Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 Discuss the Main 3 Take-Aways from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Class.

1) What did you learn that might be new to you?

2) How was it presented to you to connect with your life?

3) How will it be useful in the future?


  1. In the 3rd Period AVID class, I've learned how to be productive in classes where the instructor isn't specifically telling you what to do. I mean if I didn't want to, I suppose I wouldn't have to do this blog, because the teacher isn't specifically telling me to. This was presented to me just through self reflection, and it will be very useful in college. Later in life my professor or boss isn't going to be telling me all my assignments or what is due, so to do it now will be important in the future.

  2. In this AVID class I learned how to stay on task while being in a different class with so many distractions. I can use this when I'm in college or in the workplace staying on task when there are so many distractions. Being in this classroom is good practice. this connects with my life because when I'm home I have so many distractions to deal with at home.

  3. In AVID, I've learned more about how to read people's body language. It can be presented towards me to connect with my life by understanding how people's mood or if they are truthful or not. It can be used to understand more on how you should come upon the person based on their body language and how I should react to the situation.

  4. In the AVID period we sat in, we observed how to stay on task and progress in a class where the teacher isn't directly telling you what to do and not pushing themselves to do their work. Being in this classroom made me realize how important doing your work done in good time and not pushing it off will benefit you later in the future. This will be useful because its always important to think how your decisions will affect you long term or short term.
