Thursday, August 30, 2018

Theatre 2: Stage Production

Discuss your take-a-ways from the Stage Drawing exercise?
(What/So What/Now What)


  1. My take-a-ways from the stage drawing exercise is that it was kind of hard with trying to find the measurements of different things of the theater. The hardest thing for me to measure was the detention of the stairs and the Distance from center stage plaster line to edge of apron.

    The reason on why I say that measuring the Distance from center stage plaster line to edge of apron is difficult is because I didn't remember where those two things was in the theater. The reason why I also picked that to measure was the detention of the stairs because it was really hard trying to figure out how to get the length and the width of all 5 stairs and then putting them on paper

    In conclusion as my first time of doing a drawing of a stage's measurements and putting them on paper to make it ac current is difficult for someone who has never done it before

  2. The take-a-ways from the stage drawing was not seeing the stage visually to compare it. I'm more of a visual learning. In addition to that, drawing without more measurements to get more of a better space when building other things.

    I wanted to make it as close to the real thing as possible. Drawing the plaster like was difficult too. It was hard to mark where it was on the stage and on a piece of paper.

    In the future, I will take the time and measure more than what i'm suppose too.

    1. I also lacked the extra measurements to make my drawing the best it could be. It really made a difference in my final product,maybe we can remind each other to think outside the box during our next assignment.

  3. My take-a-ways from the Stage Drawing Exercise are that paying attention to minor details is key when drawing a replica of a space, there is no room for the question 'Is this good enough?'. Also that looking beyond the instructions results in an easier process and more precise project. You can't be afraid to over step the instructions to complete a project.

    While doing this project I started over multiple times because the finished product didn't look how I thought a ground plan of the theatre should've looked like. I later discovered the reason that my project wasn't to my satisfaction ,after multiple attempts, was because I did the bare minimum during the measurement activity. I didn't read in between the lines of the instructions , and take the extra measurements required to make my drawing. And then some of my measurements were not the best. This resulted in many failed attempts and leaving me unhappy with the project I turned in.

    Overall this assignment taught me that paying attention to details and surpassing the average work effort is the only way I'm going to achieve success in this class.

    1. I also started multiple times because the finish product didn't look right. Maybe we could look at each others next time and see what we could improve to make the finish product look good.

  4. what i learned was to measure the stage and its exact measurement.I learned to do everything carefully and precisely
