Discuss the 2 Activities from this week.
A) What new skills did you learn?
B) What were the challenges in this learning?
C) How do these new skills empower you for future events?
This week I learned two things that are vital to theatre production: How to create a cue list and how to measure and draw to scale. The challenging part of the measuring is that you have to be very careful in getting the measurements correctly, because if you don't measure right first it creates even more mistakes down the road. Learning the basics of the lighting board and measuring can empower me to help on crew in the future. They can also make everyone a more useful asset when putting on a production.
I went up on the catwalk and I learned how to adjust a light and how to screw it in to place. the challenges with doing this was being high up cause i aint gonna lie i aint like that at all. While doing this i feel like i shouldnt have been so scared and i could do it again.
I also learned how to make and record a cue for a show. it was kinda hard at first cause it has been a while since i was up there but after a couple tries it kinda got easier. I definitely feel comfortable doing this again.
Yesterday, purple team went up to the light booth with Jam. She explained how to set up a new line of cues, and how to make those cues. We learned record and cue the lights after turning them on, through listening to Jam, and with a hands on demonstration. This wasn't something I would consider "challenging", but it will require memorization. Setting up a cue is straightforward, and I need to be able memorize the buttons on the lightboard, and what they do. I had to figure out where the "Thru", "Full", "Record", and "Cue" buttons were. I think setting up cues is a great tool for the future in Theatre. Having this practical skill enables me to demonstrate my ideas, and allows me to follow the orders given to me. It is the starting foundation for more important things to come.
This week, I learned how to set up the lights to run on cue for a shown. I also learned how to accurately measure the stage to be able to make a floor plan.
With setting the lights up, you had to know exactly what lights you were turning on and you had to remember to name the cue after you recorded it. With measuring the stage, it was kind of challenging to figure out where exactly to start measuring from so we could get the most accurate measurement.
These new skills empower me for future events, by allowing me to know what exactly I have to do if I ever come to a situation that requires me to fit something somewhere. Like new furniture in a house or something like that. And the skill of learning how to set the lights up, empowers me by making me remember to take my time with something so I don't miss a step and so I don't make any colossal mistakes.
I agree that starting a measurement can sometimes be difficult, because of the inconsistencies in some structures. For example, the apron is curved, and the archwalls are rocky. This is something that is hard to account for in a scale drawing.
I learned two new skills this week, The first was the board and the second was measuring the stage. I learned how to turn off and on the lights. As well as how to record it so that its saved and what to save it is. It was honestly pretty easy actually. When measuring the stage we had partners and used measuring tapes. Id say the only problem with that was everyone getting different measurements.
The only challenge for me would probably be trying to graph our measurements on a paper as birds eye view. How the paper was we had to keep changing up how we should count the measurements by. Other than that I didn't really have a issue with anything else.
Well measuring I can use that for if I ever want to reorganize my room and I get new furniture I could measure the room to see if everything would fit and in certain places. if I ever work someone with buttons or just having to remember what to push and what not to push and when to push it.
I can see how using blueprints can help with reorganizing a room. Rooms can be small and finding space for things can be helped by using a drawing. I'm planning on reorganizing soon maybe, so I can keep this idea in mind.
I learned many new skills this week. I learned how to make a showcase using cues. I also learned how to graph the stage using the measurments we took from last week. I am looking foward to learning new skills as the year goes on.
There was some challenges with learning how to make lights for the showcase and taking measurements and graphing the stage. One challenge was when we were trying to make the lights for the showcase and I couldn't figure out how to delete a cue. Another challenge was when I was graphing the measurments of the stage and I couldn't figure out how to get the measurments on the graph paper for the apron right. There were many challenges in this learning that I will learn from and do better at.
These new skills empower me for future events. One way the new skills empower me for future events is if I am every asked to do lights for a showcase I know how to make a cue and do it correctly. The skills also empower me for the future because I now will be able to measure and graph something the right way for when I need to build it. I am looking foward to using these new skills in the future.
In the booth I learned how to make a mini show using cues. I also learned how to draw a blueprint of the stage that is 1/8 inch to scale. Both of these things were fun to learn and were new to me.
