing. It is a very important skill and hopefully when I learn to take myself more seriously others will too, making me effective at my job.
A skill outside of theatre I need to know is how to manage the flaming ball of chaos that is my life. Between home and school and everything else I find it hard to have a moment of true peace. If I want to be able to juggle the stresses of daily life I need to learn how to manage one at a time.
-Frank Spingler-
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DeleteI think managing your life will help with everything else as well. I think maybe you shouldn't call it a "flaming ball of chaos."
DeleteI also want to learn to work with wood. It's going to help tremendously with set design. We should work hard in theater production to accomplish that.
DeleteThe first goal that I have for this year is to learn how to create floor plans/blue prints for our plays. The set is often the first thing the audience notices, and because of this, it needs to set a good first impression. The first step towards the set being up in it's full glory is a blue print. Therefore, I want to learn how to do the math and use the scales to make a rough draft of what our sets will look like!
ReplyDeleteThe second goal that I have for this year is to continue my education on the soundboard. I did sound for Spring Showcase in Steel Magnolias, but it was my first attempt at sound and I want to learn not only how to pick out sounds, but how to make them sound as realistic as possible using the soundboard. I plan on spending a lot of time each play studying the script and finding sounds, even if I'm not signed up for sound officially.
The third goal that I would to complete this year is how to work better as a team. I've always been kind of hard-headed and I would like to work on how to better listen to my team mates and work together to complete an assigned task. I know that a lot of Stage Production is working together with others, so I plan on interacting with my team mates as often as possible and making sure that I am taking other opinions and ideas into consideration.
The fourth, and final, goal I have for this year is to become a more organized, professional person. A big part of success in high school is pushing past procrastination and working on things ahead of time. I've always had a little bit of a struggle with this, often finding myself doing things last minute. This year, I plan on keeping track of all of my responsibilities using a planner, and making a list of things to do each day, thus making sure that I get things done at a reasonable time, and not overload myself with last minute tasks.
I feel like you were a good team member in The Christmas Carol, but improving on anything is good.
DeleteWorking in a team is very tricky sometimes. I think the problem is that people forget to balance listening and contributing. Too much of only a single one of them is not beneficial when in a group. I personally find myself listening and not having the courage to get my ideas voiced to the group. I have been noticeably improving in this area, but I feel that Theatre class will be especially important in that change. Seeing as you seem to have the opposite of my problem, I hope we can learn from each other this year.
DeleteThis year I want to be able to design a set within the required amount of time. I want to let people know they can rely on me to build what I need to build. I'm going to sign up for set design after school.
ReplyDeleteI also want to learn how to use the power tools. That will help me tremendously with designing sets. I'm going to work hard to follow the safety precautions while working with the tools.
I want to pass all of my classes this year. I do not want to go back to summer school or have to take credit recovery. I'm going to turn my work in on time.
I want people to know that they can rely on me to do my part whenever it is needed. When people know I can get my part done things will be easier for everyone. I'm going to work hard.
I also want to learn how to use the power tools. I don't have much experience with them, but I plan on working my hardest to make sure that I learn as much as I can about how to operate them.
DeleteIts good to have the trait of being able to be depended on
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ReplyDeleteFor the upcoming year, I have four specific goals I want to accomplish. The first one is being able to work the sound board. This is important to me because it will allow me to bring the play to life. Due to this being one of the things I will make an effort to learn in class how to accomplish this goal.
ReplyDeleteMy second goal for this year is to learn how to put lights on my peers. This is important because I want to let other people be able to do their best and really shine through their performance.
Another goal that I have for this year is to really focus and not procrastinate. This is really important to me because I struggle with doing my work before its due and having enough time to finish instead of just throwing it together. So knowing this I'm going to make an effort to do homework right when i get home instead of later.
The last goal that I have for this year is to be more outgoing and do things that I want to do and go after it hard. I've been wanting to be in a play but thought I wasn't good enough and i would forget my lines. So this year I'm going to audition for a play.
I struggle as well with procrastination, and I'm glad you are going to try to help yourself and improve on that! I hope your future audition goes well by the way, I know you'll do great.
DeleteI'm mostly excited for the acting part but I would like to learn how to work the soundboard too so maybe we can figure it out together :D
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ReplyDeleteMy fist goal is to learn how to work the sound board. I want to learn the sound board because I want to be able to play the right sound at the right time without being told when to go every time. I plan to know how to work the sound goal by the end of this course.
