Monday, August 16, 2021


 Discuss the your expectations for the upcoming year.  

What are you hoping to gain out of taking this course?

What obstacles do you forsee that you may have to overcome to get there?

How will put this course to use in the future?


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  2. This course gives me an opportunity to be myself and to just let it all out on the stage. As a a naturally anxious person, theatre gives me a chance to just be myself, and forget about it all for a little while. That is what to gain from this class, just the chance to be myself, an escape for just a little bit. And I feel that's why a lot of people take this class, just for a chance to go for it all, and having something that you can put your all into. That's what I'm hoping to gain, just another chance to let it all out.

    The obstacles in my way are my stutter and my anxiousness. My stutter is kind of obvious, me breaking the flow of the whole show with a giant pause because I can't get a word out, it leads to a lot of doubt. I know that I can do it, I've done it before, but things can go wrong, my stutter can start back up and then the whole flow is messed up. That's my fear, is me being responsible for bombing the show. For example, last years play had a prop in it. It had a broken heart, a whole bunch of wood pieces made up into a heart just shoved into a paper bag. Well, mid play the bag broke, heart pieces flew everywhere. Hit a couple of audience members but that's besides the point. When that happened, my jaw dropped, my mind blanked, I was in shock. Luckily we picked it up and it went over pretty well, but in that moment, that was the worse thing that could possibly happen happened. That's my fear, is me just bombing out there, the fear as most other people, just me being an embarrassment up on the stage.

    In the future I can use the confidence that I have gained in this course to just be myself. This class I can be myself and I'm hoping I can keep up that trend with all my other classes. We're all worried about what we look in others eyes rather than what we actually are on the inside. This course will help get rid of the anxiousness and the stutter, and that being gone will help me tremendously in the future.

  3. I am in Theatre II because I love the crew aspect of theatre. I was introduced to theatre and drama club in middle school and have tried to stay in it ever since.

    I expect and hope that this year I will be able to create something with other people in theatre that I'm proud of. Being able to look at a finished production and think, "I made that happen," is very satisfying. I also hope that everyone in this class and who will join drama club will be able to make a great team. One thing that I loved about drama club in middle school was the community it creating by bringing people with the same interest to make a production happen together.

    The biggest obstacle for me this year will probably be my anxiety. Being the first one to do things, or messing up in front of people gives me terrible anxiety, but I know that I will have to overcome that. As we've all heard Coach Silvers say, "This is theatre, no one should be hiding behind the curtain."

    I definitely know that learning how to use power tools is going to be helpful. Of course, it will be useful when building sets, but also with anything I want to make in the future. Theatre also builds leadership skills and the ability to work in a team, which are very good things to have all of your life. This course may also help ease my social anxiety, as I will be working with and in front of other people.

    1. I look forward to working with you.

    2. Look, I can relate to you when it comes to anxiety. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but sometimes you just have to overcome it. Another way to deal with that anxiety is to practice and practice. It reassuring knowing that you know your lines and are capable of performing the play.

  4. This year I expect to gain valuable time in theatre on and off the stage. I also hope to grow more and more confident about myself, and also speak my mind more often. As a noticed last year with the play, theatre can come with a lot of hardships. But that's what makes it so rewarding. When you overcome those hardships and become a better person because of it. I really realized this last year when we were done with the play. I really just did something I never thought I could do.

    One of the main obstacles I'll be facing this year is expecting the unexpected. I tend to get comfortable with my situation, so when change happens I'm not usually prepared for it. Theatre's perfect for this. In theatre nothing's guaranteed. One day everything can be running smoothly, and the next day half the crew either quits or doesn't participate. Last year when I was in the play I saw this happen all the time. Another road block for me this year will be dealing with my fears and confronting them head on. For example, sometimes I might have the answers to questions, but my anxiety and fear of being wrong sometimes don't allow me to answer the question. Thus, being in theatre and realizing that it's okay to mess up, and will eventually happen will defiantly help with my fears. Also, knowing that the theatre family is so understanding and trustworthy(for the most part) defiantly helps too.

    Using the confidence I gain from theatre will really help me later in life. If I'm ever in a meeting for work or I need to speak and say something, theatre will help with that. Those little things can be the difference between me becoming successful in life or being an absolute failure. Another thing that will be useful later in life is commitment. To be in a play, you really have to be committed to the play. You have to work after school, and you have to remember your lines and etc. during your free time. So, later in life when I have to be committed to work or something else in my life, all that commitment that came with theatre will help.