The main challenge in the booth was actually trying to create a cue. I kept messing up but I learned from my mistakes and I can apply it to the next time I am in the booth. Other that fact that I kept making mistakes learning and making the cues was really fun.
A challenge that I had for making the blueprint for me was getting started. You have all of the measurements that you need to have and having a layout where they are all in the right place was difficult. That was the main challenge for making a blueprint.
I want to be able to apply these skills for upcoming events in theater. For Example, when we are building a set we will have to reference the blueprint. In the booth I would like to be able to run a show for future plays. this will empower me because I know how to use these skills but to be able to apply them will be a new learning experience as well.
I learned how to make a cue for a show. We made five cues that would possibly happen in a regular show. Our first cue was dark, then all house lights on, then dark again, and we did stage left, center, and right. Then Will had us all make a cue and make sure it worked.
I also learned how to measure something correctly and draw it to scale. We all had to measure the stage and write down what we got. Then we had to use the measurements that we got and convert them to be able to draw a picture of the stage to scale. Once we converted the measurements we drew the stage.
Some of the challenges in this new learning was having to go from knowing nothing about something to know it almost by memory. There aren't any written directions on how to measure something and the light-board doesn't have any signs that say "press me to get a cue". They didn't show you how to do it more than twice, so you really had to pay attention and know exactly what to do. When you had to do it on your own they don't prompt you to do anything.
These new skills will empower me in future events by allowing me to create a light sequence for a show without any difficulty. They empower me to be able to create a complete set without too much struggle. These new skills allow me to be able to help in a production without having to be a hinder to anyone or the show.
The new skills that I learned were that making a cue list is easy as long as you paid attention. I think that making a cue list was easy because you just had to make sure that you had the light numbers in order to make a show. I also learned how to make a correct scale drawing is easy as long as you used the right scale. Making a correct scale drawing is easy because you just need to make sure that you have the correct scale in order to make the drawing.
The challenges that I learned were to make a cue list is that you have to make sure that you have the right lights in order to have them in the right place. I think this was a challenge because if you don't know what lights go where and which position to where each of the lights go and where they belong then you are going to mess up the show. Another challenge was you have to pay close attention while you are making a scale drawing and pay attention to the details. I think this is a challenge because if you don't have the right scale then you can't make the right drawing.
These new skills empower me for the future events is because if I ever get chosen to make a cue list for the show then I would know what to do. This will empower me for future because I would know how to do and how to create the cue list. I would know how small and/or big the set is suppose to be by using the scale drawing. I think this would empower me in the future because I might have to build the set for a show so I would have to create a scale drawing that way I would know how to do build the right measurements for the show.
Two new skills that I learned this week were how to make cues on the light board to make a show and how to draw something to scale. Both of these are skills that are important to theater production and having people that know how to do it will make a play go smoother. I enjoy using the light boar and think it is cool to be able to know how to do these things and will keep going in practicing.
A challenge that I faced while drawing was that I couldn't quite wrap my head around what i had to do. Another challenge that I faced was because of an injury I had I was not able to be there during the actual measuring process. This put a dent in my understanding of the assignment. With the light board it was more about memorization of the information and buttons to press in what order but overall it was pretty simple.
These new skills empower me to enjoy the production of a play on or off the stage. If I am acting on the stage it is good to know that the people working on it backstage know what they are doing and are learning the information they need to know to really make the play go. It is empowering to also know that i posses the skills to make a show run. With a great set it brings the acting all together and the lighting really draws in an audience and it is great to know you have to power to do that from a simple button or screw.
I think I would be more beneficial backstage. I love the light board now so i would like to focus on that but I do think with experience I could be a good actress as well.
The new skills i learned this week was how to use the light board more in depth and how to create a 5 play show. Also i learned how to mesure the stage and how to draw it out as a floor plan. The challanges during these steps was trying to mesure out the correct mesurements of the stage and drawing it out and getting the right points. Another thing that was challanging was the light board and trying to get the show in place and not mess up the numbers or how they are ssupposed to be placed . These skills will empower me to pay more attention to everything to get it right and this will also help me be fore trust worthy in myself and try not to worry to much and just be patient with everything and try not to rush. Just make things better and try my best.
