Thursday, January 10, 2019

Theatre 4: 1 Act Play Synopsis

Give a BRIEF Synopsis of your 1 Act:
     Who are your characters?
     What is their relationship?
     What are the Structural components of the story?
                   Initial Conflict
                   Rising Action
                   Falling Action


  1. Lane, Mikey and Larayza are the charterers in my one act.

    Mikey is the husband, Lane is the father of Mikey's wife and Larayza is the wife and daughter.

    Our Story Begins with Amber folding laundry. The Husband Dave, walks in to help. She asks him to look at the clothes in the washer he does so and sees a + pregnancy test.

    The wife had a miscarriage and she is visibly upset at the fact.She is folding laundry and Dave comes in looking for her. Dave tried to get her to stop but she was persistent so he goes and help her. Amber finds a baby onesie and walks away and sits on the chair crying, still holding the item. Dave walks over to comfort her. Amber’s father Matt walks in and rushes over to Amber pushing Dave off. Amber begins talking saying how she wasn’t fit to be a mother and she should just give up.
    Matt shares a story about Amber’s mother struggle with having her. Dave also shares his story. Dave says that they could adopt and Matt says adopting is a form of giving up. Matt continues to push Dave out of the conversation and told to him to continue doing laundry. An argument begins between Dave and Matt. Amber’s stands up and walks to Dave and says she wants to start the process.

    1 YEAR LATER-- (sound of a baby crying slowly fade) We see Dave folding laundry and then Amber walks in to help. They have a conversation about how Matt can tell a story and make any baby go to sleep. Then the topic is switched to needing groceries for dinner. Amber offers to go that way she can a break from all of the drama. She gets ready to go and tells Dave to get along with Matt because Hope needs a father.
    (CAR CRASH) The wife is driving home one day and is struck by a drunk driver and was put on life support. The husband knew that she wouldn’t come back and took her off of it without the father’s permission.
    ONE WEEK LATER-- Dave and Matt walks in wearing all black. Dave goes and sits on the chair that Amber once sat. Matt is leaning on the washing machine trying to hold back tears and anger. Matt says under his breath that she should be here. Dave to weak to fight says nothing. Matt continues on with the conversation to get under his skin. Matt says that he lost his daughter because of Dave’s lack of compassion in the relationship and that he was never good enough for Amber and that he is not good enough for Hope. Dave says leave Hope out of this and that it was his choice to let her go. Matt says the he is not going to let his daughter's pride and joy end up the same way Amber did.
    Matt goes and gets ready to pack up his things but stops in his tracks because Dave wasn’t putting up a fight. He was just there almost in a trance. Matt has a change of heart because he puts himself in Dave’s position he had just lost his wife of 10 years and is losing Hope. Matt walks over to Dave and grabs his hand and reassures him that she loved him so much.

  2. My characters are Bryan, Andy, and Gracie.
    They are all friends. Bryan likes Gracie, Gracie likes Andy.
    The story is broken up into 4 parts: 5th grade, high school senior, 30-aged, and 50-aged.
    Exposition: The 3 kids meet while waiting in the laundry room.
    Initial Conflict:They all go through their little problems and talk to each other about it at the laundry room
    Rising Action: They are worried about their friendship after high
    Crisis: They are worried that their friendship is at stake after graduating.
    Climax: there is a clash of personalities. after reuniting after college.
    Falling action: Gracie and Bryan are called by Andy to return to the apartments where there exists some tension.
    Resolution: it has been realized that Andy has died and the other two realized the importance of having each other close.

  3. My characters are Shaun, Tina, and Mrs. Angel.
    Shaun and Tina work for Mrs. Angel.
    Exposition: Shaun and Tina are both washing their clothes in the basement of the apartment.
    Initial Conflict: Shaun is told by Mrs. Angel to wash her clothes correctly or he's fired.
    Rising Action: Tina tells Shaun to stand up to Mrs. Angel or he'll always be treated like dirt. Shaun agrees to after he's done washing her shirt.
    Crisis: He pulls out the shirt to realize that it turned pink! Mrs. Angel now has a reason to fire Shaun. Shaun panics.
    Climax: Shaun and Tina begin to spitball solutions while panicking.
    Falling Action: Mrs. Angel returns and asks for her clothes back. Shaun hides the shirt and then decides to stand up to her with a speech. At the end of the speech, she asks to see the shirt. Shaun gives her the shirt and it turns out that she loves pink!
    Solution: Mrs. Angel considers promoting Shaun and leaves. Shaun thanks Tina for helping anyways. She said that he take chances more often and kisses him on the cheek.
    The end.

  4. My characters are Mikey as Noah, Brianna as Shelby, and Larayza as Becky.

    Exposition: Our story begins with the three friends all in the laundry room of their apartment, all Noah and Shelby are folding laundry while Becky is waiting for hers to finish drying. After Noah and is done folding his laundry he says his good byes for the night. The time is roughly 9:00 pm

    Initial Conflict: He then makes his way to the door and goes to leave but his is met with the fact that it is locked and he is unable to leave. This then leads to the other trying to open the door.

    Rising Action: Becky then slowly calms the other two characters down and asks them if either of them have their key that unlocks the door. The other two frantically check their pockets, Becky simultaneously checks her pockets. None of them have the key. This then leads Noah into a spiral of anxiety and panic. Noah then notices that there is no food and he panics even more. Shelby also begins to panic but not as much.

    Climax: Noah is beginning to hyperventilate and suddenly blurts out "If we don't get out of here we will starve!"

    Falling Action: Becky then starts to back track and eventually makes her way to her folded laundry grabs a previously worn [Insert Clothing Item here] reaches in the pocket and finds the key.

    Resolution: Becky shows the others what she has found. Noah then frantically grabs the key and runs to the door and unlocks it. Noah sprints out of the laundry rooms screaming "get me food."
