Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Theatre 2.3.4: Self Check Up

Consider your Charge from a year ago (Charge in My Locker/To Whom it May Concern/ From Across the Bridge)

What was the best advice you gave?
What advice did you grow from the most?
What advice did you NOT apply like you thought you should have?
Where are you now compared to where you thought you would be a year ago?


  1. I believe that the best advice I gave was to believe in yourself.

    The advice that I grew from the most would be to overcome life's misfortunates by believing in yourself.

    I suppose I could've explained my perspective of life more specifically. In a way, it feels like I didn't get my point across due to how vague I was.

    If I were to put it in a way that I understand then I would have to say I'm at somewhere between 26-58% compared to my previous state of 10-25% a year ago.

    1. See your answer that says you were to vague? YOU ARE TOO VAGUE!!!

      DIG DEEPER. EXPLAIN MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU MEAN....GIVE EXAMPLES. This Discussion is not a short answer survey...it is supposed to be a discussion. DIG DEEPER!

  2. I think that the best piece of advice that I gave in last years From Across the Bridge was let life take you where to go. This piece of advice means enjoy your life and take it a day ata time.

    The piece of advice that I have grown from the most was just take a breath and relax. I have grown on this piece of advice because I used to stress over doing everything. So I took this piece of advice and I made sure that I started to not stress so much.

    A piece of advice that I did not apply that I think that I should have is Life is coming fast. I did not apply this piece of advice because I wasn't really sure what was going to be coming my way for my senior year. I should have listened to this piece of advice because I should have started making time instead of being lazy.

    If I were to compare myself from last year and this year then I would say that last year I was 30-55% compared to 56-70% this year.

    1. I think you are right about the Take A Breath. You seemed to not stress so much when the clock was ticking down. AND therefore you probably relaxed a little too much in the LIFE IS COMING AT YOU department. But the good part of this is that you will fix this. You have to. We all do. Because life is ALWAYS coming at you.

  3. I think the best advice I gave from The Charge in My Locker was to step away from the people who tear you down. I haven't had very great friends or home life until now. I wanted to get away from the people hurting me, and I finally got it, by walking the opposite way.

    I grew from being able to learn how to walk away from everything hurting, and each time taking something away from it. When I had a friend who was toxic and wanted nothing more than pain for my better friends, I cut him out of my life, and learned how to spot behaviors like his.

    I didn't apply the fact that you have to be careful with who you step away from. There can be very stubborn people who may need help. If you step away from those who you are just too stubborn, you may risk losing someone.

    I was in a dark place, not in the right head space. Running away from the problem or hiding from it wasn't what I wanted to do. I wanted the problem to subside. I thought I wouldn't be able to escape my dark place. Compared to then, I am a lot better than where I thought I would be, mentally and physically.

    1. I think you really did stare down some of your fears this year. And remember that until you can handle yourself, you are almost no good to anyone else.

  4. The best advice I gave in said assignment was not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay. It's okay for some people not to like you because they won't have an impact on your future career, spouse, home, etc. And if they somehow do, you let them get to you a little too much.

    I feel advice that helped me grow the most would probably be people are going to judge you no matter what you do. You could simply wear a shirt someone doesn't like and they will judge you for it. You could have a crooked tooth and people could judge you for it. It's as if these days, everyone is on stage everyday and everyone else who sees them is in a judge stand.

    Some advice I didn't apply that I wish I had would be there are some things you have time for, and there are some things you don't. I rushed pretty much everything my entire junior year. I was ready to hurry up and just become a senior, graduate, and be an adult. Now, I regret it. I really wish I had slowed down, taken more time to learn the lesson rather than just do the work and forget it all. I wish I had spent more time with friends to help get my mind off of things that were stressing me out. Because unneeded stress on top of lots of schoolwork, that's not a very good combination.

    When I think of Julianna from a year ago, I see a girl who wants to be up on that stage. A girl who wants people to depend on her for things because they trust she will get it done. I see a girl trying to already plan the next 20 years of her future. College right out of high school, marriage at 24, maybe 26. First kid 4-6 years after getting married so we are financially stable. I felt I had everything planned out already. But I wasn't living in the moment. Rather than sitting in history class and paying attention to the lesson, I would be thinking about how many years of college I would need to get done to be able to do my dream job. Now, I'd say I still want to be up on that stage, I still want to be a person someone feels they can depend on for things, but I have started focusing on high school. I was so focused on what I could do after it, when I should've also been taking smaller steps. I am going to take senior year a little slower. I'm going to spend more time with friends. And I'm going to study more because I'm not going to always understand the material just by looking at it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think the best advice I gave last year in 'To Whom It May Cocern'is to communicate with your classmates and others around you.You are in a class with these guys all year long if you cant communicate with them how do you expect to get done what needs to get done if you don't communicate with each other? Communication is a big key point when you are in Theater especially when Coach is busy with something you have each other you can depend on each other to always help if anyone needs help.

