Monday, November 6, 2017

Stage Production: Areas of Strength and Refinement

Which new skill do you feel you have grown the most in and which area do you feel you need to grow in more?
How will you gain growth in this area?

Be sure to give examples of the growth, and to be specific on the steps you will take to gain growth


  1. I feel that I have grown with using the drill. I don't strip as many screws as I use to strip. I have gotten a little more confident in pushing screws than I was before.

    I have grew with pushing screws. I grew with pushing screws by putting in extra time. I go to the after school hours and practice pushing in screws. When I'm done with my work sometimes I go in the theater and practing putting and and taking screws out of a piece of wood.

    I still need a little more practice in pushing in and pulling out screws. Sometimes I still can tend to forget to push the gide down and to trush the drill. Sometimes it can take me alittle longer to push a screw. I will try to get better at pushing and pulling a screw using the drill.

    1. It's good that you have gotten more confident, pushing is key and will make your work easier. Also using a pilot tip makes the work more efficient.How do you feel about the lightboard? Will you do work on that?

  2. I have been in Theater 2 for about 3 months, I have gotten very experienced and comfortable with using the miter box, the impact drill (As it is my favorite of the two -variable speed and impact) and measuring. I got as well as I am with those because of practice. I really enjoy building things and am happy to be in this class.

    However, even after doing this light show, I am not completely confident with the light board, not paying attention to one thing, like having one cue still selected then worrying something went wrong, and then after 10 minutes figuring out that it's just still selected is the reason for this.

    I will take any chance I can to go work in the booth, whether in class or after school, and taking better notes, asking more confident people for help as well. I look forward to this class in the near and farther future.

  3. I think the new skill I grew the most in is saw, because I was scared of cutting it too short or too long, or possibly cutting my fingers off, but now I just cut without much second thought. I think I need to grow more on the light board, because I still hesitate when I go to make a cue list. The light board and cutting themselves are very easy skills to learn it's simply my confidence in them is very low. I think I will have the hang out the light board by Christmas break.

    So, I'm going to put more time in after school to work with the light board. I'm also going to ask Jam for some easy ways to remember all the light numbers. Though when I'm up there I always forget that there a signs up to show/teach me how to do things. I will continue to work with the saw so that I never lose confidence or become uncomfortable.

    Now, I'm going to pay extra attention to instructions involving the light board. I'm also going to sign up for more after school hours and practice. My goal is that by Christmas Break I'm not as timid on the light board so that I can go on to work more with the drill.

    1. What aspect of the light board scares you most?

  4. The skill that I feel I have grown the most in is measuring and cutting wood. I am good and quick with doing it now and at first I was afraid of it. Now that I have had a chance to cut things and practiced I am good at it and the fear ha turned into respect for it.

    The thing that I need to improve on is the level of confidence that I have with the drill. Anytime I am put on the spot to use it I get nervous. If it makes any noise at all I figure that i am stripping a screw and no longer want to attempt anything with it anymore. When I feel like I cannot do it I simply hand it off to the next person.

    Th things that I can do to grow more using the drill is to put in hours after school focusing on just screwing things together. Since i know it freaks me out I should step up when the opportunity approaches so that I get more comfortable. I will gain confidence if I use it more often.

    1. Instead of giving it to the next person why don't you practice using it? If you practice you won;t be as scared of using it anymore.

    2. Yes, Rachel that is the plan.

    3. I understand why you are nervous with the drill and I sometimes have that feeling as well but being nervous sometimes can make it worse. So all you have to do is believe in yourself which you can do with some time and practice.

  5. A new skill that I feel I have grown in a lot is cutting with the motorized miter saw. I grew a lot more comfortable with the use of the saw and my ability to mark and measure wood and cut it correctly. A skill that I feel I still need to grow in is the use of the cordless drill. I feel that I often forget my training when it comes time to drill.

    I plan on getting better with the drill by repeatedly pushing screws in and out until I am confident in my ability to use the cordless drill. I will remind myself to use pressure and to angle my body correctly so it's easier to put as much into the force on the screw as possible. I'll also trust the guide, though I feel I've done pretty good at trusting it thus far.