I agree with the fact that you need to trust yourself. Trusting yourself helps with you doing better on something. In the future you should try trusting yourself to see if you do better.
Through September 4 and September 8, 2017, in Theatre we had two activities’ that were the main focus point. These two focus points were learning how to do a ground plan of the Theatre. The other focus point was how to make a 6 light cue.
Doing these, I learned many skills. For example, while will was making the cue list I learned how he pressed certain keys in order to make the cue list which allowed me to copy the same thing. Another example was drawing the ground plan. I learned how to use a 1/8 in to 1 ft. scale. While trying to accomplish these goals I had some challenges that I had to overcome. While making the cue list I forgot one cue however it showed me what to do when that happens. One challenge I had to overcome while drawing the ground plan was making it as accurate as possible which was difficult since it is easy to miscount.
Using these new skills I will be able to various things. These skill will enable me to bring future plays to life. For example, I can use my skills with lighting to create a cue list for a future play. Another example is drawing a ground plan to create a set and make sure it will fit in the space.
Overall, learning these skills of how to do a ground plan of the Theatre and making a 6 light cue will help me with life. This is because it shows that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything.
This last week I learned 2 new skills that I can use for my future learning and experiences. I first learned how to take my measurements of the stage and convert them into a 1/8th scale drawing. Next, I learned how to program a 6-cue light show.
Some of the challenges I faced when learning these skills included the math portion of converting a scale drawing. Figuring out how many squares it would be for 1 foot in 1/4 scale was a bit confusing. However, once I figured that part out I had no further trouble drawing to scale. It was easy picking up on most of the math, it was simply the initial conversion that caught me in a struggle.
I also struggled slightly with remembering which lights were center stage, stage left, and stage right. It was a good thing I wrote them down, or else I would have picked some of the wrong lights. I also accidentally when programming my cues made a mistake and didn't turn the lights off from center stage when moving to stage left. However, I managed to think on my feet and fix the problem all on my own.
These skills are beneficial for doing light shows in the future for theatre productions, as knowing how to set up a cue list is necessary to any person working the light booth. Also scale drawing will be used very often in not only future set building projects in theater, but also creating props or building something for personal use. Both of these skills I have acquired will help me in future ways.
Last week I learned two new skills, which were knowing how to draw a 1/8 scale for a blueprint for the ground stage and how to make a mini show in the light booth.
The challenges I had in the light booth was that I shouldn't go to fast pressing buttons because if I did, I would press the wrong button. While making a cue we would need to turn on a light (1-13, house lights) then press 'record' and 'cue' and then 'enter' and it would save our recordings. Jam told us to be mindful of which one to delete if we needed to delete any because if we delete the one we did right then we would start all over.
Another challenge was from drawing the scale, I know how to read a ruler but i would need to know more about which numbers to actually use because if it has a bold black number, a black number, and a red number and little numbers i would need to know which to write down. Drawing wasn't really that difficult you just needed to could 1/2 a square as 1 foot. But made sure he was the same number as the measurements.
These two skills will be helpful later because maybe I would learn more about picking alight and doing more with that then just 6 cues. And if I learn later on about counting a whole square as a foot or measuring a wall and I write the right numbers down then I will be more sufficient in getting things done. Both of these skills will help me be more helpful in a show or performance later on.
The new skills I learned this week, was how to properly use a drill and how to draw to scale. Challenges I faced were trying to figure out which measurements to use for the scale drawing and when using the drill, I have to drill in the screw at a certain angle. These skills can help me in the future for stage production when we start to build sets and it could help me even further in the future if I ever need to build anything at home.
This week I learned two things that are vital to theatre production: How to create a cue list and how to measure and draw to scale. The challenging part of the measuring is that you have to be very careful in getting the measurements correctly, because if you don't measure right first it creates even more mistakes down the road. Learning the basics of the lighting board and measuring can empower me to help on crew in the future. They can also make everyone a more useful asset when putting on a production.
ReplyDeleteDid you have any trouble with the cue list?
Deletedo you think that the lighting board is hard to you at all or do you understand it?
DeleteI went up on the catwalk and I learned how to adjust a light and how to screw it in to place. the challenges with doing this was being high up cause i aint gonna lie i aint like that at all. While doing this i feel like i shouldnt have been so scared and i could do it again.
