Monday, August 16, 2021

Theatre 3 & 4: Why am I here?

 Discuss the your expectations for the upcoming year.  

What are you hoping to gain out of taking this course?

What obstacles do you forsee that you may have to overcome to get there?

How will put this course to use in the future?


  1. 2021 school year, my junior year. I love my classes this year and it makes me overjoyed thinking about my schedule, and I'm hoping to decide on my future with theatre this year. I'm stuck having to decide what I want to do with my life and I've enjoyed theatre, I've enjoyed teaching, I've enjoyed wrestling, I've enjoyed construction when I'm doing it alone, I've enjoyed a lot and I'm hoping to find what I want to do with my life in theatre this year, I want to discover more of myself.
    To get to where I want to on figuring out my life I first have to get through all the schedules and plans I have coming up. I need to then figure out my plans for the year. I have to be ready for a COVID shut down and be ready for life to come fast.
    Acting can be used in plenty of places. In a teaching career it can be used to introduce students to your class and get their attention and can be used to fake it till you make it. It can be an actual career in acting. Theatre also allows me to learn more about teamwork and people. Theatre helps me read people because of learning how to act as people. You learn little things making people tic and is very beneficial to me for my choice of career. This is why I am here in theatre three at West Creek High

    1. I definitely relate to having to make big choices between things that I love doing, and of worrying about Covid-19 potentially making the choice for me of none of them. I hope you don't have to lose anything you love doing, from neither choosing, Covid-19, or any other obstacle.

    2. 3 Paragraphs: Double-Space between each paragraph.

  2. Why am I here? Well, children, it’s all apart of simple human reproduction. You see, when a man and woman love each other very much… And that’s all I can say without getting a signed consent form from you guys.

    But in all seriousness, I want to hone my craft. Upgrade my skills, as the youth say. The best way to do that is practice, practice, practice. During all my years here, though, I have been looking forward to having the opportunity to direct. My childhood was heavily influenced by the performing arts, and I want to use that experience to bring a show to life on stage with the help of fellow actors. And this all only the first part of my ultimate plan to take over the world!

    Admittedly, my “people skills” are “rusty.” Everyone’s socialization skills took a beating during that lovely side quest, COVID, but specifically, I would like to connect with people of all ages in the theatre program. I believe there is something to be learned from each one of you, they all have a story to tell, and with proper help, I hope to become a strong enough performer to set an example for others, so they can see me as a voice of guidance when I direct. This personal connection will also come in handy when I have to prepare an army for world domination!

    My ultimate arch nemesis stands in my way though. Literally. He’s too tall. So I have created a five step program for us to take Coach down. Step one: kick out his kneecaps. Step two: scratch the rest of the program, there are no more steps. We all know his weakness. (Keep that in mind next time you grade our work, Coach.) Although, if we overlook the obvious physical obstacles, I see my mind as my biggest hardship. You are your harshest critic, afterall, and I have the tendency to lose confidence in my own abilities. I hold back when I perform and guide others, and I want to get over that steep mountain.

    Everyone needs good communication skills, and I believe leadership can carry me further. I also plan to use my performing knowledge in my future career, considering I hope to continue down the theater path. It’ll be difficult between ruling the world and being amazing, but I think I can manage.

    So big plans for this year! Plenty of room to grow, plenty of knowledge to learn. I’m more than excited to see the things we, as a theater community, have planned. Now I can successfully tick this box off on my path to world domination. Today, the theater-tomorrow, THE WORLD!

    1. I agree that COVID was bad for everyone socially, it prevented the non-socially awkward from connecting with people like they do, and it enabled for the socially awkward to hide, causing both parties to lose social skills. It will be important for us to learn to rebuild and use those skills though, for the sake of building the bridge for the future of the WCHS theatre program.

    2. I heavily respect how you want to grow your craft and that you have a goal you want to attain. This is incredibly inspiring because it shows that you genuinely care about what is it you are doing. You took something that you know isn't your strong suit and flipped into something you can change and do better on. I can't wait to see one of your directed shows!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The connection we share in Theatre with each other is significant. We understand each other and we can laugh about things and others won't understand. We all are here as a family for each other. It's great to know that we are able to turn to our Theatre family when we need it.