    With enough practice and evaluation of my growth, I hope to eventually become proficient in all areas of stage production. I know that this is an achievable goal if I keep trying and have confidence in myself. I hope to use this knowledge to help our theatre program, and eventually pass this knowledge on to someone else.

  6. The skill I feel I have grown the most in is using the drill. I think Iv'e been doing a lot better using the drill then when I first started. At first, I was hesitant because of the loud noises and I wasn't trusting the guide. Now, I can drill something in easily without being scared and I can trust the guide.

    The skill I need to grow more in is trusting my own measurements without second guessing myself. I have a tendency of second guessing myself and really I depend on others to make sure I'm right. I will gain growth in this area by trusting my gut and if I'm wrong then that's okay sometimes because it's apart of the learning process.

    I can use this in the future by being honest with myself and knowing what I'm good at and what I'm bad at. If I tell myself I'm good at everything then I'll never get better.

  7. I feel that my skills have grown in the lights. More specifically in recording a cue list. After school I would go in the booth and practice with the lights or help others with their light-show. So being around the light board I grew familiar with it and am more confident with that skill.

    An area that I need to practice more in is the drill. I feel confident in myself that I can use the drill however, that I could grow more. More specifically trusting the guide. I find myself always lifting up the guide and second guessing myself.

    One way that I can improve on the skills is staying after school and practice. Other way I can improve is practicing at home with the resources I have access to. Practice is key to improving.

    1. I completely agree with you about how you should trust the guide.

  8. I have grown in the booth even though it never was difficult i think ive gotten better and understand what im told to do if im told to do it. I feel like i've gotten better at drilling cause when i did the frame project it took me like 10 minutes. I wasn't scared to drill so i didn't strip any screws which was my biggest concern. I will get more practice in what im not as confident in.

  9. I've grown the most in using the drill and putting screws into things. At the beginning of the semester, I was completely terrified of the drill. Most of it wasn't just because of the drill in general I was just afraid that I would do it wrong. However, I saw that I was afraid of the drill, so I went home and continued to drill screws into a piece of wood till I was one hundred percent sure that I could do it again correctly. I may still be a little hesitant on drilling a screw for the set but I'm a lot more confident than I was before.

    I need to grow more with using the light board. At the beginning of the semester, I thought that the light board would be my favorite thing to do, but I was wrong. I'm confident in turning lights on and off but I forget how to do it as soon as I get out of the booth. Doing the lights doesn't stick to me it's as if it goes through one ear and out the other. I want to be able to remember how to do it and not just that but I want to expand my lighting abilities.

    In order to grow with the light board. I'm going to take more notes when I go up there. I'm also going to continue to look back at notes to remember. Also I'm going to practice more when I am able to.

    1. Same iv grown with the drill as well. I was definitely scared too.Yea I have trouble with the light board too I feel like its easy but then again I feel like I'm forgetting something like what to do. Notes would help a lot and practice.

  10. Using the drill is something we have done and have been trained how to use in Theater. I feel like the skill I have grown in the most is the drill. A skill I believe I should still work on and grow in is getting light cues from a script, which is something we have done for a project in theater.

    Before I had started Theater, I had never touched a drill in my life. I never quite learned how to properly use it until Theater rolled around, and I put in time to gain practice. Now, drilling screws is pretty easy for me, because I put in the afterschool time and used a drill whenever I could.

    Although I have used the light board many times, and I am pretty good with using it too, getting light cues from a script is still difficult for me. We have only done it once in class, and it was an assignment. I didn't know if I was getting all the cues or if I was accidentally skipping some, or if one cue had to be split into two, and so on.

    Now that I have the skill to drill screws, I will be better equipped in Theater 2 to do the work required, and I won't be behind. As for the light cue issue, I will try to gain more growth in that area. I will do this by looking at the assignment when I get it back and analyzing the mistakes I made, so I may do better next time.

  11. The new skill I’ve grown in most over that last nine weeks is using the drill. Using the drill has gotten significantly easier for me to do over the past nine week. Although i’m still not very confident in it, i have gotten better at it.

    The one skill i think i should improve on is using the motorized miter box. I’m not confident in cutting at all. I don’t really want to go near the saw. I know at some point I’m going to have to work up the courage and cut something.

    One way that i could improve this skill is that i can be more confident in using the miter box. I can jump in when i need to cut something and help out coach when he needs something cut. I can also stay after school can practice cutting up scrap lumber.

