Monday, December 9, 2019

Theatre 4: Looking at Me!

Discuss something you learned while watching yourself perform on your Webcam.
What stood out the most?  What can you improve? How can you use the video to improve?

1 comment:

  1. I learned a little bit by using the camera feature to perform my piece. What stood out to me was my projection wasn't very good when it was just me and the computer and I didn't emote as much as I thought I was while I was performing.

    I can improve on really relaying the emotions of the piece to the audience and making sure they hear my message. I can also work on pausing to allow the audience to absorb what I said. I want to make sure that when I rehearse, I do it at the same pace every time so that I have a consistent time and I won't have to worry in the moment whether I am going too fast or too slow.

    I can use the video to improve on making sure I am pausing when I think I am, and ensuring that the pause is actually long enough for the audience to understand it's significance. I can also use it to see whether or not I am doing any nervous ticks as in fidgeting. It helps with simple things too such as simply performing in front of something.