  3. "Why am I here?" Is a question that can be simple or complicated. I am here simply because I chose to put it on my schedule three years in a row. I am here maybe because I don't like change and would rather stick to what I know. I am here truly because it feels like it is where I belong. My first two years of high school, I had a lot of back and forth battles trying to figure out what I wanted, and what I felt like things were worth to me, and what I was worth to other people. At times, I thought I was going to give up softball, while other times I thought I was going to give up theatre, yet the truth was that I was prepared to give up neither, and I would never want to give up either of them, since they both are things that largely contribute to building my character, me as a person. I expect to mature even more as a leader throughout this next year in everything that I do. It's easy for me to lead on the softball field, as it's something that I am confident in and that I have done/been around my whole life, while in classrooms and on the stage largely differ since I am not nearly as confident. That, however, is precisely why I expect to build my confidence this upcoming year, to no longer doubt myself constantly. I expect that my journey as a theatre three student should provide a path to improve these things, as I help step up and with whatever we do, and as I put myself out there more and more, proving that I should have confidence in myself.
    I am hoping that I will be able to fulfil my expectations in theatre three, whilst still having fun and connecting with my fellow theatre family. Since last year was a strange one to say the very least, we missed out on a lot of what was supposed to take place in theatre two, which was supposed to be stage production and set building, while we never helped produce anything from offstage nor did very much building sets, so it would be great to be able to learn those things this year too. I know that this year will probably provide to be a challenge for all, since obstacles are going to come flying out all of the time. Considering what happened to Coach's Speech and Communications class, it's not crazy to assume that something may happen to our class eventually. Whether it's combining us with another class like theatre two, or attempting to turn it into another "Communication" class, there's a chance, even if it's a small one. I know that it's going to be difficult for me to step up as more of a leader, since I do not normally like rocking the boat, and I typically keep to myself and focus on myself, but I believe that it is something that I can overcome with attention on it. I know that every year I take theatre as a softball player, I risk having huge conflicts and having to make big decisions. Knowing that someday a day may come where I have to disappoint people who are important to me in my life and miss out on something that I love scares me, but it is exactly why I have to work as hard as I can to get all of what I can out of things while there are no problems, and communicate to try to avoid as many issues as possible.

    1. Theatre has already helped me to grow as a person in a lot of ways, some noticeable and some not so much. The more that I am in the class, the less I feel like a sore thumb that has nowhere to go, which helps me to build my self-belief. Theatre three being speech and competition focused excites me a lot, because the translations to real life benefits are obvious and clear; I will be better at speaking publicly, which is an important skill that all adults could use, I will be better at debating, which could be especially useful for my current career interest, which is becoming an attorney. Having to deal with the impacts of Covid-19 for the past few years has taught me that I am going to have to always find the best in things myself rather than waiting on great things to happen on their own. Because of this, regardless of what happens in theatre this next year, I am going to make sure I make the best of it and make it benefit me in every way that I can.

    2. I understand how you feel like your are missing parts since you weren't able to fully experience theater 2 in all its set building glory. I feel similar since my theater 2 year was cut short and in theater 3 I wasn't able to go to any competitions. I do love that it means we can grow into that this year.

    3. 3 Paragraphs: Double-Space between each paragraph.

  4. This year that I am coming into doesn't always feel completely real to me. From an extra week off of spring break my sophomore year, to on and off virtual my junior year, my senior years felt like something that wouldn't ever come. It's like knowing you're going to grow up but never actually thinking you'll be an adult until you see it looking you in the face. Throughout high school I always clung to people who were older and more experienced than me because they made me feel safe. It's scary this year that now I have to be that person for someone else completely on my own. I don't have anyone else to hide behind so it's just me in the front lines of my life. This year I get to grow that and show myself that I am fully capable of anything imaginable. Needing to prove my worth to myself throughout the year will be my plan. To give it my all and as to not be wasted potential.

    A lot of the people that I learned to count on were from the theater department. Theater has aided in molding me into the person that I am today. I am far more confident than I was walking into a room full of strangers on a pew my freshman year. I want to use this course to be able to continue growing. Not only just myself but others. The togetherness and family that theater is was what was able to bring out countless people. Making the connection to the younger theater family so they can grow into people you want to see and be around is my goal. To not be afraid to stand up and just be a good dude because being good is good.

    The biggest obstacle that I sense is just not seeing the theater 1s or 2s. I think the absence of a person to guide is what scares me. This means working harder to bring people in for auditions and to show them what theater is. Having to be bigger and louder and care more than we ever have. Showing why it's actually "cool" to stay in theater. How small we are pains me a bit after seeing where we were a couple years ago, but it makes me want to do more.

    Immediately thinking that a career in theater could be possible isn't out the picture. Yet, the skills that I have learned go farther than that. Even if I don't know exactly what I want to do I know that I can take what I learned with me anywhere. How to speak and properly voice my opinion or being a leader and not a follower. The character development has been given heavy. Along with being taught better collaboration and confidence I can take away that it isn't wrong to be vulnerable.

