Thursday, August 15, 2019

Theatre 3: Upcoming Expectations

Discuss some of your major expectations for the upcoming year. 
What are 3 major goals that you have?
What must you do to achieve those goals?
What obstacles do you face and how would you overcome them?


  1. Three major goals that I have for this upcoming year is to be more involved with my group as a whole, project my voice to be louder and more clearer when I'm speaking, and to not be so nervous when I'm speaking.

    To achieve these goals I will keep practicing on working on making my voice more vocal when I'm speaking out towards someone. I will also start talking and be more active on my team helping them as well as myself anything we need to do to help each other succeed. And I lastly will start practicing speaking at home and keep doing that and it won't make me as nervous.

    I have to overcome speaking and try my best to not studder when I'm speaking. I also have to start talking more to my group which is a struggle, but It'll help me get better and help me be more active.

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  3. One major goal i have this year is "to focus more on school this year, and get more committed with the social world and use the energy and put that into theater". Another major goal i have is "to be more comfortable with everything and the people around me, and use them as a guidance and support through everything. The biggest goal i have this year is "ambition" i say this because , i have slacked off from everything for a while now and i want to get better.

    So for me to reach these goals, i have to put in the time, and break out of that mind space of " i cant or i will do it later". I know it will be difficult for me with everything going on right now in my life, but i know i have to try harder and keep going.

    Now the challenges i know i'am going to face is going to be the thing that stop me if i let it, but i'm not going to let it. One challenge that is going to come up is, "time" because time works in two ways, it can either be really slow or really fast. with me its like- well it depends on the day or the situation, its really easy for someone to lose track of time. other challenges include car, school, family issues, etc.

    1. yes, because every time i try, something just takes over me and i freak out and stop.

    2. I agree completely because school this year ,we have to work harder and be more focused on what we're doing in school.

  4. My first major goal I'd like to achieve this year is becoming more confident in my acting. I will accomplish this by: practicing more often and increase the audience each time, accept feedback, and do warm ups. Some obstacles I might face when trying to gain more confidence would be me letting anxiety overtake me. But I can use the help of my theatre family and deep breathing.

    My second major goal is me being able to recite a piece at least six minutes long without issues. I will be able to do this if I go paragraph by paragraph, highlight my problem areas so I pay extra attention to those areas, and make notes for ways I can remember certain lines. I might have trouble with this if I read over everything too quickly or don't take helpful notes. i can help myself by reading slower and seeing how well the notes would actually help.

    My third, and last, major goal is to gain the ability to ignore outside comments and/or noises that may occur during a performance. i can acquire this by: focusing on the person whose lines will signal mine, put up an imaginary wall, and to also think of something in my mind to make me feel a different emotion to make me not laugh because of the sudden noise. This might be the most difficult of the three because I get distracted easily. I will try to act more as if the audience isn't there in the first place.

  5. Three Major goals i have this coming up theatre 3 year is getting over my stuttering problem, becoming more confident, and being good with time management

    The way i will get more confident is by just saying what is on my mind. For example, whenever i know someone is doing something that could usually hurt the group or just make it so we cant get anywhere towards out goal, ill have to speak up. Getting more confident will also get rid of my stuttering problem. As most of you know, whenever i am nervous i tend to stutter... A lot. So for this year i will also like to acheive that. The last thing is time management. Ican't say no to someone who needs help with something and i know how i can help them. Its in my nature, even if they get on my nerves really badly. No shade towards anyone... Not yet at least. Like for an example my theatre 2 year i missed both of the Dracula auditions because i was a host of a small talent show on base. I really let some people down not trying out for the play but i already promised them i would do it.

    Obstacles that would come in my way to achieve these goals will be me not communicating to others. That's me not showing the confidence i have to at least talk. It would also help with me speech so i don't stutter in every sentence. Plus it will give me confidence to actualy say no so i can have more time on my plate

  6. Three major goals i have is overcoming stage fright, and also remembering my lines, and back stage knowledge.

    to achieve these goals i will get in front of the audience and say my lines even if i stumble over the words. And remembering lines i will talk to walls. And talking to walls will improve my memory of the script because i will not only be saying it but i will also hear the echo if im loud enough which should be the goal to project my voice. My back stage knowledge is crap i have yet to figure out what back stage is like during a play and honestly dont want to find out. But i believe in any advance theater students they should learn to do everything and not just what you like to do. they should explore there options.

    i have to start by staying focused on whats actually is important rather than something like my phone. i have to stop relying on my peers to do the things i dont feel comfortable doing. I have to just put myself out there and not be as scared.

  7. 3 Goals
    1) Speak out more about my opinion on something instead of just letting every little thing go by with no thought put into it just because I fear to be wrong.
    2) I hope to continue learning about the backstage part of a play and gain more experience through it.
    3) Choose pieces that I'm interested in rather than just focusing on what others would love to see.
    To achieve those goals, I have to learn to get better at time management and to not always have the mindset that I'm always wrong.
    An obstacle I face is that I tend to shake on stage and forget lines because my brain gets distracted by what the audience's thoughts and opinions are on my performance and may forget lines if it's too intense. To overcome this obstacle, ill practice as much as I possibly can when I have a performance-related assignment so it at least sticks in my brain enough that those thoughts don't interfere.

  8. Three major goals I have for the upcoming year are to gain confidence on stage, direct, and bring our program back to life.
    Gaining confidence on stage for me comes with pushing myself and trying new things. Before Ask Any Girl I had never been in a real play and never had much stage time. Although my role was small it was still a great learning experience working with people on stage and learning new skills like how to continue the play smoothly when something doesn't go exactly as planned. I would like to continue to preform on stage and eventually get bigger roles.
    Directing. Ever since my theatre one year I have been very interested in the parts of our student directors. Some have showed what a hard working director can do to bring the play to life, and others have shown faults that I was able to learn from. I think having a good director is important for any play because on stage you cannot watch yourself, so having extra advice and organization is key.
    Bringing the program back to life is probably my biggest goal this year, Our theatre program used to be full of people eager to help, have a role, and do their jobs, Over the past couple years we have had more and more people give u on the program and I wan't to give people the great experience I had that made me love theatre.
