Monday, March 18, 2019

THEATRE 3: Contemporary Theme for a 1 Act Play

Discuss a general idea or theme that you would like to explore in a 10-Minute One-Act Play.


  1. I think a good 10 minute piece would be teen pregnancy and/ or bullying by friends behind your back. Both issues are happening a lot today in the "high school world". I guess I could use both since a lot of people (teens) who are pregnant get a lot of bulling and even their friends. Friends tend to leave their pregnant friend behind and in the dirt because they are pregnant and think "oh they aren't pure anymore." "who is she now??" type situation. crazy yet hypocritical.

    1. I agree with and I think they both would make a great one act play. I also think if that idea is picked we could potentially combine both ideas and create a one act play that contradicts 2 teenage controversies.

    2. I would really like to steal the pregnancy idea from you because that is becoming more and more common. I would add into your idea that the friends don't leave the friend because of her impurity, but instead leave because she isn't the fun friend anymore.

  2. I think a good 10 minute piece would be substance abuse or teen relationship. Many teens experience bad relationships. They also experience substance abuse.Many students do drugs or drink alcohol to help them survive in life.

    1. I think that is a very good idea and if done right will be great.

  3. I think a good 10 act play would be about a divorce or a situation where you are getting constantly getting bullied.

  4. An idea that I had was someone who is dealing with anxiety and how he/she deals with living with it. Or another idea that I had is have the setting in a hospital with people living with all types of illnesses and the life with that.

  5. I think as a teenager we go through a lot of emotions not knowing what we want for our future so, maybe a teen trying to figure it out is a good idea. Also, another idea is someone experiencing peer pressure. Another idea is a teen struggling through school.

  6. I think a realistic 10 minute 1 act play theme could be something that shed’s light on the effects of a school shooting.And the signs that we should be aware of before one takes place. Almost like a flashback effect and we could possibly include some statments from the victims of these traumatic experiences. I know these type of things are a hard subject to talk about but I feel as though we should discuss these topics more often.Cause it seems when we do start to talk about it we are too late cause the event already happened.

    1. This touches and if picked and done well will touch many people. I don't want to say "Great idea" because it is a tough subject to talk about just like suicide but it is an imposing topic.

  7. I think an idea is like one girl's diary entries that she reads and is writing about going to high school where there are like flashback scenes explaining day to day problems that high school student's face. There could be little things like low grades and bigger things like suicide.
    Another idea could be drugs.

  8. I want to write my one act about being a new student. I want to highlight the struggles of making friends and adjusting to a new environment. We live in a military community so this topic is very relevant because new students come to this school often.

  9. A theme that I would like to perform for the one act play is anxiety. Showing the different ways anxiety is shown through teenagers in school on a daily basis. Or maybe different stages of how it can be shown. How the environment may not know someone has anxiety or how everyone can tell.

  10. My general theme for the 1 act play, is drug abuse and peer pressure. I want to have two or three people in a group "using drugs," and they attempt to get the other one or two to join them. One of them does and then they get in trouble. So then the one that joined the group leaves and goes back to their friend.
