Monday, December 9, 2019

Theatre 3: Watching Myself

Discuss something you learned while watching yourself perform on your Webcam.
What stood out the most?  What can you improve? How can you use the video to improve?


  1. One thing I learned when using the webcam is if I don't like how my performance is going or if I messed up I can pause it or delete it and try again. I also learned that using the webcam will help us with our performances a lot better.I learned that we have a limited amount of time on the webcam so we need to use our time wisely.

    What I can improve on is making sure that I speak loud enough in the video and make sure to think what I need to do before I do it. If we don't know what we need to do how can we improve if we don't know what to do ? We can't so we need to be thinking of what we have down that we don't need to worry about that and just worry about the things we need more help on.

    We can use a video to improve by hearing how our voice sounds when it's being recorded in the video. If we don't like how we said the word "the" then we can start over and try it again so that it sounds better when we say the word "the." We can also improve by seeing how we're standing walking etc and see if there's something different we can do to enhance our performance to make it better.

  2. I learned a few things watching myself. One thing is my posture. I was swaying a lot throughout the saying my piece. Another thing I noticed is my lack of contact with the audience. My swaying was really distracting me from actually listening to my piece.

    I can improve on my posture by standing still or maybe walk around to get my message across. I also need to work on my voice. I need to project my voice and not look away from the audience while saying my piece, and have confidence in myself while saying my piece.

    I'm gonna record and watch myself several times during my piece, and critique myself very strictly. After I critique myself, then i'll record myself again and do what I messed up on, and repeat the process.

  3. What stood out the most is that I need to exaggerate my actions more. I thought I was doing a ton of movement, but I saw that I wasn't actually moving around as much as I thought I had been. Something else that stood out was my voices for different characters. My detective voice sounded too similar.

    I need to improve on my voices, nervous smile, and my timing. I was over here having to be Elmo as a drug dealer and was accidentally smiling. My piece,if at a good pace, can get to 10 minutes. I'm going to try to go a little bit faster during the hostage scene.

    I'm going to improve by using the video because I'm going to record myself at least three times a day at home and extra at school when it's possible. I will take notes while watching the videos so watching myself multiple times won't be pointless.

    1. I've never watched your piece but if you start to do some of these things that are your flaws i will help you through it.
