Monday, August 16, 2021


 Discuss the your expectations for the upcoming year.  

What are you hoping to gain out of taking this course?

What obstacles do you forsee that you may have to overcome to get there?

How will put this course to use in the future?


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  3. 1. my expectations are unclear i think this year is going to be a little challenging and i think i can handle it
    2. i'm here to work on my public speaking
    3. the obstacles that i face is corona and the ACT
    4. when i start working i can have communication skills that will be required for me to have

    1. I'm sure with practice you can handle it and continue to push yourself to achieve your goals.

  4. My expectations for this year is for it to be challenging. I'm trying lots of new class types, but I hope/plan to accomplice my short term goals for this year. I want the completion of those goals to push me closer to my long term goals in the future.

    I am hoping to gain better communication and speaking skills and work on eye contact and not distracting myself and getting off topic when I am speaking to someone on accident.

    I face the ACT this year and I plan on reaching my goal and making myself proud. I also plan on getting over the obstacle of covid and still finding ways to progress with restrictions on what I can do because of the pandemic.

    This course will be used in the future by helping me become better at presentations and persuade my audience better.

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    2. I agree with the overall sentiment of your responses, however I think that when saying your goals it could be beneficial for you to be explicit in saying them so they come to fruition. As a senior I'd say don't sweat the ACT, it really isn't that difficult, but also if you do badly... who cares? Standardized testing doesn't define your intelligence as accurately as other things you'll do in life. Worst case scenario, you retake it. I think you have a good base for public speaking from what I've seen so far in class, and I look forward to debates we may have in the future.

    3. I know you're going to do great on the ACT including this year. The fact that you're taking a lot of different classes shows that you want to step out of your comfort zone, and try different things.

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  6. My counselor hasnt switched me out yet but if i stay in this class id be here to improve on public speaking

  7. While taking this course I hope I will get better at my speaking and talking in front of people. I have always been afraid to talk and speak in front of people because I feel as if I will have a voice crack or stutter. Not everybody pays attention to the little things but I feel as if people are looking at me and wanting me to make a mistake. Being on a stage or in front of an audience makes me really nervous and I start to mentally panic. Most people have stage fright out of past experience but I am not particularly afraid of just anything.

    A obstacle that I foresee that I will have to over come is speaking in front of people of course. I will start off small by speaking in front of my classmates and gracefully move to a bigger audience. I believe if I speak enough to my peers will be capable of speaking in larger crowds without being so nerves. The other obstacle is beating covid if I ever get it. Not being in school will cause me to fall behind and I won't be able to interact with other people to help me get over it.

    This course in the future will help me with communication skills. If I have to help a person in the future communication is the best things to do. If I am capable to help a person and understand where they are coming from. I think this class can help with a lot of things that I can associate with, with me going into the nurse school and planning on becoming a nurse I have to be able to communicate with the patients and my co workers.

  8. I expect this upcoming year to be an eventful finish to a tumultuous high school career. As a member of Student Government , I'll be on the ground floor for planning events and I really want to make this year the best we've had so far, and I truly believe that we can. I want this year to be the climax of my high school years and I hope I can achieve that.

    In this class I hope to gain useful communication skills and "tricks" to help portray my thoughts. I hope to more effectively convey my message and to get the maximum effect from my audience and/or listeners.

    The obstacles I foresee this school year is my motivation, or lack thereof. I have high aspirations for my athletic career this year, but for the academic side of it I'm kind of uninspired. I hate to sound this way, but I really am ready to just leave, but I honestly would like to be more inspired in all my courses this year and I'll have to take that upon myself.

    This course will be great in my future because communication is one of the most lacking skills today. Most issues come from lack in communication in my experience and to understand how those issues come about would be really beneficial for when I start my career as an adult. It's also beneficial for the college public speaking course as well.

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  10. My expectations for this upcoming school year is taking a a huge step of being out of my comfort zone. I'm very shy to talk in front of a group of people. What I'm hoping out of this school year is being more confident to being able to speak more often to others and large audiences.

    Obstacles I have to do in able to get to my goal is public speaking and communication. Those are the two things I'm currently focused about.

    This course will be useful in the future for college and what I'll do in the future. I hope this will make me not be afraid to do the things I want in life.

    1. I agree because I don't too much step out of my comfort especially because I am afraid of the outcome of the things do.

  11. I am hoping to expand my ability to speak publicly and more sophisticatedly while continuing to entertain my audience. I am a very anxious person but I do surprisingly well in front of crowds, only downsides being constant movement and a lot of shaking. I am hoping to learn how to stop that shaking and use that movement to my advantage.

    Obstacles I forsee having to overcome are a distinct lack of memory and as stated before continuous shaking and movement. Maybe my writing could also be improved upon; wording and such. A lack of motivation and a procrastination streak will also likely be a problem but to be completely honest, I've still always gotten work done on time.

    It will be useful in day to day life, i.e., talking to people on a regular basis with a confident and level voice as well as keeping up with and having entertaining conversation. It could also be helpful in my college life and job prospects. Communication is a very important tool, it should used to a person's advantage.