    1. I look forward to work with you.

    2. I can relate to this post for the fact that theatre is unexpected. I was with the same boat, everyone dropping the play, people not showing up to rehearsal, just there was no consistency whatsoever with that production. And all productions are like that, someone is either gonna quit or not show up to rehearsal. So for that reason I can relate to this post.

    3. Dylan I hope working with you helps me reach my goal

  5. I am in Theatre 2 because I really grew to love it over the last school year. I was first in theatre in 8th grade and since then I knew that I would want to stay in this program.

    One of my fears are that I wont be good enough, I'll be acting and just wont be enough so I am trying my hardest at believing that I am enough. Another one of my fears is that I will fail and people will laugh and make fun of me for it. That is why I really like the times where we do actives like snowball where I won't be alone and I know that I'm not alone there is someone else who feels the same way that I do.

    So I guess you could say that I have a little anxiety when it comes to things like this. That would be another one of my obstacles.

    But learn the right way to do something is always better like learning how to use the power tools and to build the sets and I'm can't wait for drama club to start.

    I'm very excited to be in theatre 2 not only to help become a better actor, but it helps build leadership and to me that is a very important trait to have in life.

    I will be working with other people to and that will help not only me but them also with the fear of doing something wrong or by not understanding what to do. I believe what you said earlier in class about theatre being a family I think that statement is 100% accurate.

    1. i will enjoy working with you this year.

    2. Don't worry about not being good enough at acting. It is a skill that takes time to develop, so as long as you work hard, you'll get there! I'm looking forward to working with you this year.

    3. wow, my dear friend cade! don't worry about messing up or about your acting not being good enough everyone makes mistakes and we all come to know this the longer we're in this class:) lets have fun in drama for the next three years

  6. By taking this course, I hope to open myself more so then people know me better. I look forward to trying to make friends. Also I look forward to work with people that share my love of theatre. I hope that I get to do this, this year.

    Obstacles always appear in the line of success. One problem is my shyness with trusting people. Another problem is that I will face the same problem as I did last year with trying to make friends. Also I will try to not bother as many people so they don't think I'm weird. These are the challenges I believe I will pass to succeed.

    I know theater will be very helpful for me for multiple ways. It will let me become less shy so I can be out there. It will allow me to make more friends hopefully. Also It will help me with my anxiety and make me a better person. I hope you have learned a thing or two about me.

    1. Being more out there is defiantly a key skill to have in life. Instead of worrying about being "weird" and awkward you should focus on being yourself. Even if that's different than what most people like, you're staying true to yourself.

  7. By taking this course, I hope to gain valuable life skills. I look forward to learning how to design and build sets. I look forward to developing new friendships. I also look forward to being a part of something bigger than myself. These are the three things I hope to gain from this course.

    There will always be obstacles in the way of accomplishing goals. One obstacle will be Corona virus potentially preventing any future plays from being approved. Another will be slackers preventing anything from getting done in a timely manner. A third will be overcoming trust issues. These are three obstacles I will have to address.

    This course will be useful in the future in many ways. It will give me necessary home maintenance skills. It will give a leg up in the workplace due to improved communication and work ethic. It will also give me improved time management and organizational skills.

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    I fell in love with film at a young age. More specifically, I fell in love with the actors and actresses who were able to portray different people at a flip of a switch. It started with me just thinking things like "I love them. They're so cool!" to me saying "I love this. I want to be in it too. I want to act!" I was envious of the actresses and actors I watched and I've always wanted to be just like them.

    I expect to get a lot of things out of this school year of theatre. As last year, I had to learn virtually so I didn't get as much as I wanted out of it. I would even go as far to say that the only reason I chose to do traditional despite fear of corona was because I wanted to experience theatre class and drama club in person. I hope to learn a lot being in the "crew" and being an actual actress in a play. I get anxiety, and I get nervous sometimes so I'm sure I will get over this by taking theatre.

    A few obstacles that I foresee myself having to overcome is having courage to speak up and speak out. Just overall, being able to put myself out there. My personality is really outgoing and I can be a very loud person but sometimes it shrinks down when I come around people that I don't know very well. In the future, I want to be an actress so I'm hoping that taking this course allows me to gain confidence and experience.