ReplyDeleteThe second goal is to learn how to built the set. I want to learn how to built the set because the set is one of the most important things of the show and if its not done right then everything is pushed back. I plan to know how to built a set or prop by the end of this course.
The Third goal I have is to get at least A B in all my classes this year. I want to get A B because I want to be able to go to a good college so when I'm older I can get a good job. I plan to get A/B in all my classes this year.
My fourth and final goal is to enjoy everything I do. I want to enjoy everything I do because when you enjoy things life tends to seem better and you tend to have more success. I plan to enjoy life and everything I do.
The first goal that I want to achieve this year is to be able to figure out the mental math it takes to build sets. That is important because if you know the math and can do it easily then the building will be the main focus and priority. When coach is teaching this I will pay extra attention and practice doing this alone so I get better.
ReplyDeleteThe second goal I have for this year is to do some scenic design type things. I think it is cool to not only be able to build the sets but to design them visually too. This is important because it pulls the audience in and is really what captivates people into individual scenes. When opportunities to do this come my way I will take them and do them to my best ability.
The last theater related goal I have this year is to work the light board. I know it is a complex thing to learn how to do but it would be so cool to see how to do different hues and adjust lights to shine on a person just right. This is important because it sets the tone for the actors and the audience. It is also good because it keeps you in theater without the acting requirement.
Lastly I have the goal to get straight A's all year in school. I am going to try to not let them slip in between actual report cards and keep them up. This ensures that I am not only doing well in school but also paying attention. An added bonus would be that I won't have to take finals. I will apply myself heavily to make this happen.
I agree with the 2nd paragraph. The set and props always draw me in when I watch a play. Really cool sets make the whole play better.
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ReplyDeleteThis year in Theatre 2 I would like to learn to use the sound board. Although many other kids are interested in this area, I see it as important to lean and interesting as well. When I am given the chance, I would take the opportunity to learn as much as I can about working the sound board.
ReplyDeleteAlong with that, I see using the light board as beneficial as well. Sometime in the future I may be tasked with being in the booth, so I will have to know how to use these things efficiently. Besides, it is an interesting area of work too. When I am given the opportunity, I will learn to use the light board so it can accompany me as a skill in Theater production.
Finally, for Theater I would like to pursue costume design and set design. I have an interest and knack for visual art and decoration, so arranging clothes as well as furniture on a set would be a great area for me to work in. I'll be sure to sign on any opportunity I may get to be a part of making costumes or planning the furniture on a set.
Lastly, for my overall school year I would like to be able to maintain good grades and work my way onto having a good GPA for college. Colleges are very picky nowadays because there are so many students enrolling, so it is important I have a good GPA and participate in clubs so I can attract the attention of a good college. I will try to turn in my assignments on time, watch my grade, and pursue the clubs and activities I can see myself putting to use in the future.
I think you would be an amazing costume designer and I can't wait to see what you come up with this year.
DeleteI am also working on keeping a high GPA for college, but do not stress out to the point your body breaks down about it, there are options and life does not end if you miss a project.
DeleteMy first goal in Theatre 2 is to learn the learn how to build the set and/or design them. I feel that it draws the audience in more if the set is designed well. Along with safety for the actors on a properly built set. It also seems the hardest so I want to start that first.
ReplyDeleteMy second goal in Theatre 2 is to not be so angry, and understanding, working with other people. Hopefully with people who are on the same level of passion that I am so that we get our projects done on time (preferably before the last minute)
My third goal for Theatre 2 is to learn the light and sound board. I love how the lights and sounds add to the setting, like the chocolate sauce over a sundae. I also feel that everyone will be choosing/wanting to learn that first so I would rather that be a later goal.
My last goal,is actually several wrapped in one, I want to take care of myself in and out of school. Putting my health first, then my homework and practicing, not stressing myself out but still being responsible.
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DeleteIndie Outlaw
ReplyDeleteOne goal I have is to learn how to use the audio/sound board. We worked with them shortly in AV production last year but I never really got it. I would like to have a second chance at it in this class.
Another goal inside of this class is to audition for and be in at least one play. I was in one last year but I got sick during it and didn't get to be in the production. I want to be able to have the experience all the way through this year.