    The advice I think I grew the most this year is don't look so far ahead , because if you look ahead your fears and nerves will take over and you won't do the best that you can do and the best performance you can give.

    The advice that I didn't use as I should is to stop procracinating. We did this a lot during our Competitions in Theaterlll we would be given an assignment perform our pieces and half of us wouldn't even have it memorized yet alone have the actions or movement down either. If we procracinate nothing gets done especially when Coach gives us three weeks to a month to have our piece ready by competition.

    Last year I was just a new transfer student that loved theater , but I didn't know what was going on or who a lot of these people were. I was very shy I barely talked to a lot of people and it was nothing like I thought theater was going to be. Compared to now I think I'm more confident in myself that I can do anything I put my mind to it. I think I've grown from being someone really shy who barely had friends in theater and now I know everyone in Theater 3 & 4 & a lot in Theater 2 I've made friends and them and this program have been my family and next year for my senior year I'm going to take my advice from this year and last year to do my absolute best I can do to help myself grow as a performer and as a person as well.

  7. The best advice that I gave is that life is unpredictable. Just looking at the past couple months, you never really know what is gonna happen. Everyone dreams of senior year and all the perks that come with it but no one thinks that something will come out of seemingly no where and take it. It is certainly unpredictable and the fact that I knew that has slightly made this whole experience easier.

    I think the advice I grew from the most is to always keep pushing. This applies to more than just this pandemic. This whole year has been crazy and stressful and frustrating. There were points when I just wanted to quit. To be quite honest, it was a little bit everyday. I had to remember a couple things. One thing is that I put years of work and dedication into the program. I made sacrifices for the sake of Synergy Studio and I see quitting as a dishonorable discharge. I also had to look around and see all the people that were watching me. Regardless if everyone liked me, they could learn from me and I know I am a role model. Quitting is showing them that they can do the same.

    The advice that I should have spent more time on was finding motivation within myself. I got a little better but overall I still need to work on that. It is hard to be a part of an organization and still put your own needs as a priority. It is a very fragile scare that can be tipped easily. It is easy to put your all into one thing and not realize that in the end, that will just hurt more.

    I am currently sitting in my room in leggings, a hoodie and a bun that hasn't changed in days. To say the least, I am no where close to where I thought I would be. So much changed in so little time. I wanted to be on stage doing my final bow. I wanted to be doing the senior walk and getting ready for prom and that just isn't the reality. I am upset and hurt but I am stronger. I understand that life isn't always fair but life is good for the most part. I knew I would be in a better place than I was at this time last year and in all honesty I am, regardless of all the craziness.

  8. The Best advice i gave to someone in theatre was dont expect people to do your job. if you want something done, do it yourself and make sure its complete 100%.I gave this to a theatre 1 during Fable Fest and I didnt realize how much it helped him than I thought because he didnt just take it for himself, but he explained it to his group as well. Making it so their group wasnt as bad as some of the rest were.

    Advice that i grew from was being able to say no for certain things to help with time management. This year was a year that i was more focused on whats going to help me more in the future and what can also help others. Thats the reason why i focused on theatre more than doing volunteer hours. I also had a lot of hours already so that helped me out.

    Advice i shouldve spent more time on was trying to be more outgoing. I have the potential to do a whole lot more than what im putting into this program and i saw that during our last tournament. Though there were some others that were lower than me, i feel like i should've put more drive into what i was doing and being more motivated to do so.

    A year ago from now i would probably be finishing up the ask any girl set. Comparing myself now to what i was during the end of my theatre 2 year, i think i did improve alot. i was more comfortable with being myself and things werent just given to me. Now i feel like im more with the program. Even though im not a thespian, which is completely my fault, i feel like i can help others without feeling like im just bossing them around to do things. During my Theatre 2 year i was afraid that i might not be as good as certain people in the classroom. So instead of just sitting there, i tried my hardest to do the best i could even when coach wasnt looking.