    1. I'm very happy that we will be be working together. I completely feel the same way as you when it comes to acting I am envious of them too because become becoming a actor was all I every wanted to be. See them on the screen and watching them switch between a emotion or become a different character.

  9. Last year when I had Theater 1, I was put in this class. I didn't want to be in here only because of the subject, I don't enjoy talking in front of a large group of people. I like to be to myself or to my small amount of friends in the class.

    As the time past, I did start to enjoy the class more and want to do more activities that involved talking in front of people. I still had the feeling to leave the class, because it seemed like we had a ton of work to do everyday. I felt like I would fail his class and my mom, who works here would me extremely mad and disappointed at me.

    In conclusion, I enjoy this class because it pushes you to your limit and allows for you to get to know your class a whole lot better. Theater took months for me to get used to and able to enjoy.

  10. I am in theatre 2 because my theatre 1 year was a pretty bad year. I wanted to see if this year would be better than last year. So far it is and I heard that theatre 2 is more hands on than the theatre 1 class.

    I also wanted to be in this class because they support each and and are very kind too others. This class also has coach Silvers he pushes u too your limits and makes sure you are where you need to get. He may seem mean but he really tries to get you to your best ability to write and too act.

    With coach silvers pushing you to your limits and if you try you will be very successful in the class. The class is really supportive and teaches you to be more social. It pushes you to your limits and teaches you how to over come your fears.

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  12. I chose Theatre II because I found interest in acting and stage management. I was virtual last year; therefore, I didn't get to experience the full affect of Theatre, so I wanted to do that this year.

    By taking this course I hope to step out of my comfort zone and do something I don't usually do. I also hope that this course helps me to shy away from fear of speaking out loud in front of people I don't know.

    I know that talking out will be one of my challenges, as well as completing an mission with verbal instruction instead of visual instruction. I'm a very outspoken person when I'm around people I connect with or know personally, but when it comes to new people, I'm not a fan of speaking in front of them or even having a private conversation.

    In the future, I can use this course to help me with my social connection with my peers, and to also take away my anxiety of speaking in front of unknown people. Lastly this course would be beneficial because I will learn to use machinery that I wouldn't have learned to use if I didn't take theatre II

  13. I pretty much enjoyed my last year even with the ruckus and everything.The class never really changed my grades nor even made my experience feel bad.In theatre the people actually made me wanna go.To the theatre and excited cause everyday was new and I was looking forward to a new adventure either it would be funny in the class or just.Be pretty good and a solid class period but I had.Always enjoyed the two hours I had in theatre and thats dont know why people didn't.

    Like Coach Silvers said “Dont let no one stop you from doing ya work” I followed his.Exact words last and plan on doing it the same this year as well.I never had a C,D,F in his class and never planned. On to having those lame letters in a class in my life but yeah if people would just do their work and.Not worry about people ruining their experiences and try hard to enjoy theatre and that's what I did. Then threw out all that Coach Silvers held it down for me and the whole class still making it enjoyable and will see an obstacle of not being able to build or use the tools properly.

    So this year I hope to continue having fun and Coach Silvers making it fun for me and the whole class. Looking forward to building and coming to the school in the afternoon since I dont be doing nothing at my house or none.But yeah I enjoy this class because of the awesome teacher which is Coach Silvers and just here to make new friends as well. So I hope now I wish this year to be a great sophomore year for me and also. My new friends as well so Go theatre yeahhh.This course will help me better in the future with working in a group.

    1. i also really enjoyed mr silvers being my teacher. he is a really funny and sarcastic guy and a great theatre teacher to boot:D

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  15. I am here because I want to be of course. The family that has grown from the program is something I and want to be a part of. I want to not only still learn, but teach others that this is a fun class. This is a place to grow. I'm hoping to become a better leader.

    There are lots of obstacles. The biggest one is Covid. It has had a long term affect on my social skills honestly. I don't have many friends still and it is quite hard to make friends again. But I know there are ways to overcome it, I just have to find them. I have also struggled with attention span issues. In my past, there are things that have negatively affected those and it is hard to bounce back from them. I know that this may help with these problems and make my life a whole lot better.

    I can definitely benefit from everything that I'm going to accomplish here, This course has already help me become a better person. I can use it when meeting new people, giving presentations, and putting my best effort in this class.
