Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Theatre 3 and 4: Last Preparations for Competition!!!

With competition coming right around the corner, where do you stand in terms of being ready?
What is your plan for getting your performance up to it's maximum potential.
 How, specifically, will you use your time between now and then in order to prepare?

Please be specific (Who/Where/When) with the 3rd part of your answer.


  1. I think I am not at my full potential in terms of being ready but I am more ready than I was last time. My looking for Alaska piece was written really well so if I don't break with it I cannot blame it on the piece. My poetry is okay. I really like it and connect to it but I am hoping that the judges do too.

    I am planning to add more action to my DI piece because i've noticed in the interp pieces people have begun to use quite a bit of action. I also want to make sure that any place that I usually get stuck I go over. My poetry is a matter of pacing because my poems are good content, I just need to trust it.

    I will allow myself time when I am on break at work to go over my pieces and when I have down time in class I will do that as well. Even on the way to competition I will be going over them and reading/ reciting them while timing them.

  2. I am aware that the competition is over by the time I'm posting this, so I'll be giving my thoughts that I had before the performance took place.

    I felt ready when it comes to memorization. I could recite all of my lines, completely characterized, before the days we were to perform in class. We ran out of time and I wasn't able to, so I feel like that sorta made me feel less prepared.

    I admit that I didn't practice all of my actions until a few days before the competition. It was probably Wednesday when I realized I had my lines and actions figured out, but I wasn't actually doing the actions. I had gotten all of my actions down by Friday and was confident that my piece wasn't perfect, but that it was going to be enjoyable for the audience.

    I used my time between then and the competition to prepare by reciting my lines, even during the trunk or treat. I was over here handing out candy to kids and repeating the lines back to myself. I knew I could memorize what needed to be done, but I still need to get over stage fright. I always let the anxiety get to me and can't do my best because pessimistic thoughts fill my head.