    1. I feel the same about it not feeling real here. Especially as a fellow senior, these last couple of years have gone by quickly.

    2. I agree because I wasn't expecting myself to become so molded into a theatre it helped me regain my own confidence

  5. "Why am I here?" "Why am I here?" Well I'm here because I was told that I had to come to school and of course wasn't left an option. So I'm here, isn't that just great?!

    "Why am I here?" Well, I'm here because I can't sing, I don't take interest in playing the piano or any instrument. So, I guess I just ended up with those who may understand me.

    In honesty, I'm here in Theatre because I saw it as an opportunity, not just an elective class that doesn't involve singing or playing instruments. An opportunity to surround myself with individuals who are willing to let go and be themselves. To meet a teacher that would be an example and would help me become better in something that is not Math, English, Science, and History.

    I want to continually strive to become better at acting. To make those around me smile and laugh. To practice until I make that 10 in my Coach's class when we perform, Coach Silvers. It isn't always easy for me to actually do my attempts to be funny without being judged by peers who don't understand or choose to not.

    Not everyone is going to accept me for who I may be. People are going to see me as the weird Theatre kid and put a label out front. I personally have seen people "discriminate" those who are in Theatre and at times I want to just keep quiet about the fact that I'm a Theatre kid myself. It's all in my mind, maybe. Nah, its reality.

    I get tired of people saying, "Oh your in Theatre. Your weird. Hahaha!" Of course that's a way acting can take place. Just pretend I'm not bothered. Well, that's another reason why I'm still in Theatre. I need to work on my acting skills more, improve because I certainly just stare the individuals down until they look at me and apologize or of course they ask me "What?!" With them saying that, I widen my eyes which usually freaks them out and give them hints to apologize. Or I just ask them what Fine Arts they have and be like, "Really?! You have (whatever fine arts they have). Your weird." Though it won't always be easy, I am going to have to take my advice to those I give it to. "Man up bro." or "You fall, get your butt back up." It's all just reality.

    1. I understand people thinking I am weird. Not just because of theater but also Jrotc. People react so strangely to these two programs but I think it is a great time and a great family we have made here despite what others have thought of me.

    2. Weird? That's a good thing, in my opinion. It's just another word for unique. What matters is that you can be yourself and know that there are others who will understand you and may be like you. I'm weird and I like it. "Different breed"

  6. Why am I here? I am here because I want to be of course. The family that has grown from the program is something I love to be a part of. I'm here so I can help. I want to not only still learn about myself but teach others that this is a home. This is a place to grow, or maybe even an escape. I'm hoping to come out a stronger leader to push on in what I am passionate about, even with the foreseen or even unforeseen obstacles ahead.

    There are lots of obstacles. The biggest one is Covid. It has knocked out many programs that need people to be together. It has had a long term affect on my social skills honestly. I don't have many friends still and it is quite hard to make friends again. But I know there are ways to overcome it, I just have to find them. I have also struggled with memory and attention span issues. In my past, there are things that have negatively affected those and it is hard to bounce back from them. I know that this may help with these problems and make my life a whole lot better.

    I can definitely benefit from everything that I've done here. It has made me more comfortable talking to people and authoritative figures. This course has already help me become a better person. I can use it when meeting new people, giving presentations, and putting my best into everything I'm passionate about.

  7. Why am I here?? That's a really good question. I'm not really sure of the reason just yet but it will get to me sooner or later. I don't really expect much for this upcoming year because covid might just ruined it but I'm not about to jinx it so I'm going to stay quiet. This year I hope has a lot of good outcomes because its my senior year I expecting more opportunities and activities for myself. I done already better myself mentally and physically.

    I hope to gain the pride to go into the theatre direction in college if my first career path. I didn't really expect myself to go into theatre until my theatre appreciation teacher told that I did really good in my little performance for my final grade. Me taking the course made me consider that I am capable of doing more then the minor things I usually do. An obstacle that I foresee myself running into is getting stage fright in the middle of a performance. Yes, I know that is apart of acting but that is one of my biggest fears. I try my best to not b e so nervous but my anxiety will try to get the best of me.

    This course will help me in the future if I decide to choose a different path and I want more for myself. Taking these courses in college and also knowing the information that I get from my experience now can help me when I want to have a major in theatre. Always it can help me when I want to do a random scene from a movie out the blue. (; I not sure which career path I want to take but theatre will definitely be my second choice if my first choice doesn't really work out. Even if my first choice do work out and I decide I want to do more theatre I will happily take that path.

  8. Most people don't really expect or see themselves in Theatre. I did not see myself in Theatre. I continue in Theatre because of how much I have seen myself grow as an individual. I love Theatre and plan on taking it next year again.
