Monday, April 20, 2020

Theatre 3: From Across the Stage (Part 1)

This year held many unexpected challenges for all of us.  Discuss a few of those unexpected challenges, and how it impacted your Year.  Were there any challenges that you overcame? Were there some that knocked you back? How did you respond? What did you discover about yourself in the process? At the end, include a "Charge" for the reader.


  1. (I tried my best to do a different one since I have to do this for theatre 2 and 3).

    I personally have always had stage fright. I joined theatre because I wanted to get over this - plus I LOVED acting. I had always been into theatre. My mom and I would jam out in the car singing songs from Rent, Grease, and the Cell Block Tango. I've always wanted to be up on that stage, complaining about the hot spotlight. Telling everyone how exhausting rehearsal was because I wanted to get my lines just right. I've performed on the stage before, but I didnt think I'd be so terrified for the competitions. I was able to remember all of my lines, all of my cues, and of my movements. But once I was in front of everyone and able to see them cause there wasn't a blinding light, I started crying. I felt like I wouldn't ever be able to be in a play or go to competition. I felt like everyone would remember me as the girl who cried in front of everyone. Next competition I'm forcing myself to get up there and do it. I dont care if I start crying, I WILL finish my piece.

    Now I am still nervous in front of people, but how am I going to get anywhere if I can't perform a ten minute piece of front of 5 or so people. Maybe it's the fact there is a judge. Maybe it's because I don't know the other competitors in the room. Maybe it's because all I can think about is failure. Who knows. But I'm going to find something that helps me get through that. I'd rather get up in front of everyone and be horrible than not even try and fail because I was a coward.

    I would like for anyone reading this to understand that it isn't easy. Y'all have been through your own theatre journey, some more challenging than others. But we all still have our struggles. Mine is I can't perform in front of small groups, but I can in front of big groups. Yours could be the same as mine, or the exact opposite. Either way, we should help each other grow and help them see they are capable of things they didn't know they were before.

  2. You have to visualize your success. Seriously imagine what success looks and feels like in the room.

  3. An unexpected challenge for me this year was the competitions I always heard last year that they were hard , so I was really scared how it was going to turn out or wondered "Am I even doing this right" "Should I move around " or I would say "Wow her piece was so much better than mine" I would let my fear and nerves control me then I'd start comparing myself to other actors or actresses. In time the last competition we did I was actually proud of myself and I wasn't nervous at all. Coach liked my piece and so did the judges and that impacted my year because I learned if I keep pushing myself and keep moving forward there is nothing to be afraid of.

    A challenge I had faced was standing back up after I've failed so many times. failing is just a part of life for example if I failed a physics test last week that doesn't mean I'm going to give up and accept it . No what it means is I'm going to keep trying to get better at it. It's the same for Theater if my performance before competition isn't as good as I'd like for it to be I'm going to keep trying until I am satisfied with the work I put in for it.

    I would like for the future performer to know that It's okay to fail. It's okay to be nervous. And most of all It's okay if you feel like giving up , because life Isn't going to be easy. Life would be very boring if everything was easy to achieve. We all have our strengths and weaknesses , but face them instead of fear them and I promise everything will alright. Theater is like a family no matter what happens we will always be there for each other , so be there for each other and each one of you are destined for great things.