ReplyDeleteI also learned how to make and record a cue for a show. it was kinda hard at first cause it has been a while since i was up there but after a couple tries it kinda got easier. I definitely feel comfortable doing this again.
Was it scary going up on the catwalk for you?
Deleteyeah it was that thing could fall
DeleteYesterday, purple team went up to the light booth with Jam. She explained how to set up a new line of cues, and how to make those cues. We learned record and cue the lights after turning them on, through listening to Jam, and with a hands on demonstration.
ReplyDeleteThis wasn't something I would consider "challenging", but it will require memorization. Setting up a cue is straightforward, and I need to be able memorize the buttons on the lightboard, and what they do. I had to figure out where the "Thru", "Full", "Record", and "Cue" buttons were.
I think setting up cues is a great tool for the future in Theatre. Having this practical skill enables me to demonstrate my ideas, and allows me to follow the orders given to me. It is the starting foundation for more important things to come.
How do you think you will do in the future with much more challenging and intricate lighting techniques?
DeleteI will do my best to focus and learn! :)
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ReplyDeleteDid you enjoy recording a cue in the booth? If so, what made you enjoy it?
DeleteYes, I did enjoy recording a cue in thee booth because I never had the opportunity to learn how to make a cue.
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ReplyDeleteThis week, I learned how to set up the lights to run on cue for a shown. I also learned how to accurately measure the stage to be able to make a floor plan.
ReplyDeleteWith setting the lights up, you had to know exactly what lights you were turning on and you had to remember to name the cue after you recorded it. With measuring the stage, it was kind of challenging to figure out where exactly to start measuring from so we could get the most accurate measurement.
These new skills empower me for future events, by allowing me to know what exactly I have to do if I ever come to a situation that requires me to fit something somewhere. Like new furniture in a house or something like that. And the skill of learning how to set the lights up, empowers me by making me remember to take my time with something so I don't miss a step and so I don't make any colossal mistakes.
I also learned how to do that
DeleteI agree that starting a measurement can sometimes be difficult, because of the inconsistencies in some structures. For example, the apron is curved, and the archwalls are rocky. This is something that is hard to account for in a scale drawing.
DeleteWhat was your favorite part of learning how to scale and making a cue list in the booth?
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ReplyDeleteI learned two new skills this week, The first was the board and the second was measuring the stage. I learned how to turn off and on the lights. As well as how to record it so that its saved and what to save it is. It was honestly pretty easy actually. When measuring the stage we had partners and used measuring tapes. Id say the only problem with that was everyone getting different measurements.
ReplyDeleteThe only challenge for me would probably be trying to graph our measurements on a paper as birds eye view. How the paper was we had to keep changing up how we should count the measurements by. Other than that I didn't really have a issue with anything else.
Well measuring I can use that for if I ever want to reorganize my room and I get new furniture I could measure the room to see if everything would fit and in certain places. if I ever work someone with buttons or just having to remember what to push and what not to push and when to push it.
What was something that you enjoyed that you learned this week?
DeleteI can see how using blueprints can help with reorganizing a room. Rooms can be small and finding space for things can be helped by using a drawing. I'm planning on reorganizing soon maybe, so I can keep this idea in mind.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI learned many new skills this week. I learned how to make a showcase using cues. I also learned how to graph the stage using the measurments we took from last week. I am looking foward to learning new skills as the year goes on.
ReplyDeleteThere was some challenges with learning how to make lights for the showcase and taking measurements and graphing the stage. One challenge was when we were trying to make the lights for the showcase and I couldn't figure out how to delete a cue. Another challenge was when I was graphing the measurments of the stage and I couldn't figure out how to get the measurments on the graph paper for the apron right. There were many challenges in this learning that I will learn from and do better at.
These new skills empower me for future events. One way the new skills empower me for future events is if I am every asked to do lights for a showcase I know how to make a cue and do it correctly. The skills also empower me for the future because I now will be able to measure and graph something the right way for when I need to build it. I am looking foward to using these new skills in the future.