Outside of this class, I want to be more responsible about my homework in general. Last year I always waited until about 2 hours before I went to bed to start my homework and I never finished it. I want to start on it earlier and make sure I turn all of my assignments in this year. So basically focusing more on my work and grades is the goal.
Another goal is to try harder in math. I have to put forward more effort this year because I am in honors geometry. This class also includes math with very precise numbers so I will really be working with math a lot this year. I need to put more effort into it and care more than I did last year.
I didn't even think about that yea i want to be in at least one play as well this year.
DeleteOne goal is have for this upcoming year is to be able to build sets. Set build I feel is very important in theatre production. I plan to be perficcient in set building and design.
ReplyDeleteLightning is another goal is have that sparks my interest. Listening to coach Silver's son talk about lighting made me see it as the foundation of theatre production. The way he described it as "turning nothing into something." Have ingredients the ability to conduct lighting, wo u like give me the same affect.
I want to be able to stretch myself, in regards to acting. Looking back at my past performances I feel that I could've done way more to fully indulge myself into the character I was portraying. I remember coach having us critique each other and ourselves in theatre 1. I have to try harder to use that constructive criticism and put it to action.
My main and most important goal is to graduate and get accepted in to a performing arts arts school. I need to choose a school that will benefit me best for my career. I will showcase my talents and put myself out there because life is an audition.
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DeleteI also want to go to a performing arts school. If you need suggestions, I plan on going to CalArts. Juilliard is also one that I considered.
DeleteI hope you get accepted man.
DeleteI have four main goals set for me to accomplish this year. For my first goal, I want to be able to learn the soundboard. I want to be able to help make a show amazing. So, when we do the sign ups I will sign up for soundboard.
ReplyDeleteFor my second goal I want to be able to learn how to use all the tools. I want to be able to teach the people who don't know how to use it and be able to help make sets. So, once I learn the soundboard I will perfect the using the tools.
For my third goal I want to be able to get at least a B in AP Lang. It is a college level class so if I get a B it will really convince me that I'm college ready. So, I'm going to study and work hard to get a B.
For my fourth and final goal I want to apply to at least 4 colleges. I don't want to stress during my senior year i just want to relax and enjoy it. So, around January I'm going to start filling out applications and mailing them.
Any AP class is a struggle. I am taking APUSH and that it is a challenging class. That is a goal that I have as well.
DeleteMy first goal for Theatre 2 is being able to control the light and sound board. I want to achieve this goal, because a lot of people depend on the light and sound for many different reasons. If there comes a day during one of our plays, and the usual people that work the boards aren't there, i could be there to help.
ReplyDeleteMy second goal for Theatre 2 is to be able to design and build the sets in a timely manner. This is a goal for me, because I don't really know how to build anything, so with me being able to learn how to do that, I can then learn how to do it in a quick time span, correctly. It's an important skill to learn, because sometimes we might not be able to have all the time we actually need to build the sets because of various reasons, so we'd be forced to do it last minute.
Another goal i have for Theatre 2 is being able to help my fellow classmates with something they need help in. For example, if they are doing something and they need help, and coach isn't around to help, I can help them.
My final goal is to be inducted into the Thespian Society. also to be apart of Showcase. These are important goals of mine, because i take theatre really important to me. Also I enjoy acting and almost everything that has to do with theatre.
One of my goals this is to learn how to use the sound board. I think that this will be important to know if a situation were to occur where sound was vital to a performance. Learning how to use the sound board would give me an experience that I have never had before.
ReplyDeleteAnother goal that I have is to learn how to use some of the power tools that we will be required to use throughout this course. This is important to me because I believe that it is good to know how to use power tools because you never know when you might have to build and or fix something. There might be a time where you need to know how to use equipment that no one else knows how to use.
A third goal that I have is to learn how to use the sound board. This is something that I want to do because I want to know the science and the technology that goes behind this. Learning how to use the sound would be another experience that I never had before.
A goal outside of the Theatre Production class that I have is to tryout for plays this year. This is a goal that I have because I have always wanted to do this but I was afraid. After taking Theatre I last year and actually being on stage has inspired me to go back on the stage.
My first goal is to learn how to use the sound board. The sound board is important because it helps gives some dramatic effect to the play. Once coach puts out the sign up sheet I am going to sign up for the sound board.
