Monday, April 20, 2020

Theatre 2: To Whom it May Concern: Pt 1

This year held many unexpected challenges for all of us.  Discuss a few of those unexpected challenges, and how it impacted your Year.  Were there any challenges that you overcame? Were there some that knocked you back? How did you respond? What did you discover about yourself in the process? At the end, include a "Charge" for the reader.


  1. There were many unexpected challenges for me. The challenges were mostly mental. I started remembering what had hurt me in the past. But I was able to overcome those things. I had to do things to keep my mind off of thinking too much. It made me realize that I was more that what I thought I was.

    As I started getting my confidence the pandemic hit. I was very intrigued but also somewhat scared. I watched the world stop and I had to stop with it. Then it picked back up, and I didn't. There was too much at risk for me and my family. The only thing I could do now is wait. Find new hobbies to pass time.

    I discovered that I can work hard and get things done. I believe in myself more. This pandemic has shown me that I am something and I can make a difference. I can be greater than I used to be. Of course I'm not at my potential yet. I know i can get there with time though.

  2. Many things have challenged me this year, and I'm not just talking about the virus. There was a ton of unnecessary drama at school, I was struggling in math, and I wanted to improve on things I couldn't find time to do the improvements. My schedule always seemed full with school, rehearsal, Japanese club, anime club, my little sisters games, etc. Sometimes I couldnt go to sleep until 4am because I was stressing all night and had to be awake all over again at 6. Plus I had family issues, but who doesn't. I attempted to keep all my emotions inside cause I felt if I told someone my issues, they would either judge me, or not want to hear about it, or they would pity me. But, eventually, I found some people I could talk to about it without feeling judged. Like Kamil, Jesse, and Cynthia.

    There were many moments where life knocked me down... hard. Where I felt like I could never get back up again. Like I couldn't show my face at school anymore. Like I should just hide underneath my bed for the rest of my life. But I kept trying to make myself better, even if it did take some time. I didn't really care if it took me 6 weeks or 6 years, i just wanted to feel better about myself. Feel like no drama at school or drama at home could make me feel negative about myself and make me want to hide for the rest of my life. I haven't fully gotten to that point yet, but I do think about wanting to get away from everyone much less often. I discovered I needed a hobby, it was that simple. Something I could do to ease my mind when i was stressed or upset about something and just turn it into something I'm good at - something I love to do. I always had a love for drawing and I really wanted to learn to paint. Everyone thinks painting is easy, until you actually have to do it. Then your mind goes blank and you aren't sure what to put on that canvas. But once that brush gets to moving, it doesn't want to stop.

    I want the reader to take away that sometimes changing yourself in a positive way, isn't as hard as you may think. People see change and they get either nervous or aggressive. "Why should I change!" Or "but I dont want to change". You aren't changing necessarily who you are, just the way you think. Make it to where you can look in that mirror and be proud of yourself. Make it to where you aren't scared to be the one to start a conversation with a new person. Make yourself feel loved without needing someone to do it for you. They always say "you have to love yourself before you love others", and they aren't the slightest bit wrong.

  3. Change is inevitable. The world is constantly changing. If we don't adapt, we get left behind.