Which new skill did you enjoy learning the most and do you think these skills will help you outside or just theater class?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn the booth I learned how to make a mini show using cues. I also learned how to draw a blueprint of the stage that is 1/8 inch to scale. Both of these things were fun to learn and were new to me.
ReplyDeleteThe main challenge in the booth was actually trying to create a cue. I kept messing up but I learned from my mistakes and I can apply it to the next time I am in the booth. Other that fact that I kept making mistakes learning and making the cues was really fun.
A challenge that I had for making the blueprint for me was getting started. You have all of the measurements that you need to have and having a layout where they are all in the right place was difficult. That was the main challenge for making a blueprint.
I want to be able to apply these skills for upcoming events in theater. For Example, when we are building a set we will have to reference the blueprint. In the booth I would like to be able to run a show for future plays. this will empower me because I know how to use these skills but to be able to apply them will be a new learning experience as well.
Do you think making blueprints make it harder or easier to build?
DeleteI think that it would make it easier to build because you have what you want to build layed out in front of you.
DeleteI learned how to make a cue for a show. We made five cues that would possibly happen in a regular show. Our first cue was dark, then all house lights on, then dark again, and we did stage left, center, and right. Then Will had us all make a cue and make sure it worked.
ReplyDeleteI also learned how to measure something correctly and draw it to scale. We all had to measure the stage and write down what we got. Then we had to use the measurements that we got and convert them to be able to draw a picture of the stage to scale. Once we converted the measurements we drew the stage.
Some of the challenges in this new learning was having to go from knowing nothing about something to know it almost by memory. There aren't any written directions on how to measure something and the light-board doesn't have any signs that say "press me to get a cue". They didn't show you how to do it more than twice, so you really had to pay attention and know exactly what to do. When you had to do it on your own they don't prompt you to do anything.
These new skills will empower me in future events by allowing me to create a light sequence for a show without any difficulty. They empower me to be able to create a complete set without too much struggle. These new skills allow me to be able to help in a production without having to be a hinder to anyone or the show.
The new skills that I learned were that making a cue list is easy as long as you paid attention. I think that making a cue list was easy because you just had to make sure that you had the light numbers in order to make a show. I also learned how to make a correct scale drawing is easy as long as you used the right scale. Making a correct scale drawing is easy because you just need to make sure that you have the correct scale in order to make the drawing.
ReplyDeleteThe challenges that I learned were to make a cue list is that you have to make sure that you have the right lights in order to have them in the right place. I think this was a challenge because if you don't know what lights go where and which position to where each of the lights go and where they belong then you are going to mess up the show. Another challenge was you have to pay close attention while you are making a scale drawing and pay attention to the details. I think this is a challenge because if you don't have the right scale then you can't make the right drawing.
These new skills empower me for the future events is because if I ever get chosen to make a cue list for the show then I would know what to do. This will empower me for future because I would know how to do and how to create the cue list. I would know how small and/or big the set is suppose to be by using the scale drawing. I think this would empower me in the future because I might have to build the set for a show so I would have to create a scale drawing that way I would know how to do build the right measurements for the show.
Two new skills that I learned this week were how to make cues on the light board to make a show and how to draw something to scale. Both of these are skills that are important to theater production and having people that know how to do it will make a play go smoother. I enjoy using the light boar and think it is cool to be able to know how to do these things and will keep going in practicing.
ReplyDeleteA challenge that I faced while drawing was that I couldn't quite wrap my head around what i had to do. Another challenge that I faced was because of an injury I had I was not able to be there during the actual measuring process. This put a dent in my understanding of the assignment. With the light board it was more about memorization of the information and buttons to press in what order but overall it was pretty simple.
These new skills empower me to enjoy the production of a play on or off the stage. If I am acting on the stage it is good to know that the people working on it backstage know what they are doing and are learning the information they need to know to really make the play go. It is empowering to also know that i posses the skills to make a show run. With a great set it brings the acting all together and the lighting really draws in an audience and it is great to know you have to power to do that from a simple button or screw.
Do you plan on being more on stage than crew? If you think crew then do you want to focus more on set than lights or the other way around?
DeleteI think I would be more beneficial backstage. I love the light board now so i would like to focus on that but I do think with experience I could be a good actress as well.