ReplyDeleteMy second goal is to learn how to use the light board. The light board is important because it the chance for people to have the spotlight. When Coach puts out the sign up sheet and I don't make it in time to sign up for the sound board then I will sign up for the light board.
My third goal is to learn how to keep track of the actors in the play. This skill is important because once you start a play you have to know where all the actors are. I am hoping to get the opportunity to do this job.
My last skill that I would like to learn is time management. I want to learn this skill because I am a slow worker and I want to learn how to use my time wisely. Hopefully coach give me the opportunity to do this job.
For this year, 1 thing I would like to learn in this course would be set design. When I was in theater 1, I've always thought the sets were so cool and I'm so glad I have the chance to learn how it's done.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing I would like to learn in this course are good tips for acting. I love being on the stage and I love the rush I get from it. Sometimes I get scared and feel like giving up and dropping out but other times I just want to be on tv. I would like to get over my stage fright and not space out while I'm on stage.
Something I would like to learn outside of the course is how to work with wood. I think it would be good to just know the basics of building. Just so I can use my knowledge in the future if i were to ever need it. Also I think building is just really cool and fun.
In conclusion, I am just really excited for this year. I feel like i can finally grow even more in theater production because I get to be apart of it. I can learn and work with others that are just as passionate about theater if not more.
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DeleteI completely agree with you on the good tips for acting and the sets
DeleteI would like to learn how to make scenes for plays and other school theater activity's. I feel like set construction is really important and it could be useful to the school and for personal learning on how to make things. I will make it my goal to work hard when contributing to these projects.
ReplyDeleteSecondly I would like to learn how to work the light and sound boards I find both to be cool. I think both of these instruments are very interesting and it would be great if I got to do work and learn on how to work them. I see myself doing well in this department because I think that I am good with electronic devices.
Thirdly a goal I would like to do for myself is have a better attitude towards school and work harder. I would like to drop the negative things people view about me I am mostly known as a slacker. I am going to try this year im going to change those opinions of me.
Lastly I would like to at least maintain at least a 3.0 GPA because last year I didn't do so great. Now I realize that I'm gonna be young for as long as I want to I need to try to do better for myself. I know that I can achieve my full potential in school and in the real world if I try and not goof off. High school is only for the moment but what you do in that time is up to you if you make bad decisions or follow the wrong people it could mess your life up. I shouldn't worry about making the people who are bad for me happy I should want to make me happy because its my future and only I am responsible for my future.
My first goal would be to learn how to work the sound and light board. I feel like that would be pretty cool to know what sound to use. Also where and when to point a light. What lights there are and sounds there are. Just to basically know whether or not if there's buttons or switches for everything.
ReplyDeleteI also want to be able to work makeup and costumes. I feel that would be pretty easy knowing that I wear makeup usually on a daily basis . That would be cool and new for me to be able to do that not only to myself but to others. with thee costumes I feel like a got pretty good taste in style and would be able to help others with there plays and what to wear for there characters.
A goal I want to achieve out of this course would really to be able to pass this class. At least well that's if I decided to stay.....But if I do then yea most definitely to be able to pass. Also to learn something out of this class that I could use in the future.
My last goal would be to not only pass this class but my others as well. It don't gotta be a perfect A but still at least a high b or something. I want to keep my GPA at a 3.5 or higher. I want to be able to use what i learned here in the future.
I'm glad you want to pass your classes. That's a great goal to have.
DeleteFirst, I'd like to learn how to work the light bored. I think lighting brings a scene to life. So I'm going to try my best to learn how to bring scenes to life.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I'd like to learn how to make costumes. To me costumes are on of the most important parts of a character. Therefore, I want to learn how to bring a character together and fully.
thirdly, id like to learn how to be more open to people. I'm not very good with opening up to people but it's very important to. So, I'd like to try my best to open up some this year.
Lastly, I'd like to learn how to get over my stage fright. If you have stage fright then you choke up when reading your lines or singing. This year I'm going to do what I can to get over that stage fright.
~Abi Moore
The first goal that I want to achieve this year is to be able to figure out the mental math it takes to build sets. That is important because if you know the math and can do it easily then the building will be the main focus and priority. When coach is teaching this I will pay extra attention and practice doing this alone so I get better.
