Monday, April 27, 2020

Theatre 3: From Across the Stage

Compose a letter to next year's Theatre 3 students.  Discuss what you took away from this year.  In particular,, talk about the opportunities that you have had, and what you did with them.  Then, retrospectively, what you would like them to know about their opportunity next year.


  1. Dear Future Theater 3,
    Hello my name is Jesse Dawson and I am a former Theater 3 student. Now you're in my shoes being a junior in Theater was hard let me tell you , but it gets better I promise. One of the opportunities I had this year that I didn't get last year was Theater Competitions. Theater Competitions aren't too difficult , but they also aren't easy they take a lot of time and effort as long as you are on task and use your time wisely you'll do just fine , and while you do these competitions they help you grow as a performer they show you your stregnths and weaknesses.

    With the opportunities I had what I had done the most with them was procracinate , but not only did I , but also my classmates we didn't use our time wisely and stay focus on the task at hand to meet our deadlines. We stayed like that through the rest of the year , which isn't a good thing when you have so much stuff to get done in a limited amount of time.

    Here's the point I want to get across in your mind if you really want to be good in Theater work hard practice at least a few times every night and I guarenteed that you will be good and you are destined for greater things you can do or find in life. And next year you will be way more experienced in your competitions, lipsync , acting , plays etc. Next year Coach will be able to count on you for what he throws at you and you won't have to worry about a thing. That's all for me good luck next year!
    Sincearly ,
    Jesse Dawson Theater 3

  2. Dear Future theatre 3,
    If you've made it this far there must be a reason you are still here other than you needed the credit. By writing this letter I hope to encourage you to actually put everything you have into what you do. This year you will build friendships, take on more responsibilities, and be challenged.

    As you continue in theatre your classes tend to get smaller and smaller, use this to your advantage and know each others strengths and weaknesses. Use this knowledge to help each other and push each other to do better. A huge downfall the theatre 3’s and 4’s had this year was the mindset that if we fail, its okay because we failed together. This works out great until its a week from finalizing grades and you have a F. This mindset is also the reason our theatre program is not what it used to be.

    Another very big reason our theatre program is not what it used to be is because you have more responsibilities. Treat these responsibilities as something you have to earn, not you're right as an advanced theatre student. Setting a good example for future students is what keeps the program going. A new challenge you will be faced with is competitions. There is no getting out of them so my best advice is to do the very best you can. As a theatre 3 I failed to take competitions seriously and the only person it hurt was me. You have the time and resources you need so use them to your advantage. Something we all learned the hard way was find your piece and memorize it ASAP, so you can spend the bulk of your time perfecting your performance. None of this comes easy so something future students and current students need to drastically improve on is working harder!!