DeleteThe new skills i learned this week was how to use the light board more in depth and how to create a 5 play show. Also i learned how to mesure the stage and how to draw it out as a floor plan. The challanges during these steps was trying to mesure out the correct mesurements of the stage and drawing it out and getting the right points. Another thing that was challanging was the light board and trying to get the show in place and not mess up the numbers or how they are ssupposed to be placed . These skills will empower me to pay more attention to everything to get it right and this will also help me be fore trust worthy in myself and try not to worry to much and just be patient with everything and try not to rush. Just make things better and try my best.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the fact that you need to trust yourself. Trusting yourself helps with you doing better on something. In the future you should try trusting yourself to see if you do better.
DeleteThrough September 4 and September 8, 2017, in Theatre we had two activities’ that were the main focus point. These two focus points were learning how to do a ground plan of the Theatre. The other focus point was how to make a 6 light cue.
ReplyDeleteDoing these, I learned many skills. For example, while will was making the cue list I learned how he pressed certain keys in order to make the cue list which allowed me to copy the same thing. Another example was drawing the ground plan. I learned how to use a 1/8 in to 1 ft. scale.
While trying to accomplish these goals I had some challenges that I had to overcome. While making the cue list I forgot one cue however it showed me what to do when that happens. One challenge I had to overcome while drawing the ground plan was making it as accurate as possible which was difficult since it is easy to miscount.
Using these new skills I will be able to various things. These skill will enable me to bring future plays to life. For example, I can use my skills with lighting to create a cue list for a future play. Another example is drawing a ground plan to create a set and make sure it will fit in the space.
Overall, learning these skills of how to do a ground plan of the Theatre and making a 6 light cue will help me with life. This is because it shows that if I put my mind to it, I can do anything.
This last week I learned 2 new skills that I can use for my future learning and experiences. I first learned how to take my measurements of the stage and convert them into a 1/8th scale drawing. Next, I learned how to program a 6-cue light show.
ReplyDeleteSome of the challenges I faced when learning these skills included the math portion of converting a scale drawing. Figuring out how many squares it would be for 1 foot in 1/4 scale was a bit confusing. However, once I figured that part out I had no further trouble drawing to scale. It was easy picking up on most of the math, it was simply the initial conversion that caught me in a struggle.
I also struggled slightly with remembering which lights were center stage, stage left, and stage right. It was a good thing I wrote them down, or else I would have picked some of the wrong lights. I also accidentally when programming my cues made a mistake and didn't turn the lights off from center stage when moving to stage left. However, I managed to think on my feet and fix the problem all on my own.
These skills are beneficial for doing light shows in the future for theatre productions, as knowing how to set up a cue list is necessary to any person working the light booth. Also scale drawing will be used very often in not only future set building projects in theater, but also creating props or building something for personal use. Both of these skills I have acquired will help me in future ways.
Last week I learned two new skills, which were knowing how to draw a 1/8 scale for a blueprint for the ground stage and how to make a mini show in the light booth.
ReplyDeleteThe challenges I had in the light booth was that I shouldn't go to fast pressing buttons because if I did, I would press the wrong button. While making a cue we would need to turn on a light (1-13, house lights) then press 'record' and 'cue' and then 'enter' and it would save our recordings. Jam told us to be mindful of which one to delete if we needed to delete any because if we delete the one we did right then we would start all over.
Another challenge was from drawing the scale, I know how to read a ruler but i would need to know more about which numbers to actually use because if it has a bold black number, a black number, and a red number and little numbers i would need to know which to write down. Drawing wasn't really that difficult you just needed to could 1/2 a square as 1 foot. But made sure he was the same number as the measurements.
These two skills will be helpful later because maybe I would learn more about picking alight and doing more with that then just 6 cues. And if I learn later on about counting a whole square as a foot or measuring a wall and I write the right numbers down then I will be more sufficient in getting things done. Both of these skills will help me be more helpful in a show or performance later on.
The new skills I learned this week, was how to properly use a drill and how to draw to scale. Challenges I faced were trying to figure out which measurements to use for the scale drawing and when using the drill, I have to drill in the screw at a certain angle. These skills can help me in the future for stage production when we start to build sets and it could help me even further in the future if I ever need to build anything at home.