Monday, April 20, 2020

Theatre 4: From Across the Bridge: Act 2

This year held many unexpected challenges for all of us.  Discuss a few of those unexpected challenges, and how it impacted your Year.  Were there any challenges that you overcame? Were there some that knocked you back? How did you respond? What did you discover about yourself in the process? At the end, include a "Charge" for the reader.


  1. This year has been a roller-coaster of emotion. For years I have watched the seniors as they leave the theater program and I listened to what they had to say and just couldn't wait to be in their position. Most of the year was just trying to guide everyone else. I did not experience the personal growth that I hoped for. I hate competitions and usually I would have been so happy to skip so many. The one we went to I was sick and didn't get to do my best. What knocked me back the hardest was the fact that everything went by so fast and nothing really happened. I didn't get to the exciting part of the year. All year was just going through the motions. I guess you could say that as the senior I drew the short stick.

    I guess if I had to sum it all up for the reader I would say: Sometimes it isn't about what you did, but what you gave others the ability to do.

  2. I love the last part the most. It is about what you give others the ability to do that matters most. THAT is success!