    1. As long as you follow the precautions you will not hurt yourself with the miter-box. However, I understand where the fear comes from. Try asking someone who knows and feels confident with the miter-box to watch you and give you tips.

  12. Some new skills that I have grown the most is the light booth because I am confident in what I am doing. One area that I need to grow more with is using the drill because I am not confident with it. I will gain growth in this area by working hard and by any chance that I get I will try and get to the drill that way I can try and get better with the drill. Another skill that I need to work on is confidence. I think that I need to work on confidence because I am scared that the wall is going to fall on me.

    Some of the steps that I am going to take to reach my growth with the drill is tat I am going to try and get any chance with the drill that I can that way I can practice and get more better at the drill. Another step that I think is going to make me better with the drill is that I can use more power and push on the drill that way I can make sure that the drill is pushing the screw into the wood. Steps that I can use to be more confident with using the drill by not being scared of the drill. Another step that I can use to get better at confidence is practice more.

    Ways that O can get better at the drill and confidence is by getting extra practice and working hard. With the drill I can make sure that when ever the drill is offered I can make sure that I go so I can get that extra practice. With confidence I can make sure that I can get over the fear of doing something wrong and messing everything up.

  13. The skill I know I've mostly grown in is working with the tools. Before coming into the class thinking it was another acting class, I had no clue how to use most of the tools in the theatre. Getting closer to the drill and the saw made it more simple, also made me a faster worker in building.

    The area I mostly need to work on is the lighting booth. Since August I still get confused ever time I look at it. Most of the time I don't know what to do and all I see is a bunch of buttons.I try to remember the skills in the booth, but I feel it goes in one ear and out the other.

    I can get better in the booth by spending after school hours in the booth. I can also ask questions and take more notes so I understand the first thing to do when I'm in the booth without being told to.

    1. I agree the lighting can be a little confusing at times. When you can try to go up in the booth and work at it. Spend as much time as you can in the booth and surely you will start to get less confused.

  14. I feel like I have most improved on, would be the drill. Just being more comfortable. Being able to screw and take out the screws easily. I don't get that bad noise as much or barely as when I first started. I'd probably need more help with the lights.

    When classmates have trouble I try to come over and help.Usually they just need to push harder or at the right angle. I feel as that I have just had a lot of practice with it. The lights I have trouble with only because I'm scared I'm going to do something wrong and not be able to fix it. It's easy just some times I need that extra reassurance.

    I just need to not be so sacred or worried bout what I'm doing. Not to second guess my self and pay attention to what I'm doing. If anyone needs help then help and not watch.

  15. I've grown better and gained more experience with many different skills thus far in Theatre Production. One of these skills being using the impact drill. I was not able to use it before this class, and though I am still not the best with it, I am a lot better than I used to be.

    Though I have gotten better with many of these skills, there is still plenty of room to grow. One of the areas i have plenty of room to grow in is using the light board. While I know how to do it in my head pretty well, I always find myself getting a little bit confused when I'm up in the booth.

    Though I have this struggle, it is fixable. One way I can improve is to really think about what I'm doing before I do it. Instead of rushing to do turn the lights on and off, I need to really think about what I'm doing. Just pushing buttons won't get anything done.

  16. All the things that I've learned over these past 9 weeks, I feel confident. I feel confident using power tools,taking measurements, and building sets. I feel this confident because I've used the time in class and taken advantage of after-school opportunities.

    I feel comfortable in the environment with the skills that I possessed. But I know I can always excell. Aries that I know that I'm don't feel so confident is it specifically the lighting and sound Board. This is because I'm comfortable with more Hands-On learning. although being on the Lighting and Sound Board is Hands-On because you're pushing buttons, it does seem to get complex when you don't pay attention to what you're doing. Had to take the time to tell myself that I can't look at it as just pressing buttons. There's certain steps that you have to follow. And I came to the realization that that also applied to set building. They're also steps that I have to follow. And that's with anything. The real problem was my interest.

    I'm a part of this class to get better at what I strive for. Also to equip myself with skills that can also help me succeed, whether or not I feel they suit my interests or not. I can't put all my focus into one part. I need to focus on the whole experience in order to get more out of it.
