Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Theatre 3: Next Up

What Individual Event are you planning to perform in at the next tournament?
What literature will you perform?
Why have you chosen this piece?
What challenges do you face in perfecting this piece?


  1. I am going to be competing in Storytelling for the next tournament.

    I plan to do The Polar Express as my individual piece.

    I chose this piece because it a childhood book that I read and it has some personal meaning with the piece.

    Some challenges that I might face is finding time. I am doubling with Lane. Even though we know that piece we still need to work on it and polish it up.

  2. I will be doubling in the next competition. I will be doing Improve and DI.

    The piece I will be performing is The care and Feeding of Baby birds.

    I chose this piece because it is something different. It is something I have never heard of. It also has to do with the way you look at yourself and sometimes we all struggle with things in life.

    Some challenges I may face is not speeding my words up to get done. I tend to find myself rushing and forgetting lines when I get nerves. Finding time to work just on my lines will also be kinda difficult for me.

  3. I will be doubling at the next competition. I will be competing in Storytelling and Duo Interpretation.

    The solo piece that I am going to be competing with is called "The Shoes that were danced to pieces" by the Brothers Grimm. The other pieces that I have considered were all also by the Brother Grimm. They include: One Eye! Two Eyes! Three Eyes!, The Spirit in the Bottle, and The Whits Bride and the Black one.

    I chose this piece for my solo because I wanted to try something new and I have never read a story by the Brothers Grimm.

    Some of the many challenges that I will face perfecting my piece will be that I start to jumble up my words, I wont be speaking loud enough, and that I will not have enough time to work on both of my pieces. Whenever I start to talk I start to loose my words and then you don't understand what I am saying. I sometimes don't speak loud enough because I think I am loud enough when I am not. I may not have enough time because all of the hard work that me and my Duo Interpretation partner are going to have to put in a piece that we don't know and in something that we have never done before.

    1. Any of those pieces are really good pieces to compete with. I have confidence that you will do well in the comp.