ReplyDeleteThe second goal I have for this year is to do some scenic design type things. I think it is cool to not only be able to build the sets but to design them visually too. This is important because it pulls the audience in and is really what captivates people into individual scenes. When opportunities to do this come my way I will take them and do them to my best ability.
The last theater related goal I have this year is to work the light board. I know it is a complex thing to learn how to do but it would be so cool to see how to do different hues and adjust lights to shine on a person just right. This is important because it sets the tone for the actors and the audience. It is also good because it keeps you in theater without the acting requirement.
Lastly I have the goal to get straight A's all year in school. I am going to try to not let them slip in between actual report cards and keep them up. This ensures that I am not only doing well in school but also paying attention. An added bonus would be that I won't have to take finals. I will apply myself heavily to make this happen.
For this upcoming year I want to learn how to work the tools to build a set for the show. I think its important because the measurements mean a lot.
ReplyDeleteAnother goal I want to aim for is to work on the lights. Its important to learn different types of lighting for the sets,and when to turn them on and off.
Also,another goal I want to achieve is to join the dance team and get more involved, and show school spirit.
Last but not least I want to make good grades and but the best I can in school.
First off I wanna be able to build set design and all the props for the plays. I feel like it will help me a lot. I like the way the sets look on stage and the feeling you get when people like the work you do or did.
ReplyDeleteSecond off I would like to maybe try and learn the lighting and sound booth. I also like when the plays have all the sound effects and everything is on point. I like how all the lights can do different things and so with the sounds.
A goal I want to achieve this course is to try and pass the class. I gotta put my all in and try my best to keep my head up and not wait to last minute. I wanna know coach can count on me and know I'll do a good job because I'm a hard worker and I want my team mates to be able to count on me also and I can count on them.
Overall i wanna have good year with this course and learn new things and try new things that I've never tired.
In Theatre this year, I want to learn about set design and construction. I think a set is paramount in creating a cohesive production. A good-looking set can immerse the audience, or even make the actors more confident in their parts. Therefore, I will work hard to become skilled and knowledgeable in set design/construction.
ReplyDeleteAlso during this course, it is my goal to prove myself as dependable and responsible. During my Theatre 1 year, I was irresponsible by not studying my lines, and making ill use of my time in class to complete assignments. I will use this experience to guide myself in the right direction this year.
A personal goal of mine this year is to make it to the end without a single zero in any class. Freshman and sophomore year I willingly blew off work due to an extreme lack of motivation and will. But I realized that I was thinking about motivation all wrong. I constantly complained about the uselessness of school without seeing the bigger picture. Going forward, I believe I have a more mature understanding of education and want to apply myself to be more successful.
A minor goal this year is for me to start thinking about my future. Of course, the present is still important, but with the way that society works, I need to be one step ahead at all times. My life after school (career, college, etc.) will become a reality sooner than I can expect, and I need to be prepared for that
My first goal for the upcoming year at West Creek High School is to know more about it. So far I've learned at least one thing each day. West Creek has really been different from my school in Nashville. I plan to successed at West Creek even though it's a big change to me.
ReplyDeleteAnother goal I have for the upcoming year is to be able to work the light/sound bored during the West Creek performances. I really would enjoy learning more about how each button works.
I also would want to learn how to move the props from backstage to the stage between each scene.
One last goal I have for theature class is not to fall behind. I plan to keep up in the class, so I won't have to worry about anything last minute, because as I was listening to coach in the very beginning I understood and agreed with his perception on how he viewed the class.
My first goal to accomplish in Theater is knowing how to work lights. Only because during performances the lights will come on perfectly timed just as they do during rehearsal. The difference is during rehearsal you are kinda being told to turn on the lights and during performances you just need to know when, and I would like to focus on that this year in theater.
ReplyDeleteMy second goal I would also like to accomplish is knowing how to cut, when to cut, and how much to cut while building a set. Honestly, I've never been much as a construction person but if this is what it takes to keep being in theater, then yes, I would gladly build, drill, or design.
My third theater goal I would also like to succeed this year is to help get the theater 1's in order during a performances that they are in. Like help them backstage, with their lines, and knowing what to do and not to do.
Lastly, my overall goal for this entire school year is to keep up with my academics. Along with all of my classes and even with soccer, I would like to have time for everything. Like Coach Silvers said, "...make time for yourself... even with the sports people play..." - Vanessa Wilkes